Name a more nu-male show.
Name a more nu-male show
Define "numale."
doctor who
This show was good around 2005 - 2012
Yeah, series 6 & 7 were shit.
Last 2 seasons have been pretty good tho (new co-exec producer).
Maybe Sherlock, but by far.
>Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. (Urban dictionary).
By the way, the current Doctor is almost the complete opposite of this.
Rick and morty
Bob the Builder.
hopefully it'll improve after moffat finally fucks off
Your favorite show
So, the majority of Sup Forums and /r9k/, minus the women defending
Doubt it. The new head writer is way way worse.
Mr Robot
>he has never been to /r9k/
no man could be more right than you
i would love to see pictures of people who constantly go on about numales
even on twitter they're all anime avatar faggots
It's projection at its finest. I would bet my next paycheck they look like the stereotypical neckbeard
They look like this
Nah, too masculine and too handsome, not nerdy.
Look at the way he dresses. That communist beard, those liberal glasses, that race-mixing beanie. Disgusting.
Now THIS. This is what a man looks like. Redpilled beanie. Fascist glasses. Conservative beard. Take notes. Learn the difference. Wear like you think. Alpha, and no compromises.
So what differs this term from whiteknight? Because that's the definition of a whiteknight.
What's a whiteknight?
Is it the opposite of a blackknight? Honestly have no idea.
Loofah was breddy great for the first season. Couldn't finish the third, no Alice and random girlfriend made it annoying as hell.
I loved seasons 1-3, but for some reason season 4 just didn't do it for me.
Maybe I'll change my mind on a re-watch (season 4 was just b4 Xmas and my concentration was.. ahem.. poor).
Most of his Torchwood stuff was unironically better than current Doctor Who.
This tbqh.
Finish the third
Nah, 4 was genuinely pretty bad.
Stranger Things
S8 had two good episodes, three at a stretch.
S9 had ONE, and even that felt like it belonged in a completely different show.
If anything it's gone downhill since S6.
>If anything it's gone downhill since S6.
Why don't you just go back to the shitty hivemind general lad.
Female user here.
Rick and Morty
I will try to pretend that you are joking.
>Women have always been strong,
Cunts ACTUALLY believe this
I can't see the appeal of this show except the rather well chosen Doctors. Stories are meh, special effects look pretty bad... I can't believe how this show could survive on the air for decades.
If this is UK's idea of a good show I don't want to know how a bad UK show looks like.
I'm not trolling. I'd really want to know what Uk people see in this show, what makes it so "great" so loved that it has been going on for decades.
I'm genuinely curious about this. Help me understand.
>not a shemale
wtf u fag
>If this is UK's idea of a good show
nigger that's like saying TBBT is the US's idea of a good show because it's popular.
Just watch it faggot
You have to realise it is fundamentally a family (kid) show. It was good as a kid and some of the much older ones are still good but It is pretty cringe and not that great now.
My teen lesbian sister is a diehard fan of NuWho. But upside it got her into the original Who though.
But is Moffat a fan of Dr. Who in the first place? His shit is shit.
It's bad, don't listen to . He's a /who/ regular trying to drum up support for his dwindling circlejerk general. He'll probably reply to this post with another le laffing Capaldi faec image because that's all he ever did in the general too. Never used a trip but his sum contribution to the thread was borderline avatarfaggotry and quite literally nothing else, so you could always recognise him. Maybe the show will be worth watching in a couple of years. Probably not because the new writer has a spotty at best track record. There's nothing of worth to see right now though.
I did watch it. A few episodes of the Eccleston and Tennant seasons. Those guys were good, the show built around them was not from what I've seen.
I tried to watch the season with Matt Smith, but he looks retarded, I couldn't take watching him. Karen Gillan was not enough to keep me interested.
Torchwood Cyberblackgirl was NuWho best grill. Anyone who says otherwise is a commie Reddit faggot.
Matt Smith's first season starts off very weak but is back-heavy. It has several good episodes towards the end, and a breddy gud finale. The next season also starts with a really good two parter. You can literally stop watching after that, there's nothing good until Mummy on the Orient Express and Dark Water in S9, and I don't know if they would be any good without context, but slogging through two and half seasons of straight-up tripe probably isn't worth it.
*Mummy on the Orient Express and Dark Water in S8
It was less shit but still shit.
It's not considered great except by tumblrtards. It's literally intended for children.
>Matt Smith's first season starts off very weak
I hope you aren't talking about The Eleventh Hour
Because if so I'd like to have a word with you
>Matt Smith's first season starts off very weak
Really? I think that's one of my favorite first stories for a Doctor.
To be fair, though, most tend to be rubbish.
>This show was good around the mid-60s and late 80s
I kind of agree. The RTD era was total crap, but it was ENTERTAINING crap. Whether you liked it or not, you felt compelled to watch.
Moffat tries to be clever, which sometimes works. He has great episodes, many of which I consider the best of Who. But also some episodes (admittedly not written by Moff altho he must have authorised the scripts) that have been pretty weak.
