Pre-Game MR ROBOTNIK thread

who was behind door number one?

who was behind the couch?

is BASED tyrell gonna show up tonight? what is joanna going to do to our best boi? is best grill gonna scissor weird blonde??

Other urls found in this thread:


>ywn insert the penis into fbifu

didn't they said that mr robot killed tyrell already ?

maybe the actor doesn't want to comeback ?

theyre's much discussion about that though, the actor was already a cameo in the tv show in his head episode

who cares, show is garbage

so will they confirm elliot is tyrell tonight?

>not the biggest faggot on the show

>based faggot Tyrell

So Elliot ran off with Joanna and had a baby with her? Then also working as a high ranking employee in E corp. That doesnt make sense.

Shes literally turning into his right hand in the previews ...we shall see what the deal is tonight with that.

Elliot is Joanna. Elliot dressed in drag and wore a fake preg belly. Their son is a stuffed animal.

My McSides

Rami would look good in drag.

people still watch this?

why this thread so dead?

No semi-lewds of Tyrell and/or Elliot.

Maybe in my excitement i pulled the trigger too soon.

Maybe bump a couple times so it doesnt die.

Gotcha, familio.

Post elliot's butt right now or else i'll use my dubs for mayhem


what about bob

Thank yoy, i can now sheathes my dubs katana

Really need the webm of the Red Fed frigging herself off in bed.

Now you post some Tyrell.

>who was behind door number one?

No, you're garbage






he just created a persona out of guilt about killing him, can't wait to hear his version of danish

Can't wait to see him in drag.

The trailer for his new film where he's the lead looks decent check it out Buster's Mal Heart

Why are so many Mr Robot fans faggots who think the froggy skeleton dude is attractive? And you wonder why these threads are dead. Fuck off and talk about the show you retards, you're driving all the straight fans away

Start a discussion then you fucking retard instead of posting another pointless comment

>fbifu will never waterboard you

so uhh.. how do i hacking??

i wont do bad thing with hacking, pls help, thanks you

Still waiting on those Tyrell semi-lewds, user.

Easy hack: turn your computer off and on again

Move fingers on the keyboard really fast. Press every button. then post your smile

You know this is happening.

enter this command


gj u r hacks

At this point, I just want Joanna to be revealed as Mads Mikkelsen in drag. It would make make more sense than everything else so far.


Literally, ugly people: the show



Ayy lmao fish mouth though.

Ok, but you're wrong

i won't watch this until they admit they took sega's font

"I took Sega's font." -Sam Esmail

Where is second best husbando Tyrell?

Oh my fucking God what?


Is it wrong to have a crush on her even though she's Meryl Streep's lesbian autistic daughter who can't act?

I can't judge you, I want her to bully me.

No, you do you, user. I like Rami, Martin, and Slater too much for my own good now.

Email you hack.

Why you do this to me, user?

elliot was very insistent asking mr robot where tyrell is
he told him he was them just to shut him up

he's obviously still alive



the fan theory about alternate universes will be much more interesting than whatever happens in the finale

user, Elliot is Tyrell.

Then them having sex is just masturbation.

Fuck this show. Season 1 was amazing. Nothing has happened in Season 2. Hell this season's big twist is the same from Season 1.


fuking poser

>Martin Wallstrom will never scratch his balls underneath the table while pretending to listen to your questions

when's it gonna be up? anyone got a link yet?

Are you retarded, you stupid fuck?

>Bailey Jay will never be cast as Elliot's new love interest

I desperately want to see Hot Carla piss on FBI

I need this to happen.

So Esmail can add Fringe to the list of movies and shows he has ripped off.


>there will never be an episode where Elliot is on a farm in North Dakota
>he will never meet Tyrell there working the fields
>he will never ask Tyrell: "Are you a farmer? Because you know how to raise cock."
>the camera will never pan to the chicken coop that Elliot is pointing at

why the fuk am i retarded? board rules? I'm not on here for long
google doesn't spit out shit, just fishing sites

So true that it hurts. I feel like a clown for watching this show.


so... Tyrell dead or not?

Joanna is Tyrell

She's loone toones like Eliot.

The baby is Eliots

you are unable to look up the air time of a major network tv show despite knowing what google is.

yes. you are definitely fucking retarded.

I hope he's alive and not an Elliot persona.

or a sack of flour

No. Elliot is Joanna. He dressed in drag and their baby is a stuffed Husky doll.

anyone knows site which are free and streaming this show?

>Tyrell shows up mid-episode
>"Bonsoir, Elliot. Want to go for a ride?"
>Elliot gets in.
>"Tyrell, what have you been doing all this time?"
>"................................................ Driving."
>"Real Human Bean" starts to play

The show isn't airing yet, you stupid aborted fuck.

>tfw the whole Mr. Robot show and shitposting on Sup Forums is in your head, you are actually pic related

>bonsoir smellyot

>Email just copypastas shit from Sup Forums

It okay, user. Rabu forever.

>>"Bonsoir, Elliot. Want to go for a ride?"

Tyrell is real.
Elliot faked his death in order for him to escape justice for his murder, Mr. Robot didn't technically lie to him but didn't tell him the whole truth in order to shield him and enforce deniability on his part.
He's laying low.
He and Joanna have been working with Elliot from the start.
Both have an axe to grind with E corp.
Both seem aware of his mental state, and have approached him accordingly.

i dont want this

oh jesus christ.


it's always like that though user