Is each person born with a already distinct music taste or are there countless possibilities of him getting attached to...

Is each person born with a already distinct music taste or are there countless possibilities of him getting attached to certain sound later on? Is it nature or nurture?

taste is subjective. so neither


If you're really attracted to something you can overcome your environment, but it does usuallly dictate what youre into

Almost entirely nurture I think. You can grow to like certain music. I hated metal when I first heard it but I learned to appreciate the dissonant sounds and now it's my favorite genre.

What gene is it that dictates a person's musical taste?

I grew up with my dad and his band playing all the time in the house. Metal and rock were everywhere for me. So probably nurture.

There may be epigenetic factors that are brought out by the environment, but there's probably no discrete genetic link.

>tfw it's a combination of your genes and environment like everything else
>tfw determinismpill

>He's a determinist

it's both
every single little thing you do is based on both

Well, if someone grows up in the Bronx ghetto, they're probably going to be more inclined to relate to hip-hop than someone who grew up in the Bavarian countryside or something.

>implying Bavarian hip hop isn't the true patrician genre

I doubt it's a certain gene. Often, we relate to the struggles of artists who lived in the environments/cultures we've experienced.

I have a friend who grew up in the Latvian countryside and loves different types of US hip-hop.


who is this semen demon

Pic obviously unrelated to subject of thread.

Proving either would be an extremely tedious longitudinal study, which I doubt most researchers would convince others to fund or fund themselves.


How do you derive anything but determinism from physics?
>inb4 quantum mechanics
All that does is introduce a degree of probability or randomness. That's random will, not free will.

>How do you derive anything but determinism from physics?
>Just please ignore this one thing that throws a spanner in the works trust me I'm a determinist

>this one thing that throws a spanner in the works
Which one thing?
Quantum mechanics? It does not explain or even hint at the possibility of "free will".

Her name is Tipi and she's a teen "model" (idk if she counts).

>Which one thing?
>Quantum mechanics?
>It does not explain or even hint at the possibility of "free will".
I haven't even used the words "free will" until this post. I just know the idea of determinism is ludicrous considering what we know about the human body. Hence, pic related.

>this video
fuck can you link it i haven't seen it in ages

Oh and quantum mechanics of course.

How does quantum mechanics influence your view of the human body?

were all very spechial and unique and we will shape the world with OUR choices
shut up

>were all very spechial and unique and we will shape the world with OUR choices
Normies piss me off so much.

What are you even saying?
Oh no I wasn't specifically connecting the two. But I study the body, and you would be fascinated on all the minutiae that goes on in the body in any second that's affected by temperature, emotion, hunger, etc. It's also silly that since we know something with the probability of randomness exists, quantum mechanics, people still have the gall to go "shit's still deterministic I can't hear you."

typical empericist fucking normie

I give it to the second. When I was like 11 I despised Hip-Hop but when I gave The Low End Theory (My first full album) a listen I fell in love with it and through nearly exclusively listening to Hip-Hop it became my favourite genre to listen to.

its deterministic but there are so many variables that it doesnt feel deterministic

>you'll never have a goddess like her due unlucky determinism

why live

Just reroll your stats senpai.

I think that the way we process the world around us is more nature than nurture; which doesn't mean anything related to our tastes or anything, just that essentially the way we see and interpret the world is probably something that is more related to the physical side of our brians than anything psychological.

So I feel you'll find certain inclinations for certain types of music on certain people, but those are more about characteristics of sensations those evoke rather than anything genre related (as an example, comparing people with a similar way of seeing the world but that grew up in different environments - one in an environment that liked rock, the other that liked hip-hop, for example - both might go for more abrasive stuff, but they will go for different genres).

It made more sense in my head.

Has Sup Forums really dropped to cunnyposting now? Fucking Christ i hate this board globalism

I just read somewhere that she is in the grade 8...

Nurture by far. The music you're exposed to in your youngest ages will play a big part in how well you digest certain kinds of music later on. It's this way with a lot of things. Food, the race of people you're comfortable with, temperature you're comfortable with, how independent you might be etc.

She's too old to be considered cunny, look at her body dude

Nurture 99% of course, music is a human invention it's not something we're born with...if you're born in a tribe in africa where everyone plays those traditional instruments and that's what you have to like, you're gonna like that. They wont be like "hmmm there's some inner craving for some vaporwave shame I don't know about it".


One step at a time.

Please can you link this video I miss it so much

>born into cultured, intellectual household
>hate Rap, Rock and Pop music as an adult
Wow, that was an unexpected turn of events.

Is people born gay or they are nurtured?


what did he mean by this?