How would Sup Forums direct a GTA movie?
What game would they adapt onto the big screen?
How would Sup Forums direct a GTA movie?
What game would they adapt onto the big screen?
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Vice City would be my choice.
London tbqh
We already have great mob movies. Lots of them.
GTA is good for a video game, but it'd be a shitty imitation of a real gangster film, so just let it stay a video game.
done, scareface
London kind of makes the most sense. Vice City through V has just a filmic storyline anyway an adaptation would be kind of a wash
Ballad of Gay Tony.
Change the characters if you want, but Luis/Tony/Yusuf is the perfect trio for a comedy heist movie.
I think Leisure Suit Larry would be OK as an adult cartoon comedy but it's doubtful any studio would get behind such an idea. Maybe after the success of Sausage Party?
Monkey Island would have made a cool animated film too but then Pirates of the Carribean came out.
Gabriel Knight snd Broken Sword would have been cool too but then DaVinci Code came out so the whole Holy Grail thing is old hat. GK could still work but they'd need Matthew McConaughey in the lead and wouldn't be able to adapt the first game because that's basically Angel Heart.
Hitman 47 COULD have been interesting if it was something akin to No Country For Old Men with the character silently working things out and minimal action scenes. They needed to have David Bateson in the lead for that one. But then they fucked that up twice by trying to make it a huge action series.
Forget my actual point amongst my autism.
I was trying to say that not many games would work as films. The ones I mentioned might but only cuz they weren't action games. GTA as a movie would suck as much as any other video game movie
problem with many video games is that their stories are bland as fuck
it's only interesting because you play a character in that story
Clyde is fucking boss.
These are correct but if I absolutely had to do it I'd just turn up the fanservice to the max and have as much fun as possible.
2012: 40-year old CJ agrees to an odd job with V's protagonists and they fly to Liberty City to meet with the last two guys from the crew: Nico and the mute. The plan is to kidnap the legendary Vice City mob boss Vercetti who's in the city for some business. They execute the plan but it turns kinda shit so now they have to run through the city, ocean and the desert to get him somewhere or something. Game rules with tanks in the city and teleporting to hospital after death apply.
Would be better as a sort of Crime Action Quantum Leap TV series where you can set up a universe that homages and develops a platform for narratives. Films are just too short for the potential.
GTA 4 would definitely be the best one.
The main story is pretty good, just have Nico execute the guy who betrayed him during the war and then decide not to do the same thing with Dmitri which leads to Romans death.
Would made a solid movie imo.
Saoirse should play Kate.
>San Andreas
Literally the only answer
Id travel back in time and adapt vice city, id call it scarface
I would love to see this.
4, for the billy redface
2 hours wouldn't be enough
they could even do a season based off of each game
Vice city.
I'd make a very stylized vice city and make it have a fun tone mix with some action and drama (think bad boys 2)
Cast GTA characters
>just have Nico execute the guy who betrayed him during the war and then decide not to do the same thing with Dmitri which leads to Romans death
the patrician GTA IV ending
Honestly, there are already tons of movies that are essentially GTA flicks, or flicks GTA borrowed heavily from to fill out their paper thin plot lines.
Looking for that GTA V feel? Take a look at some Michael Mann movies like Thief, Heat and Collateral.
Vice City? Scarface obviously. GTA III? Goodfellas, Godfather.
I'd also recommend The Usual Suspects, watched it again recently and the whole time I kept thinking about how it's basically a GTA movie. Same for Thief. Caan's thief Frank is essentially a GTA protagonist.
For an actual, legit GTA adaption, a movie wouldn't be enough, it would have to be a TV series.
I'd call it Carlito's Way
mosquito man as Nico
What about Gay Tony?
>protagonist is a bouncer, muscle for a gay "drug lord"
>he's gay just because he likes dick, terrible person in every other regard.
>story revolves around keeping his boss out of trouble and keeping the club in business.
I guess boogie nights is a bit similar in structure.
That's the way I think it was meant to end but yeah GTA is meant as a parody of the american dream, it's meant to take the piss out of capitalism, consumerism and american excess by showing that a small time crook becoming a crime lord is the truest form of the american dream.
It would be tough to get the tone right, I don't think there would be enough time in one movie.
If Claude Speed was the protagonist it would feel like a 3rd person hardcore Henry. Still... It would be a good movie.
why are Sup Forumsedditors so fucking stupid? why do they keep making this thread?
there are already a ton of films and shows out that influenced these games
San Andreas
Director: José Padilha
heat already exists
Clive Owen could be Niko
Because derivative Fiction makes billions of dollars.