>and even that felt like it belonged in a completely different show.
Heaven Sent is the kind of episode Doctor Who needs to have, they need to move into that direction instead of avoiding it.
I'm talking more about the first half of the season a whole. The Eleventh Hour isn't terrible by any means, despite essentially being a repurposed version of the S3 opener, but it's followed by that shit with the space whale, then fucking Victory of the Daleks, then a pretty bad Angels two parter where they just chuck one or two more powers at them and yet make them infinitely less terrifying (especially that bit with that dead guy talking, pretty much ripped straight from Silence in the Library). Then Vampires of Venice which is mediocre but seems to have a reasonably strong following on /who/ at least from what I remember. Amy's Choice is the first properly good episode of that season, and yet no one gives a fuck about it and it's ranked joint last with that Gatiss Dalek clusterfuck. Then the Hungry Earth/Cold Blood which is probably the most tedious Doctor Who story of all on rewatches. Then you get Vincent, the Lodger and the finale which are all good.
>Didn't like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
I really can't stand the current Doctor. He took a show that was fun and turned it into a depressing slog. This is supposed to be Superman, not Snyder tryhard Superman.
>despite essentially being a repurposed version of the S3 opener
WHAT THE FORK are you even talking about
Fuck no. God forbid if I was a child who had to sit through that shit. Moffat has let Sherlock go to his fucking thread, and now he feels like he has to turn Doctor Who into some high drama when it's essentially just meant to be the show with the whacky man who fucks about with aliens. Let's not even mention that contrived as fuck bollocks with Arya Stark deciding to keep calling herself "Me" just to set up that shitty twist at the end of Heaven Sent. That was painful.
>This is supposed to be Superman
No it's not, it's supposed to be a mixture of Quantum Leap and Twilight Zone (but with the aesthetics of Wallace and Gromit).
No. It's supposed to be fun, and not fucking depressing. It wasn't depressing shit until this new asshole doctor.
Nope. Re-watch it, it wasn't good compared to other episodes.
Did you watch DW before Matt Smith? It hasn't always been a happy fun time show. It's one of those shows where the tone changes depending of the episode/doctor/showrunner.
>Hello we are the space police and there is a criminal on your planet and we need you to turn them over and if you don't we'll just kill you all instead
You can decorate it however you like but it's the same fucking plot.
>This is supposed to be Superman
New Who, S1 though 7 were all pretty much fun adventures where everything turns out ok. This newest doctor just tells people he doesn't like them or they are stupid. He's as asshole, and no fun. Thus, he doesn't belong on this show.
Go watch some My Little Pony or some shit.
Maybe you'are the one depresed m80
Capaldi is a lot of fun even more in S9
>S1 though 7 were all pretty much fun adventures where everything turns out ok.
Wrong again, RTD also had lots of episodes with a dark/serious tone. Hell, the Capaldi era also has lighthearted episodes, I don't see the problem.
It was fun and comfy
>Arya Stark
Must watch GoT one day, binge watch the whole thing after the final season. My brother and sis in law think it's GOAT.
Every Netflix Original Comedy
I bet yall watch new Superman shit thinking its """kino"""" or some shit. This is what happened to Doctor Who after this newest doctor. All the fans changed from real fans to these fangirls.
>This newest doctor just tells people he doesn't like them or they are stupid. He's as asshole, and no fun. Thus, he doesn't belong on this show.
That sounds a lot like the ninth Doctor
Let me guess you are one of those grills that doesn't like Capaldi because he isn't young and hot
>after the final season
Half the fun is seeing it live, it's an event. I binged the whole thing at the beginning of S6 and then watched the streams.
>This is what happened to Doctor Who after this newest doctor. All the fans changed from real fans to these fangirls.
Are we in the same universe?
Is 2006 again?
the only bad episode in S9 was Sleep No More
rest was great
You don't really know what you're talking about, go rewatch the RTD era and you'll remember that it also had serious episodes. Then watch Old Who where there's even more dark/serious episodes. It's not just a lighthearted show, it can be both and there's nothing wrong with that.
Also, I don't even watch capeshit.
>I am a literal shitmuncher, please sit on my face again Steven!
Why did the music go to shit around S6-7?
Well I wouln't go that far
>ISIS zygon two parter
oogly, old and grumpy
I didn't mean that the rest was bad
Just not great
>parks and recreation
>new girl
>stranger things
>spring breakers
>before sunrise
Nah to be fair early seasons had plenty of serious shit. The difference was that that tended to be shit like alien invasion with people dying en masse, or people being trapped in parallel universes, or the Doctor crying about being alone and shit like that. Now it's stuff like the Doctor giving a ten minute speech about why war is bad, or his companion getting really pissed off for pretty much no reason at all and being a bitch. The "drama" is insufferable now.
It was shit. And I speak as a Doctor Who fan.
Now look at all the thread
It's basically a Doctor Who thread
Look at these anons talking about it with so many different opinions
Consider it's potential
There is more the see that can ever be seen so
Just watch it faggot
You won me over til the last word.