Tell me you're movie ideas

Tell me you're movie ideas.

A TDKR prequel about CIA.

I am movie ideas

Sup Forums is deleted

but i am not

A man gets killed by a ghost but becomes a ghost himself and seeks vengeance now that he is on the same plane of existence and hunts the other ghost down and beats the shit out of it

>all of earth's blacks, mexicans, and muslims get deported to another planet by the newly elected president of the planet
>they are permitted to bring nothing, although a few of the brighter blacks smuggle some advanced math books along
>fast-forward 500 years
>earth is living in perfect peace with the absence of mongrels. only whites live there
>suddenly, several darkly shaded, phallic shaped space ships appear in earth orbit
>the new mongrels, with their vastly superior technology, have returned to usher in an epoch of absolute White Male servitude and endless rape sessions of white women
>the shallow graves of all white males are painted in mongrel semen

6/7 would watch

RIPD was such a great film.

>Sup Forums gets deleted
>makes 1000 sock puppet accounts
>everyone gets redpilled
>Sup Forums is finally useful

Movie #1

Adam Sandler is a successful rich L.A. lawyer who has it all. Cars, parties women. After a little mistake he ends up getting sued and loses his money and business. Now broke and homeless he has to move to Oregon to his redneck cousin's farm (played by Adam Sandler) who he despises. Hilarity ensures. He struggles to live with the simple country life, but at the end he learns to respect his cousin and with the help of his cousins inbreed family he clears his name and regains back his business as a lawyer. THE END

Movie #2

Adam Sandler is a brilliant cloning scientist who accidentally ends up cloning a female version of himself (played by Adam Sandler). He has to now share his life with his female clone who is the opposite of him a raunchy, slutty, crude, illiterate and alcoholic. Hilarity ensures. Cameo roles by Amy Schumer, Robert DeNiro and Corey Feldman.

Good one user. But what if it's a spoof off slashers and horrors? You know people love those. Have it start as a typical horror movie about the guy in question being chased by a gimmicky ghost and then 10 minutes in he gets killed.

And that's where we reveal it's actualy his origin story as a horror movie villain. He dies and ends up in this resort-type place where all the movie villains (or their spoofs, depending on whomever we can buy) chill out in between movies or whatever.

And the real twist is that he doesn't care for killling innocent but he wants to kill his killer. And we dump a truckloads of reversed tropes on it.

I'm callin Kevin James asap. Fuck I'm good.

Liam Neeson plays the defenestrator, a ex-CIA agent called back into the field to destroy a rogue CIA-unit, and only defeats enemies by hurling them out of windows.

pedoph-isle: a plane filled with a young female volleyball team crashlands on a convict colony populated by pedophiles

I don't really have a plot but I would like a movie that dealt with the future where our planet is fucked, and there is a new space race for the colonization of a nearby inhabitable planet, and it plays out like a political/war movie about the new lines drawn in the sand on how that planet will be divided. The planet would be smaller than earth and we're already dealing with an overpopulation problem on our planet, it assumes that many nations have developed a far enough space program in the future to be able to colonize part of the planet so the movie would basically deal with the fight for land on the new planet

>Mel Gibson directs and stars in Punisher movie
>Make it John Wick style in the sense that the plot dosen't really matter because it's Mel Gibson

>Punished Mel vs the Jewish Mafia and Pedowood

I'd watch it

News station mapping the outbreak of a zombie apocalypse/alien invasion with live reports from all around the world and interviews with experts. Most of the movie would happen in a news studio.

My friends and I have the basic story structure down for Fast and Furious 11-14. I almost don't want to reveal it here cause this shit is money.

>Gary Busey as Jigsaw
>Donnie Yen as main henchman
>or if you wanna make this is in the mcu then bring back george saint pierre as Batrok
and maybe get that one guy from MI:RN to play a mob boss if no gary busey or if no donnie yen then get some actor for bullseye
make it 80's action style but not to dark so it dosen't become edgy

A NEET goes out at night on a motorcycle and beats up gangsters because he overhead the waitress in the diner he autistically frequents say something about how she hated all the gang crime in the city.
When he gets ingamous on the news for being a vigilante, he overhears her say she disapproves of his violence and realises women are a meme. Then police enter the diner, looking for him, and he jumps on his bike and disappears into the night.

A road trip coming of age movie about a gang of friends who hit and run someone early in the movie and then just continue their trip

I'm already on the phone with Ryan Gosling

is this literally Refn's next movie?

Adam Sandler All Stars: a crossover movie involving every character ever played by Adam Sandler. All characters get to use their skills to save the day at some point, so there must be at least one football game. The fact that they all have the same face is never brought up.

>only defeats enemies by hurling them out of windows
Does he fight the final boss in a windowless room?

That's the final battle. He has to overcome his bad habit of throwing people out of windows, and kill someone a different way so that the CIA can give him his job back for real.

Romcon about a basement dwelling NEET trying to hook up with the cute young shrink his parents paid for him.

>He has to overcome his bad habit of throwing people out of windows, and kill someone a different way
I thought he would just solve it by punching a hole in the wall.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen
He seems like a beta irl too

Death comes to collect a guy's soul. Guy begs for a chance to say goodbye but Death just brushes him off as he's heard it a million times before.

As they're about to leave Death grabs the guy's soul and stops him - there's a news report about a natural disaster on the tv. Death rejoices; all those people who died out of turn, he'll be allowed to deputise some other spirits to reap the victim's souls, and since nobody will audit his records (he's fucking Death after all), he sends an extra deputy to carry on reaping the list.

Now it'll take 3 days to clear the backlog, so Death has his first vacation since Hiroshima. But the guy can't be reaped or the universe will know Death has sent another in his place. Sio they hang out and watch the guy's tv for a while.

The guy is melancholic, so Death tells him to go buy some beer, making him corporeal to do it; a guise to allow him to go say goodbye to his loved ones - Death's efficient, not cruel after all. As the guy leaves, oblivious to this act of kindness, Death conjures a bottle of beer, calls him a moron, and then flicks through his teevo.

The guy finds his financee and together they spend the next 3 days doing all the stuff they always planned to, and looking for ways to convince Death to spare him - meeting people who came back from the dead on the operating table, psychics and religious leaders in funny hats.


Eventually they have a pan and return. Death has been watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians apparently and is shouting at them on the tv. They present their proposal and Death coldly cuts them off. When they protest, Death begins a rant about people; how they refuse to accept their fate, how he resents them for making him the fucking bad guy, how he remembers ancient cultures who worshipped the earth and thought of him as an abstract, not the robed revenant their collective consciousness makes him now. He condemns the guy for being so ungrateful given the small mercy he showed hi due to the circumstances.

In the end the guy goes with him, solemn and sad and his fiancee cries. Death is stoic and cold, but as they pass through the barrier there is an audible suggestion, that what is on the other side is more than the empty End that had been suggested - that Death's slight allusion to people's perception of abstract concepts defines their existence, and that the hope, strength and dignity he showed in accepting his fate has rewarded him with something far greater.