The GTA movie already exists, it's called Crank
>GTA movie
That's fucking retarded. GTA itself is basically a mix of movies.
I really enjoyed ballad of gay tony story.
I feel like a a gta movie would work best as a fun over the top crime movie as opposed to a serious dramatic one
The Town was basically Gta boston
Gay Tony would work. A trilogy of GTA 4 movies all centered around the diamonds would be very interesting to see.
>it's meant to take the piss out of capitalism, consumerism and american excess by showing that a small time crook becoming a crime lord is the truest form of the american dream
a lot of mob/crime movies do that, it's part of what's ingrained them into American culture, along with the real life mobsters themselves. It's the American Dream manifest. And that's why GTA is sort of unique, it brings that into a video game world. The problem is that the stories of GTA are heavily, heavily influenced by these movies, so you'd be making a movie based off a video game that essentially reworks crime and mob movies for the basis of it's plot.
In stead of making video game adaptions, someone needs to just make more mob movies that are worth watching and not trash
Where are Trevor and Franklin, why is the only V protagonist there Michael?
Very much so, chalk that up on the list of movies we already have that are essentially GTA
I was wondering the same, it was made in 2012 so maybe only Michael was revealed
Chinatown wars.
It's better that way
for me what made gta unique was it reflected the sociopolitical climate of the era it was in.
>Vice city was parody of American 80's culture.
>GTA 4 was a parody of the Bush-era
Many people in this thread are saying that a GTA movie shouldnt be made because itll be just another crime movie, when i think what makes gta unique is that its a parody and critique of the era and city its based on.
>Crime movie automatically makes it a Gta movie
and then there's this retard.
GTA is a parody of mobster movies.
>Monkey Island would have made a cool animated film too but then Pirates of the Carribean came out.
POTC literally IS Monkey Island. Like they were going to make an MI movie before they switched.
I personally think a Psychonauts or Grim Fandango movie made by Laika would be generation-defining.
>stories are bland as fuck
OK, let's see:
Spiderman: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
Dirty Harry: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
Batman: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
Rambo: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
X-Men: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
Watchmen: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
Platoon: bad guy does bad things, good guy has to kill him
It's like you haven't seen a Hollywood flick in over 30 years.
>What's conflict?
This 2bh
I honestly just want Grim fandango to fade away now. When I was in highschool I was mildly excited for the Burton/Pixar rumors , but that was before Alice.
Laika would be amazing, but Tony Plana couldn't headline it and double fine has a shit reputation in the circles that would watch the movie.
Oh god. Disney still technically owns it though, right?
This Game was just smooth as shit.
Even played it to 100%, just because I loved the setting and characters so much. Collected horseshoes and oisters and shit.
but the games are already heavily influenced by tv, vice city was scarface and gta v was sopranos, heat and breaking bad
>gta unique was it reflected the sociopolitical climate of the era it was in
This is part of practically any mob movie worth its salt. From the Godfather, to Goodfellas and Casino, to Sopranos, down to Killing Them Softly and The Friend's of Eddie Coyle. Stop pretending GTA is this unique lightning in a bottle type deal.
This shit works great for a game, but as a movie it would be just a generic heist movie.
Also pic related best GTA.
Really shitty 40's movie with Humphrey Bogart. Basic plot is: Bad guy does bad things, good guy has to catch him
directed by Guy Ritchie
Directed by Justin Lin
>making films of games that homage/parody already existing films and nothing else
for what purpose?
We get to experience what it is like to explore something we're already familiar with like we
haven't seen it before, as we travel alongside Niko Bellic on his escapade for a second chance at life
If only I could cast Anton Yelchin as Niko Bellic..
>Ed Skrein as... someone important
Need someone goofy as Roman, but that one is a little difficult
There's one issue with that: San Andreas is way too big.
It should be a mini-series.
Maybe a Netflix Series?
Liberty City would be the most logical setting with Vice City and Los Santos being sequels.
GTA cinematic universe would either be really good or really bad.
Surprised to see this so low.
>What game would they adapt onto the big screen?
GTA IV is objectively the worst GTA since GTA III, why the fuck would we adapt that trash?
>If only I could cast Anton Yelchin as Niko Bellic..
>Anton Yelchin will never play the gritty lead in a dark crime saga
fuck I didn't even know how much I wanted this, unfortunately I have to settle for Alpha Dog ;_;
Agreed. GTA: SA was probably one of the only games ever made that is objectively perfect. You MAY be able to get away with saying the world is "too" large, but honestly that is more a positive than a negative (unless you want to just race through the game super fast, but then again that's not the point).
