I keep taking Tramadol and it doesn't do jack shit, how much more should i take?

I keep taking Tramadol and it doesn't do jack shit, how much more should i take?
My doctor wont give me something stronger.

>inb4 sezuire

50mg won't cause any seizures.

Tramadol is something like 10-15% as effective at getting you fucked up as most other opiates. That's why they give it to small animals and children and such, it's effective at controlling pain without being nearly as addictive. It also has to be metabolized before it has any pharmaceutical effect, as I remember, so it's got a slow onset. Taking enough Tramadol to get really fucked up isn't a good idea, like almost anything it's dangerous if you take enough.

I'd suggest taking that 100-200mg, waiting an hour, and then masturbating like there's no tomorrow. Like diphenhydramine, a little bit goes a long way towards great fapping

I don't look to get fucked up, it's for pain relief, however it doesn't help me, i already took 50mg, nothing and an hour already passed, i'll wait another hour and take two more.

If that's the case, and you have enough pain that it's an issue, Tramadol will help but a little may not be enough. You may have to combine it with a small dose of acetominophen (paracetamol if you're across the pond) to get the effect you need.

I know that personally, I have enough pain tolerance that if something actually HURTS, there's something really wrong. It also means that a normally recommended dose of anything won't do shit to alleviate it. I'd just suggest you try combining small doses of several things, see if that helps. 50mg Tramadol, a little 100 ibuprofen tab or two, a baby aspirin, whatever works. Small doses won't cause any side effects or drug interactions (except Tramadol and MAOIs, as I remember), and may be much more effective at relieving pain. If it's something like migraines or a bruised/broken bone or something just as bad, a little Tramadol by itself won't do shit.

And by "fucked up" I mostly meant the euphoric and peaceful and "wound up" effects of opiates. By weight, Tramadol is fairly effective as an analgesic but not nearly as potent as some others. 250-300mg of Tramadol has roughly the same effect as 30mg of most other opiates. Wasn't implying the whole point was to get fucked up, just information on dosage

go fuck your fucking self and masterbarting, when you masterbate you fuck up all your dopamine and testostone up. so FUCK YOU.

You seem to have some issues there, sir. Seek help before it gets worse, try to enjoy life a little more

ahahahh im about to kill myself faggot by jumping off pylons.

Thanks, it's already 37.5mg of Tramadol combined with 325mg of Paracetamol, it's an ultracet pill.

I had a surgery and the pain is unbearable, do you know anything else that might be stronger than Tramadol/Paracetamol combo?

There are literally hundreds of drugs that help with pain relief in one way or another, and some of them can be taken in fairly high doses without any risk. Even if it only helps a little, a good charge of ibuprofen now and then might be worth a try. Don't take too much extra paracetamol... ibuprofen is fine, paracetamol will fry your liver. Aspirin works well on top of other things, but again, it doesn't take THAT much extra to cause issues (especially after a surgery, some is good but a lot is bad).

Also sounds less like "good advice", but a little bud can help a lot in combination with the previously-mentioned things. Not "smoke a whole bag", but a few puffs now and then can work wonders. It helped me a lot after I wrecked my shoulder, when little else would.

Tore ALL the ligaments off the bone in my shoulder, and broke my collarbone and the part of the armbone that connects to the shoulder. Literally don't have a right shoulder anymore, to the point that it's very obvious even through clothing (several inches difference between the height of both shoulders). Couldn't even move my arm enough to type for almost two months, was a bitch finding ways to deal with the pain

What would hyperscat even be? Like a giant shit monster that shits shitty shits into a shits shit?

It makes me dizzy not in the wanted way. I ,like , lose my balance when I'm on it and thats it. Shittier drug. Codeine is better.

i switched to codeine from tramadol also, i didn't like the tram high.
OP do you get little brain zaps, or any shocks through your body? If so tell the dr that and say it doesn't even do much all you feel is the adverse effects. They should bump you up to oxy or hydro

Care to elaborate on those shocks or brain zaps?
I don't get them but it does not work, explain these effects so i can tell my doc

I'll be laying in bed trying to sleep, and it feels like i get a small shock, like my whole body sort of feels it and i jolt awake. Anxiety comes with that because i think i'm about to go into seizure mode

Thanks, how good is hydrocodone compared to Tramadol?

i haven't been able to get a hold of any, i just take mid doses of codeine, about 100mg, but i advise working up to any doses of any medication

The zaps are also a fairly common side-effect of SSRI withdrawal, so if you feel you need a more convincing story you could look into that real quick. "Borrow" some anecdotal stories for the good of self.

Depending on the dosage you get, anywhere from "better than" to "what pain?". With the exception of end-of-life-probably-cancer-and-fallingapartfromoldage pains, most opiates in even moderate doses can handle just about anything. They've been used since their discovery for that purpose for good reason, they work

Cut two tendons in my foot, had a surgery and they gave me Ultracet, now i do start feeling "electricity" in my leg, no idea if it's from taking too much ( i just took two more pills ).

