Is USA the laughing stock of the world?
Is USA the laughing stock of the world?
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Shut up nigger
Here is a real question to start off the thread
Why are cars allowed to drive shopping carts, they get their rear bumpers stuck in the doors.
the worst thing you can do is actually fall for op's bait
not as long as they have these
Yes but only because they allow it.
Projection of force is an amazing thing, just the idea that we can sail up to pretty much any nation and put an entire air-force above it to own the skies makes me gif related
this known since the 19th century
see pic related
You're forgetting about Mexico, India, Turkey, and the entirety of Africa
Is that an American shop? I can't think of any store with single door entrance or exit, let alone one with electic carts
Definitely, being able to knock the shit out of coastal fortresses and cities has been advantageous for a long time, but the degree to which the American Navy can dominate a small nation within hours by achieving air-superiority and having capabilities to knock out defenses before then even seems relatively new on the world stage, at least on this level.
No, it's just one of them.
Right now our national news is about trans people having rights in the public restrooms. Most countries would've just told them to use whatever the fuck they want and to let the country focus on more important matters.
implying this is an argument
>implying this is an argument
Not an argument.
Yep, absolutely... That's why they got invaded and wiped out a long time ago.
Is that why the average American is an ignorant coward?
>Votes for Hilary or Bernie, although they don't understand politics and would not be able to pass a high-school level test on their preferred candidate if they had to in order to vote
>Top issue is trans gender bathrooms
>Protests are either very weak, or conducted by riotous black people, or are stuck in safe zones
Fucking get us out of this rut, guys. I know you guys are far from the average American.
P.s. spiders aren't anglos
Is this delusion of ours safe for the wellbeing of the nation?
>inplying its delusion
We would sooner destroy the planet than be invaded and conquered
You're setting a trend of feeling justified in projecting your armed forces and military bases all over the world. Americans are totally fine with the idea of the USA being the key player in globalist schemes, without america there wouldn't be much of a push towards globalism I think.
We're destroying ourselves, and part of it is because the average citizen doesn't understand the big picture of their everyday lives. It's not helping. They don't deserve to call themselves the best or free, they haven't done shit other than look the other way while our values went down the toilet. While "freedom" means "Gay rights" and "transgender bathrooms" to them, freedom to us means the actual freedoms we were led to believe America still had.
How did she get in?
I can't think of another country than USA with electric carts
You know most normies dont give two fucks about what you just mentioned right?
And America still has more freedoms than the rest of the world combined. I dare you to live in any Euro country with the same mentality we have here. We would be thrown in jail in an instant.
Sup Forums pls go and stay go, Sup Forums isnt much but its above that trash
>Watching reality television
Because we didn't let the Confederacy exist.
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
>And America still has more freedoms than the rest of the world combined.
Yanks are this fucking deluded. You live in the country that founded organizations like the CIA, FBI, NSA, MK Ultra. Your freedom is a fucking illusion, your government does exactly what it wants with you, you're just as fucked as the rest of us on this unstoppable ride into a globalist orwellian one world government, it isn't the 1800s any more. We're all fucked by internationalist elitists.
Just in case you still think your government gives a fucking rat's arse about you;
>Is USA the laughing stock of the world?
Yes they are. It has always been run by immigrants
If those depressed fat fucks could do something useful with their lives they wouldn't be supporting a reality TV host to run their biggest office
Just wait and see them go down even further
You don't get to speak until you have universal indoor plumbing.
Kek it's times like these you miss än upvote option.
>not posting the whole set
So we having a fat hate thread?
I wonder how this thing shits, like can modern plumbing even handle that or does she just do it in the yard?
with Freedom Toilets™
Her expression reflects my feelings pretty accurately.
I've never seen people this fat IRL. Is this like common in US of A, or is this some special case?
they're all over the place holding up traffic with their scooters
pretty common at walmart
fuck off satan
She's so massive I can almost see light being distorded.
It's common wherever US culture is prevalent. In England and increasingly in Germany, too.
It should be illegal to be this fat.
delete this
delete this
>small dicks
>fat as shit
>not white
Man, that's sad
>amerilards getting BTFO
>and then you'll jihad
I went to America for the first time in my life, last year. I thought the fat American was just a meme, but it's sadly not. There are about the same amount of normal fats as other places, but America has another population of superfats on top of it.
So tell us how you really feel.
god bless anglos and god bless the usa
I've had a similar experience. I can't believe they think it's OK.
>bottles with price in Euros
>Potato chips called 'crisps'
>French fries called 'chips'
>"HERR DURP fat amerikkkans"
Lel. The worst are the fatties who have a handicap sign and use it to park at the entrance to a fast food joint.
i see no problem with this there's digestive biscuits
£ is British pounds, stupido.
She a britbong
Englanders are more American than European at this point.
As an American I've never seen a toilet like that, it's got to be in one of those special homes for fatties they're building down in Texas.
In any given walmart there will be at least 1-2 people north of 400lbs, the worst I ever saw was when I visited a WalMart in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, there were dozens of them.
umad cuz freedom
Anyone got the Spurdo of this?
There isn't a single nation in the world right now that could take the US one on one. Only an alliance of multiple nations could have a chance at fighting the US alone.
It's really unfortunate and really annoying to look at to be honest. I can only speak from my experiences, but it seems like the "fast food culture" is changing here. Healthy eating and restaurants are becoming trendier here, but of course there will always be the lower class of degenerate fat people.
I feel like central European countries like to laugh at America to deflect attention regarding how truly fucked they themselves are.
It certainly isn't the mood here, but when Merkel or Hollande appear in our media, there is nothing but laughter and disdain.
Around 2005 or so they started putting scooters in all the stores, they're supposed to be for old people but the fats started riding them and now the old people won't touch them out of shame because they're associated with fat lazy fucks. Pic related is 27 years old.
>Watch how fat I am
Jesus Christ.
Yeah amerilards are pretty fucking obese
You need a serious change in philosophy, I think.
These superfats seem to believe civil rights are there to protect their sloth. The opposite should be true.
Is everything bigger in US because it NEEDS to be?
I: How did you get from the 50's paradise to this shithole so fast, burgerclaps?
I wonder what you could have spent those 2 trillion dollars on if not engaged in fucktarded wars
Finland you haven't even begun to go down the rabbit hole that is 600 Going on 700
You are way more fucked than we are, Bongman.
>it becomes easier and easier every day to get off by fucking my own fat lard
Ok I'm done. Later.
Really, Mehico? You think you are better?
dat ass
As we speak, your women are applauding the arrival of trains full of rapefugees. Meanwhile, we're debating whether to re-home 5000 unaccompanied children, whilst accepting no lone men.
It still blows me away how a jet can slow down fast enough to just stop on one of those without falling over the edge
I don't think this is what they mean when they talk about "gains"
Oddly have not seen one fat person in any of the Syrian war videos I've watched. They all must have gone to Europe to maintain their diet.