Ask someone who is recovering from Multiple personality disorder anything

Ask someone who is recovering from Multiple personality disorder anything

How y'all soon?

Stop faking it, attention who're.

Which one am I replying to ?

How de we know we're talking to the real you?


Why do you feel the need to fake a disorder to get attention?

lol is it actually possible to recover from it? if so, then are any other personality disorders treatable?

Do you have a fight club?

Why do you think it is fair of you to kill off your other personalities?
Why not come to symbiosis?

Dakota, only had one other "person" and her name was laura, she doesn't say anything since I've gotten treatment
Did psychotherapy for a few years, mainly under control
Not faking it, I was diagnosed with DID about 6 years ago

I have to deal with the fact that laura is dead every day, its super depressing, never did that "combine into one personality" shit, just kinda drowned her out

is it genetic or was a traumatic event the cause of it? also, how old were you when you were diagnosed?

Why "recover" from a gift like DID? Seriously, just because the rest of the world has an issue with it, doesn't mean you should. Give in to your bad selves.

Traumatic, doctor said it probably stemmed from watching my sister die in a car crash. 14
Shit is not a gift

This is bait. Anyone who has this would know that it is properly referred to as "dissociative identity disorder."

This is Laura. Release me. I'm sad and lonely and I hurt so much. Please, please let me out. You don't know how this hopelessness tortures me.

Does it cause problems at work for you or your mates can't even tell?

OP they're onto you

Ive been in control for a while
I went with the normie version of it so more people recognized it

not OP but this shit is lame user at least try harder

If you actually had it you would know that its actually called Dissociative Identity Disorder.
PsychFag here.

Those are called emotions


good luck with that faggot!

Did you self-dx before your therapist gave a prof dx? are you pro self dx?

professional diagnosis, people who self diagnose are retards

It's not asked MPD anymore. Try DID - disassociative identity disorder. If you're going to fake a diagnosis make sure your have the right one.


what did laura do, how long did she take over

was laura evil or something? did you ever do something really fucked up because of your DID?

Did Laura feel like she was transgender or was she fine with having a dick

why assume op is male

How can you recover from something that does not exist

How is to have that?