I can't sleep, when i move my leg pain annoys me so much i wake up 4 times in night.


bump before death of thread


hey thanks

Tramadol withdrawals are horrendous. Be careful and only take 6 to 8.


how much have you been taking, in MG?

I got "brain zaps" last night, one of them was so violent i dropped my phone and pulled the charger out of the wall
Not from tramadol though

If you're getting high, use like 400 mg tram and a phenobarbital so you don't have a seizure. If that doesn't do it for you you need heavier drugs.

If it's for pain, ask your doctor if he can give you something for breakthrough pain as well as timed release. But if you're upping your dose I imagine you're taking them not how they are prescribed anyway

>when you masterbate you fuck up all your dopamine and testostone up
LOL who is the retard making these claims, let alone the even bigger retards who are regurgitating this horse shit?

>tramadol wd

The zaps only happen when quitting Tram...

90mg so far, and 900 of paracetamol.
other than my leg still hurting and my ears feeling like they're in a vacuum, nothing mushc.

I'm on 100+ days of NoFap and i came in my pants during my sleep, woke and and it smelled like absolute trash.

You're fucking disgusting

I agree with this guy. I'd also like to add that I read dextromethorphan can work as a painkiller at certain doses. You could research that, I'm not entirely certain how accurate that is. Depending on location, you could also go for kratom or try to find unwashed poppy seeds to make tea with. The poppy tea is somewhat dangerous because the concentration of the various pain relieving alkaloids is not consistent. You could also look into myrrh. I'm pretty sure I read that it has painkilling properties but I've never verified that either. There are also probably some research chems you could get but I'm out of date on what's popular and available these days since I sobered up.

Then, there are your OTC stuff like NSAIDs, these things will help a little and some can be taken together since they are basically processed in different parts of the body.

I also smoke a tiny bit of pot for medium or minor pains but it's not something I can do during the day when I'm busy. You might be different though and be able to function fine with a little.

Make sure to do plenty of research on these things before you try them, some can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.

Why lmao

I've read marijuana prevents seizures. Does anyone know how accurate that claim is? And if it's accurate, how effective is it compared to modern medication?

marijuana kills my dude

I forgot to add that drinking real grapefruit juice somewhere between 30 and 180 minutes after taking tramadol will potentiate the opioid effects. Just Google potentiating tramadol to find out more. You also might want to look into which grapefruit juice brands will actually work, or make your own grapefruit juice.

200-300mg is plenty to get well and truly cosy.

would this hypothetically work with all opiates?

>I keep taking Tramadol and it doesn't do jack shit, how much more should i take?
>My doctor wont give me something stronger.

I feel nothing from this until 125mg. My 80 lbs dog is on 150mg per dose. Shitty pills. Kratom is far more effective for pain relief

Could you be a little more specific?

I'm aware that it has caused deaths but it's still at an incredible ratio of users to people killed by it when compared to pretty much every other drug with recreational value.

i'm just bumping the thread, never tried weed don't take my reply seriously.
Hope you find an answer though !

Cold water separation. Look it up

Yes any drug metabolized be cytochrome P450 will have a higher dose under curve response following grapefruit juice. Drink white grapefruit juice 30 min before and some with the pills. This also intensifies bad side effects. Lime , bergamot orange, pomelo and tangerine all have the same chemical in thier inner pith and peels.

hey thanks chemfag. you're the best!

The timing is different. The active ingredient in tramadol basically decomposes into various metabolites and one of them has a very high affinity for the mu opioid receptors. Grapefruit juice inhibits a particular enzyme that generally breaks down most opioids. But tramadol needs to be broken down, we just don't want its metabolites broken down. So you want to drink the grapefruit juice after a good amount of tramadol has been converted to its metabolites. I'm pretty sure it reduces potency if you take it at the same time as the tramadol because the liver enzyme that grapefruit juice inhibits is involved in metabolizing the tramadol into its metabolites.

Most other opioids don't need to be converted to their metabolites to be effective so you take the grapefruit juice with them instead of waiting.

how about caffeine?
also anything else?

Be careful of the friggin tylenol in it if it has it (acetaminophen) - it'll kill your liver quick.

Also, the "metabolize" part of how it works, that's done by your liver too (like codeine) so it all puts a stress on your liver.

Cimetadine (Tagamet) works too in the same way as grapefruit juice.

I don't think caffeine potentiates tramadol. You might enjoy mixing them but I don't think there is any interaction between them, at least looking specifically at impact on opioid receptors.

Sex on it is amazing. But holy fuck is it easy to get addicted to. Luckily I got off it after 2 years taking 6 a day.
I "relapsed" for 1 pill one time and it just gave me the worst headache I've ever had. No pleasure at all. Pretty easy to stay off it now when the most recent experience has been negative.


>My doctor wont give me something stronger.
maybe because you don't need anything stronger.