>drinking coffee
>drinking tea
Only redpilled drink is energy drinks.
>drinking coffee
>drinking tea
Only redpilled drink is energy drinks.
Other urls found in this thread:
> Savage to your kidneys
> Diabetes bottled plug & play
> "replace" lack of sleep and so a wrong style of life
Yeah, redpilled for sure
>not drinking the historical beverage of our ancestors
>not drinking the eternal beverage of our ancestors
Green tea is the healthiest drink on earth.
I swapped soda for green tea and I've never felt better.
Soda is fucking terrible for you.
tastes like piss with sugar
>drinking any form of the canned jew
try drinking coffee or fagtea while skateboarding. fucking idiots.
Fuck off with this bullshit. Mods?
Hello Monster Energy marketing team.
>drinking stuff that colors your teeth. i will enjoy my sugar free clear colored energy drink ladm8. i need my caffeine, the 2nd drug of white people after cocaine.
>drinking the caffinated jew
how do you know what piss tastes like?
>energy drinks
Fucking retarded.
>This consumable is ESSENTIAL to your "lifestyle choice"
>You goyim wouldn't want to be UNCOOL now would you?
>Only $49.95 plus tax
Do your parents know you are on here son?
without it the enlightenment would have never happened.
delete this.
he doesnt skateboard to travel within town. you either are a fatty or a bike kike.
nahhh. i drink them but i am ashamed
I hope you realize that soda is one of the worst things for your enamel (after wine) and contributes a lot more to discolouration of your teeth than coffee by a large margin.
See chart. ph levels of energy drinks are:
Red Bull – pH: 3.3.
AMP Energy – pH: 2.7.
Monster Energy – pH: 2.7.
Have fun with your disgusting teeth.
this thread is literally full of cuckolds. Soda is as american as you can get faggots, bet you'd love some hippy dippy socialist to come in and take it away.
>Literally a meme drink full of Jewish additives, like sugar and caffeine
Try again OP.
Delete this
enjoy your no gains
Enjoy your double XP, FaZefag
sugar and caffeine are staples of capitalism you faggot.
>If you don't you are UNAMERICAN!
>Only $49.95 plus tax
>not having enough money to drive where ever you want whenever you want
You are either too young to have a job, or some faggot concerned about muh atmosphere. Which is it?
>driving when traveling less than 10 blocks
hello fatty.
I love energy drinks
And i like that the white monster energy zero ultra just came to sweden, it tastes pretty good.
is your daughter being raped by muslims right now? america is the best, only liberals disagree you cuck
Nice comeback Monster Energy marketing team. Really cut to the bone.
Do you really think we are this gullible?
>Sugary soda with a bunch of caffeine, vitamins and useless shit in it
At least get your energy drinks from the health food store, or just take caffeine pills.
its delicious. plus unlike cuckfee and fagtea it has B vitamins.
I think you're a libtard bernie sanders supporter with no life and a wife who cheats on you.
Or, you could
>eat healthy food
>drink only water
>get good sleep
And you'll never be tired and need disgusting caffeine infused drinks to stay awake.
Lad you don't to be that guy who doesnt drink Monster right? You want to have a gf right?
>he doesnt take caffeine before lifting
You will never make it ladm8.
I don't drink semen.
Energy drinks full of hormone altering jew poison. They are the most blue pilled drinks you can drink, it's not surprise mostly man children enjoy them.
>paying to consume acesulfame potassium, pH unbalanced water, caffeine & some artificial flavors
Good goyim, keep consuming that poison
>>Literally a meme drink full of Jewish additives, like sugar
>can in picture says Zero sugar
Try again, Paki.
Actually do you. What do you think the Taurine in most energy drinks is?
[spoiler] Bull Jizz [/spoiler]
It's even worse than refined sugar, it's fucking acesulfame potassium
I enjoy a Red Bull from time to time, especially when I've got tight deadlines for work. Shoot me.
>Paki central calling out paki lite
Try again euro wog.
jewish tricks dont work here.
