Any good or decent sci-fi movies from this century?

Any good or decent sci-fi movies from this century?

Guardians of the Galaxy

Yes, plenty.



Let us see them, s'il vous plaît

timecrimes is the one of the worst movies i have ever seen that most people view as "good"

It's total trash


I must be the only person in Sup Forums that reckons this was the most overrated shit ever. Horribly miscast and made ïmo


Kind of spoilery listing it here (it's that Nolan one, you know which)


It was literally tailor-made for Rockwell, bro


You're wrong.

It's not a masterpiece but it has no plot holes. Except for the time paradox which is inherent in this type of movies.

I read it was awul. Is worthy?



Children of Men

People on here rag on it, but I loved Chappie.

Yeah, it was better than I expected

It's literally "Short Circuit: South Africa"

remove Children of Men and Looper and you're good to go
It's good up until it becomes a Die Artwood comercial.

both of those movies are better than wall-e

They're overrated.
They're not better or worse than wall-e because they're different, i'm not comparing them.
Children of Men can have a pass, but Looper is highly overrated.

i have a feeling this movie will be shit

i have the same question

Looper is pretty much a popcorn flick.
I still hate the people who overhyped it and got me to spend my time on it

I have one friend who says this movie is pretty cool, and the rest of the internet saying it sucks dick. Who do I trust?

It has some great ideas in it.
But the execution is kind of meh.
I'd say it's worth a watch.

Was expecting inception level intricacy (which is pretentious and silly, but its pretty amusing desu) but it just turned into some bull shit about magic...

do go into depth about why you think it's trash

>Was expecting inception level intri..

Holyshit just killyourself.

if you liked her, check out creative control

Ok but i am a very rambling person

I just feel like it's pointless, there are no meaningfull plot points about time travel or deeper reasons for everything the character does, he wears weird bandages and makes weird hand gestures because he saw himself doing it, there is nothing interesting about that. After this is revealed the movies does nothing more to keep your interest or involve you in the story.

>dude the man does bad things because he saw himself doing it and now has to do it to fix time lmao
>dude he killed a person lmao


I was enjoying the movie up to that point. The twist completely took me out of it.

>he wears weird bandages and makes weird hand gestures because he saw himself doing it, there is nothing interesting about that
i believe the movie is exploring time paradoxes and how they come to, while also using the format of showing the entire movie's course of events in the first 10 minutes and then expanding on those first 10 minutes for the rest of the runtime

dunno if i can attribute your lack of interest to not liking time travel concepts in general or if you just didn't like the way the movie presented itself

me personally, i felt that the hook of the movie and what kept me watching was to see how deep the rabbit hole went, so to speak; how far he would go to try and fix his timeline

slightly off-topic but did you watch it in spanish or english?

>and how they come to
how they come to be*, mea culpa

I'll take the bait

This is fantasy

I don't know if you want pure Scifi or not but this is the best example of Cyberpunk aesthetics I've seen in a while. Story is mediocre but it worked for me.

Ex Machina
Edge of Tomorrow

one of the best sf movie of all time

They should remake this with the same actors but have them play batman and wolverine.

Pacing of this was way too slow, trying too hard to be bladerunner, and, desu, bladerunner is hugely overrated anyway.

El aura
Dante 01
Eden log

Blade Runner is adequately rated and only someone with a shit understanding of blade runner would suggest that "guy in trenchcoat hunts a thing" = bladerunner

Is this from the novel by frank herbert?

Not really.

This is good though

Get over yourself, bladerunner had great visuals, the storyline and acting where sub par.

>being this autismal

Hey man people are allowed to like different things.


I saw some user link a short story that he claimed it was based on. I'll see if I can find it.

wasn't good. too bad cause it could have been.

Someone should shop
"What did they mean by this?"

Maybe Looper but Children of Men was really a terrific film.

Surprisingly decent movie mang

For once a tv rec wasnt entirely horrible

can't find it for free. don't have the link he posted but if you want you can check the archives.


>Liked the thumbnail
>Google search
Wtf is welcome to the night vale?


Edge of tomorrow

and this:

A super dank podcast

Why were the 70's a God Tier era of Sci-Fi films?