
that author must feel pretty fucking stupid now that suicide squad grossed over 300 mill domestic and 700 mill worldwide.

>august 14

You are posting an article that is ridiculously irrelevant. The movie already broke even and turned a profit. That's the problem. They are making money off of a shitty movie and won't learn anything from it. The DCEU is shit right now but they are still making money.

>Is this the biggest flop of the year?

How fucking old are you? You only know superhero movies, right? Go back to school or wherever the hell you came from. This movie is near 700 million worldwide right now while shit like Ben Hur flopped hard and you come with this "biggest flop of the year" shit.

>falling for the weak bait

It was a good film


it needed 800 million to even cover production costs. When you count the marketing tie ins the movie is still a billion dollars in the red.

Pretty sure the point was to make fun of, and expose, the journalists with a clear agenda that were looking for any excuse to shit on suicide squad

And people say the anti-DC bias doesn't exist.

It was kino in the truest sense. Though the connectivr tissue had been severed by poor editing, Ayer focused on imagery and style in his scenes.

Ask yourself: could scenes like the Ace Chemical Plant exist in any other medium and still have the same impact?

Compare that to "four guys punch each other at an airport," which would work much better in a comic book or novel where the uninspired visuals could be made up for with increasing panel layouts or language.

>Ace Chemical Plant

stop using that scene as an example of a good scene, retard

it was shit

I haven't seen Suicide Squad, but the majority of the negative critic reviews I've seen have mentioned some shit about sexism or this or that about Harley Quinn. Compare that to all of the positive reviews of Fembusters where the majority of them mention girl power, male haters, misogyny, "amazing" cast etc. Suicide Squad has about a 7/10 imdb score (audience) and 67% user score on RT but a 26% with critics.

We are in an era where people are bashing movies due to their personal political and social beliefs, not on the actual content of the movie. This same thing was happening to video games the last few years. People cried for diversity, whined about sexism, toxic masculinity, and other shit in video games. People would score games bad/good based on how the game treats women, or stars a black man or something rather than if its actually a good game. All of this started dying down in the last year, which now that I think about it didn't Sarkesian start a new web series that doesn't focus on games anymore? Coincidence? I doubt it.

Now the target of these subhuman adult toddlers are movies and television. I'm guessing shit like this will go on for about 3-4 years with movies. Then again the movie industry is already failing, and these cries for diversity have only just begun and they can already see how much money they could lose by pandering to these people with Ghostbusters so it might not last as long. The thing with movies is they don't take no where near as much time to make as a video game, thats why the effects of the grumblings of diversity a few years ago are starting to show up in games coming out this and next year.

sup Sup Forums

He's a consistently excellent director, I think you're spot on to criticise the editing. Seemed choppy and took away from the big moments. Actors brought a lot of life to the characters, some of the best shots are just them doing trivial things.

Definitely agree.

Everything we know about the movie says that originally the movie was structured completely differently, and we've heard that the test audiences criticized the non-linear editing (all the backstory, which was criticized on the final cut do being frontloaded, was flashbacks cut throughout the Midway City operation.)

This is funny, because Deadpool is structured the way Suicide Squad was supposed to be, and in both cases test audiences complained about it. However in SS's case, Ayer was overridden while Deadpool's team got their way. The end result shows which approach would have worked better.

The sad thing is that people try and blame Ayer for the issues, when the leak showed that it was the studio going behind his back (however, they never forget that "800 million to break even" leak, so I guess it's a case of selective memory.)

Still, Ayer is apparently on track to direct SS2, and hopefully the success of SS means that his creative team gets more say in the DCEU as a whole. They clearly understand the characters better than most comic book movie crews, and their visual flair is welcome.

>We are in an era where people are bashing movies due to their personal political and social beliefs
>implying that's not exactly the case around fembusters and all the shitspewing from autists complaining about MUH SIKRT CLUB NO GURLS ALLOWED

I want goobergabers to die

I want blacks to die

Is there a neon sign above you that flashes "IM FROM REDDIT"?

But reddit loves nigs

>it needed 800 million to even cover production costs. When you count the marketing tie ins the movie is still a billion dollars in the red.
nice pasta.

Whether a film profits or not, it's probably shitting WB that they can't break a billion.

Justice League is literally their only hope to do so.

Before studio meddling Suicide Squad was supposed to be different.

Tom Hardy said this.

>“Warner Bros. is my home studio and I love them so I was really bummed out. I wanted to work on that and I know the script is really f***ing alley and I also know what’s gonna happen with The Joker and Harley Quinn in that; I won’t give away too much… it’s f**king alley. And that whole territory is something that I would certainly—I mean, everybody loves The Joker. Everybody loves The Joker. Will Smith is a dope guy, but everybody loves The Joker and that’s gonna, I think, be a very important film for fans.”

And LaBeouf this.

>LaBeouf said Ayer approached him about the role of Lieutenant GQ Edwards after they worked together on Fury. “The character was different initially,” the actor said. Scott Eastwood would eventually be cast in the role.

>“Then Will [Smith] came in, and the script changed a bit," he continued. "That character and Tom [Hardy’s] character [later played by Joel Kinnaman] got written down to build Will up.”

>LaBeouf added that the studio wasn't going to cast him for the part anyway. “I don’t think Warner Bros. wanted me," he said. "I went in to meet, and they were like, ‘Nah, you’re crazy. You’re a good actor, but not this one.’ It was a big investment for them.

>hurrr durr marketing doesn't exist

>tfw you'll never be so salty because SS beat Girlbusters

Man just let it go