Man I remember playing GTA SA on my brother's computer when it came out and thinking the graphics were top notch. Damn how times change fast.
just because "better" games came out after it doesn't mean it's shit. That's like saying the Godfather Part I is shit because of Part II's release
I spent a whole summer just living in SA when it came out because I was sick. I have stronger memories of that game than some years in my actual life.
>GTA IV is objectively the worst GTA since GTA III
It's almost like you've never played V before.
V is far superior to IV, in just about every way imaginable.
But it is shit. Just absolutely shit.
SA > VC > 5 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 1
Except for all the shit that was added in TLAD and BoGT, to return to the true "GTA experience" that was then inexplicably cut from GTA V so they could piecemeal it out at a premium as online DLC. There is so much obvious and simple shit missing from the single player its sad.
And not to mention that GTA V will probably be the last GTA with single player, it's a safe bet that every GTA from here on out will be the "worst" GTA
without 3 there is no VC or SA. The 2D GTAs are absolute shit. GTA III was a fucking masterpiece and changed the dynamic of the industry when it was released kiddo. But your mommy was probably still changing your diapers when III came out so all is forgiven child
GTA IV from the perspective of Little Jacob.
We could start by giving GTA it's own original idea. Can't make a movie that gets its ideas from movies. Same goes for Metal Gear.
>The 2D GTAs are absolute shit
no they aren't
>i-it was good when it was r-r-released!11!1!!!
>s-s-s-soo it's good n-now!1
end yourself
without God, there is none of us. get fucked with your shit reasoning for liking III, which is only like for nostalgia.
>The 2D GTAs were shit
>3 was a masterpiece
Are you sure you're old enough to be on this site? I was born in 1988 btw.
>tfw babbies will never know how great 1, 2 and London were
They are
>i-i-i-i-it isn't g-g-g-goood now so it n-never was g-good
what kind of shit tier reasoning is this? VC and SA are both dog shit now too
This'd be real cool to see as a full movie
so was I faggot, but I never played the first 2 until 3 was out. So they might have been good when they were released, but they weren't still good years later when 3 dropped :^)
Would every mission succeed in the first try or would there be retries?
> All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!
>VC and SA are both dog shit now too
Oh, so you were b8ing this whole time. I'm embarrassed to say that you actually got me, but I'm glad you played yourself so I can stop looking foolish now.
Just do a full length version of the GTA2 intro. Don't give the protag any redeeming qualities whatsoever, make it totally clear that he's a psycho who's in it for the lulz, as we follow him around watching him perform odd-jobs for all the gangs, as tensions rise among them. Subplot about a legit paint shop that transforms into an illicit pay n spray after dark or something. Protag dies in the end with no fanfare whatsoever. Movie begins with protag getting out of a hospital bed as a nod to the infinite lives mechanic.
It's not about the game quality
How a game works=/=How the movie would be in an adaptation
GTA IV has one of the better, if not the best story out the games, and delivers the second best vibes, just under Vice City
We already have 'Crank' anons
>steals cars
>fucks hookers on the street
>kills indiscriminately when people get in his way
Sounds a lot like GTA to me
Clive Owen looks like Claude, though.
Are you going to sit there and tell me you play VC and SA at present and not only enjoy it, but still find it as great as you did over a decade ago? Sad
obviously SA > VC > III, but that doesn't mean III is dog shit you fucking clown
a movie would suck, i'd like to see a mini series.
Prob. GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas setting would be the best choice, because VI and V are too much LOL POP CULTURE
2 is still very playable and enjoyable, whereas 3 is a piece of dogshit.
>GTA IV has one of the better, if not the best story out the games, and delivers the second best vibes, just under Vice City
wrong and wrong
that's a pretty cool opinion you have there
>doesn't enjoy playing SA
not him but I can actually appreciate VC more now that I have played more games. It's a masterpiece.
literally could not get any more reddit up in here, congratulations
Let's just get this outta the way now.
Games are trash and a hobby for a literal manchildren, games have no good plots or depth, all of them are childish and just parodies of adult entertainment, this is why all movie adaptations of games failed miserably, i.e. Hitman, Doom, Postal, Resident Evil just off the top of my head.
These are just two completely different mediums, one is for retarded mouthbreathing manchildren who like to point and click and the other one is for adults who can appreciate a refined plot and character development, so you can't mix the two.
I enjoyed playing it over a decade ago, when it released. Why would I still be playing it?
I just fail to see how III is dog shit, it changed open world games forever.
The atmosphere in GTA IV was outstanding. Maybe not as nostalgia-fueled as VC, but still
V's "story" still pisses me off so bad to no end. It could have been amazing, spectacular, but instead they just went full retard with it. So many things about V still piss me off.