Degenerate. I'm 30 and I skate to work because its 10 fucking minutes away. I drink caffeinated tea unironically. Shits way better for you than your shit in a can. Enjoy getting massive headaches because you cant differentiate between adrenaline and caffeine while you eat shit trying heel flips. Enjoy paying the doctor for prescribed caffeine pills to whittle you off the stuff.
I haven't had a soda in over a month.
I think I'll have a Dr. Pepper with lunch. Thanks for the idea, m8.
>shilling for energy drink
>not realising milk is the drink of the white man
>only Whites drink it into adulthood
>is white
>makes you tall (Whites being the tallest race)
Just buy some, senpai
And capitalism is run by jews
jokes on you. I have health insurance.
And so is socialism, so what
I hope they're not paying good money for this.
He's not very good at it.
It's got what plants crave.
You need to go back to shill school.
>not taking caffeine pills with l-theanine
Plebs, all of you
Naisu baitu desu fampai
we here at Dr Pepper Marketing appreciate your purchase. WHy not buy a snickers too.
>jewish tricks dont work here
They actually do
Most people are too stupid to think critically on their own
I'm glad Spurs lost today you kike. Fuck the yids.
>jokes on you
>on you
Aren't you the one destroying your body?
>implying skateboarding doesnt do that to begin with.
Finnbros, you must decide once and for all: ES or Megaforce?
top vav
Can you explain? Fucking retard
try sipping a cuppa with your pinky sticking out while skateboarding. kurwa for fucks sake.
You sounds like one of those fat kids that walk with their boards across the street. If you suck dick then yea, its bad for you.
if you enjoy rotten teeth maybe.
just buy some coffee or tea instead of toxic shit in a can? like what the fuck are you even on about you literal fucking mongoloid
Meth is best. Caffeine can make you irritable and uncomfortable in large doses. Most caffeine pills or weight loss supps are not really potent enough to take one and too potent for two until you build a tolerance.
I used to eat stacker 2s all the time.
Yeah fuck the Yids.
>I'm cool right? Hating that jewish football team.
You don't want to do that user.
It's all part of the Coca-Cola family.
Have a nice cup of tea. It was the drink that spurred your country on the path to greatness.
What's a bottle?
Or maybe don't drink anything while skateboarding. Fuck sakes Ricky
>drinking liquide diabetes and chimical shit because it's "in" and got badass logo
thanks for your wonderful dietetic tips america
Sensible life decisions are now considered fedoracore? Why?
You are one to talk since poles drink vodka all the time from handling heavy machinery to giving birth.
Monster energy is owned by jews.
Milk is for the pure
milk is for babies
red bull was started by an Austrian of Croatian heritage and a wealthy Thai dude, it's the better choice
enjoy your heart disease and IBS
>not neutralizing your energy drinks with sodium hydroxide
Does it have sucralose? Animal models suggest sucralose can semi-permanently destroy helpful gut flora (at least 12 weeks, as the study did not continue longer to see if the flora returned).
Organic coffee black is the way to go, plenty of caffeine, and rich in antioxidants.
> manufactured sugar
He's just a meme spewing retard with no substance to back his post m8
>I wonder why american milk is banned in europe
Milk is redpilled as fuck
I only drink this brand, Grass fed, and glass bottled
Because cows are fed nothing but GMO's accumulating toxins and pesticides, while pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, and constantly stressed and flooded with cortisol. American milk is literal poison.
if you buy garbage milk from Walmart or something, its very easy to find quality milk
> google translate
> vavvavvav → > where
I suck it straight from yo momma's teat
Buying $3.99 Canned Jew every.single.day
Fuck off Schlomo
Regardless, the hormones secreted in milk are designed to help a calf grow. They have no place in humans, yet alone adults. There's a reason more than half of the planet can't digest lactose.
Ex gf use to piss in my mouth, it does not taste like monster.
That drink has artificial sweeteners in it, OP.