

Now we wait for spambot?

Official supplier of the 2017 Inauguration.

still at it OP. is this thread five or six?

It is hilarious that Trump has to pay Nigerians to spam these threads so we don't rip him a new asshole with memes. Wonder what he has to pay them?

Desperation thy name is Trump.


they already have kid.


Do you faggot enablers under that we, America's Nationalist Right Patriots, are never going to let fags operate in our country.

Do you not get that?

It's high fucking time you get lynched and realize who has the guns in this motherfucker. Hint: It ain't the blue states.


He doesn't pay them. He doesn't like to pay his suppliers. But when he does he uses taxpayer dollars.

And remember, THESE are the same assholes that dragged us into two useless wars, collapsed the US banks, and created the Great Recession.

Now they give is Trump, satan himself. Punish these motherfuckers, America. Beat these traitors half to death with your votes. Get rid of Trump and the GOP FOREVER.

fail. try to make it more realistic next time kid.

Reality. There's absolutely no denying it.

Hey spic, they deport your family members or something? Why so BTFO?


I think it's gookmoot trying to spread peace and harmony.


Trump: I am a rapist. A serial rapist. I rape women.

lets see,
the wars obarry kept going and added to.
the banks obarry gave tax payer money to.

LOL. Adios, loser cuck! Remember that Hillary beat you always!

Rape is natural, women need to be forcefully

They don't know what they actually want or


The. Great deal maker can't close or lead. Funny. Weak. Sad.

>inb4 all this losing Trump is doing is is 4D chess

but here you are denying it.

sure kid

Back to mexico.

repeats the same meme.
weak, sad

If you don't use the word TRUMP in your post, you won't trigger the bot and you'll get no Korean bitches. Sad.


Not koreans today

It's over Hillary. Go home


lol. still with these threads? you lost nigger. move on.


posting quotes from an asian fag. You really got us with that one. lol. dickless faggot detected

Loser losing. It's what they do.


Bleep bloop Bleep

Entire thread of ShareBlue bots detected

This is an automated message

Someone sounds a little unsure of his manhood.
Oh, my!


LOL. Too bad, bitch! Live a more upstanding life next time! You're FIRED motherfucker!!


Official catch-phrase of The Trump Year.

White knighting for a politician on Sup Forums.


you're a real niggerfaggot.


sad meme is sad


the story of your life kid.

more sad memes





Spambot incoming

>I'm gonna say rekt because I desperately want him to avenge Trump
>lololol rekt lol

Shut up faggot that shit was lame.


Sup Forums is 100% shitposting.

But the one guy you can't shitpost about without triggering little faggots is Donald Trump.


Do I really have to point out that the only thing sad is that you're responding to every post you don't agree with like a spastic retard?




Looks like they took away sadbot's image privileges.





When the Russian spambots come out is when you know they're really triggered.

Good job OP.












you really are a sad person.
whatever kid.



When you get triggered on Sup Forums and can't make the bad posts go away.


I know, When the Russians and Nigerians start shitposting women, I am spending more of Trump's money.

Gotta love burning up his cash on Sup Forums.


sure kid





Holy shit you sound like a massive pussy

sure kid. what have you done in life?



Is this the same retard or did both of you see the millionth fucking moron say "kid" in every fucking argument and said "me too!" you fucking unoriginal cringey faggots.

same fag


sad that you think you are correct.