Why is he so angry now?

Why is he so angry now?

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He's Sup Forums's new Tom Green.


Because Decker vs Dracula was a flop.

>He's Sup Forums's new Tom Green.
Nailed it in one.

Because he's a SJW, and they're always angry


i just don't think him or eric like their fans

they've done a lot more weird, unsettling stuff than random comedy at this point, but they still have an audience of stoners and weebs and they don't know how to deal

Le random comedy man

I think Dr. San's mistreatment of him is starting to take its toll and frankly I doubt he's truly gotten over Ayaka and the death of TC Jr.

I AM A _____

I liked Tom Goes to the Mayor.

The only decent thing they did, sadly. And Check it Out........

days long past.....*sigh*

Irony consumed him.

>Lost a child
>Lost a wife
>Dekkar tanked

Pick one

Are ya talkin' to meeee?

Is irony to humour what vapourware is to music?

RIP Tom Cruise.

No wonder he's teetering on the edge, playing in a hard rock band and doing drugs.

yes, precisely

No, that's Anti-Humor

hi Sam

i never heard of him apart from when he went on RLM one time

but he has been great as fuck triggering alt right anime avatars and ugly white cunts on twitter. pic related.

better question

why is the alt-right mad at Tim?

>typical autistic-righter

Absolutely disgusting.

I didn't watch his RNC coverage with that other guy that makes vines. Was it cucked?

I haven't watched any Tim & Eric since the billion dollar movie which was so bad it surpassed being so bad it was good to being so bad it's bad again.

that was hilarious though

rats off to ya you fucks

reddit memes reddit memes reddit memes reddit memes reddit memes reddit memes

I love Billion Dollar Movie. For their type of humor, I think they did well with a motion picture sort of deal.

Tim's gotten so deep in his irony that he himself has become sort of a joke. Like, the guy is really struggling to stay relevant, while Eric went on to work with Aziz and stuff, Tim just works better now as a producer/director like what he's been doing with Check it Out

he's a cuck now

prolly had something to do with systemic, institutionalized cucking

Hi, Little Nicky.

His comedy is transcending while Hyde is resorting to name dropping memes on TV.

>I am a cuck

He made fun of Trump once. Anyone who doesn't support Trump is a shill and an enemy who is using their influence to dissuade people from our side.

He got all cucked up on that BBC juice that Louis CK turned him onto

He literally retweeted me twice for calling him a cuck.

>Louis CK

kill yourself


Yeah, that was their best. Other skits are hit/miss, mostly miss.



Not funny to bash a guy that's fighting for his life at this very moment. Hope he recovers from this...

Will he ever recover? From being burnt to a crisp I mean.

He always was a pretty angry guy, I think. It definitely shows in his comedy. I like a lot of his work, but it's always had a very bitter sarcastic quality