>the bad guy is a white male
Damn, I'm looking forward to the Empire getting enriched in Rogue One.
>the bad guy is a white male
Damn, I'm looking forward to the Empire getting enriched in Rogue One.
If he was black you would cry about blackwashing the empire
>the Nazi allegory is white
Whites are the only race of people capable of such roles, nobody would believe a black man was in charge of anything, and if he was people would just assume its some nigger puppet
How bout an asian woman, real uptight, lucy liu style. Might work.
The character also seems intelligent, which you would be whining about if he was black.
Why is being a villain a bad thing? Why employ the same "crocodile tears" tactics as the feminists and BLM groups?
Sup Forums wanting more diversity in an inherently racist organization.
Glad we're all living in the CURRENT YEAR now.
Read my post again nigger.
In the end of rogue one a white girl besides a black man followed by a asian girl and brown man tell the audience that they have avenged the people and liberated the galaxy as they ended "Star Wars"
The next shot is them receiving medals by a female arab captain wearing a burka
This is the future you chose famalam
You don't care about Star Wars, you only care about getting triggered
They really are exactly like the tumblrwhales.
Spotted the jews
>Get caught being a hypocritical blubbering faggot
>Le butthurt Jew retort
>Oh no! I've been completely called out for being completely hypocritical!
>"S-S-Stupid jews!"
>lets get some shitposting to bump this thread
You got it senpai
Literally one second apart! Holy shit!
I haven't, tho. I care about Star Wars and hate to see it getting turned into Safe Space, if you catch my drift.
>Do whites "love their enemies"
Go to Sup Forums to find out
>I care about Star Wars
No you don't
>I care about Star Wars
If you wanna be territorial about a franchise then get some fucking taste. Star Wars attracts women because it's comfy and plebeian. Of course you're going to have to share the sandbox if you slum it out with shitty movies.
>you can't complain about one of your favorite franchises getting CURRENT YEARd or you're a hypocrite
Ok senpai
You are complaining about a WHITE VILLAIN in the fucking empire
this is my last (You), be more subtle next time
False equivalency.
I can see the footprints in your back pedaling. You're trailing mud and shit.
>star wars
>two good movies and some good video games
>favourite franchise
no wonder ur a fucking altistic right
You get no more (You)s from me
You're done
Star Wars has always been progressive for its time. Again, stop following shitty franchises then complaining when you have to share the sandbox with the other special kids.
You would've bitched if they casted a Jew as the main villain. You people are never happy. You people need to be exiled to an island with SJW
Fucking this.
God knows, we cast a female stormtrooper (FUCKING INSIGNIFICANT STORMTROOPER), and ya'll lost your shit over that!
Vader was a white male.
Vader was a black voice who went through MJ treatment and came back in touch with his kid after all
yfw Star Wars was an auto biography on the lives of nigger children who have no fathers
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Empire originally always white guys?
Xenophobia of non humanoid aliens is kind of a big deal for the Empire.
The Empire was always Nazis in space.
Or did we forget that the Imperials were always British guys like this?
>from an image that didn't exist until 2014
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Empire originally always white guys?
Yep, but it was good with white protags, without "kebab sidekick" and "black mentor"
the empire in star wars get their inspiration from the Nazi army. in star wars, black humans are from another planet than the white, the empire did not accept recruits from other races than human in the time rogue one is taking place. it would be unlore friendly for it not to be a white male. it is also why there were a black storm trooper in the seventh movie because the empire eventually started to accept different races in their army.
they did this after the planet of jabba the hut boycotted the empire for lack of diversity
Honestly, I don't care that the Empire is made up all of white guys, they've ALWAYS been space Nazis and white it's not touched on in the movies, the EU made racial purity a big deal of their ideology.
What kind of triggers me, though, is that there isn't a single white male hero in Rogue One. Not one. In the entire group of a dozen heroes, it's all mudslimes and chinks and spics led by a white woman. At least TFA had the original OT heroes alongside the new diversity hires (who were actually quite good characters regardless), Rogue One really seems like they're trying to push the good guys=minorities bad guys=cis white males
In Force Awakens, the First Order are all kinds of races, though strictly human. I think in a multi species setting it would make sense for the racism equivalent to have say humans considering themselves more clean and superior to others regardless of their own diversity.
He's a disciplined, intelligent commander and presumably a good tactician and leader. Of course he's white.
Suspension of disbelief only goes so far, you know.