ISIS attacks Israel

ISIS is going to attack Israel from 2 sides any day now. Tanks and artillery from the south and soldiers from the north. Somebody is going to die very soon.

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What? That's good news, kikes are dying.

That's not true. Why would ISIS attack its greatest ally, and the only apartheid state in the Middle East?

the kebab will be carbonized before he could say Allahu Akbar.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you

because they have Israel surrounded and they say it directly in there videos , promissing the liberation of the Palestinian people.

It's like they want to die. What are they even thinking? Israeli jets will blow them up to smithereens.

Israel is going to be circumcised.



>ISIS who can barely hold onto land fighting in fucking Iraq wants to attack the most powerful army in the Middle East


And Turkey will become another Syria .
If Israel brings war to own territory they are fucked.

bullshit. they won't say pls

I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of an attack on Israel assuming this shitpost by OP is real.

Even if they dont make any major advances against the Israelis. The amount of new recruits, and money pooring into ISIS is going to dwarf anything we've seen as of yet.


You saying ISIS will get more money because of this? Who will send them the money?

diverse muslim Gulf States, such as UAE, Qatar and the greatest burger ally Saudi Arabia

Well they are fighting how many countries ?
Amrica, Israel,Turkey, Russia(that already withdraw is troops fom Syria ) France and other actions and can't put end to this.
In Canada you dont have 20 fighters commiting 10 suicides and moe peer week and some of them from your country

Saudis are ally of america though.

ISIS is a bunch of bearded terror tourists from Europe. They can wage war on Arab countries that are rife with corruption and cowardice, but they don't have the balls to attack Israel.

that's exactly what I said, muhammad

This could be the greatest thing I have witnessed in my entire life.

Saudis hate israel? Why does america sell em jets then?
What you mean?

>any day now

3 years and counting...

And Israel will smash them like the useless insects they are. Not a fan of Israel, but defense is kinda their forte.

wrong. ISIS doesn't recognize the PLO because its leadership is "kuffar". ISIS doesn't care about Palestinian people.

It meanseems that me and Michael Jackson have our popcorn ready.

I'm rooting for humanity.

Yeah right.

IDF would wipe the floor with ISIS.

Explain the metaphor. You want to see IDF in action?

So many dumb retards ITT. Israel is ISIS and they only need to be a victim. They are terrorising the whole middle east so they can expand their country to the "Greater Israel" status.

Kill the kikes.

Maybe ISIS really should attack Israel.
I can't stand those ISIS faggots.

And Israel, you have received many a shekel from Germany in the last decades. Do you think you can maybe find it in your heart to murder all of our Turks who have travelled to Syria to join ISIS?


This is war of words too , i think they are trying to say if they that if they want they attack Israel .
And they can that is the ironyg, Israel don't have 16 year olds suicide bombers killing machines that already beheaded .

Spotted the arab

Isis tanks are mostly cold war period. Would get chewed up by merkavas

>Somebody is going to die very soon.

Yeah, a bunch of snackbars. Let me know when it's on TV. I somewhat like watching the IDF mow down jihadis.

good i look forward to our next kebab removal operation,it has been a while

What a surprise that a 'swede' knows the battle plans of ISIS.

Jamaal you have to go back

I want to see merchants and snakbars liquidate their assets, you esl fagort.

Wasn´t belgium the terrorist capital of europe recently, with the paris-terrorist hiding there?

ISIS is weak and puny. Israel kike army of jewesses and jewlems will destroy ISIS.

when has isis EVER attacked israsel, israelis, jews or even israeli government interests, at all, ever?

It's nothing compared to Malmö, though.

LOL no. That sounds like shitty bluffing considering Israel greatly benefits from the conflict in Syria and Iraq, trying to keep their relationship with Israel under the radar

Belgium =/= Molenbeek

molenbeek seems even worse than malmö.

>implying good goyim wouldn't sacrifice their whole armies before letting the chosen people die.


Should both be extra-territorialized, along with certain quarters of Berlin, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.


ISIS is going to get BTFOd

Does anyone seriously think that this was not expected?

What does that mean?

Can´t disagree with that.

nice picture.

America having a opinion about war lmao
Spent 10 years in Afghanistan making military tourism and getting cucked by small groups of terrorists, attacked in homeland by hijacked plains, destroyed Iraq and handed to the islamic state.
Stay delusional burguer

I wish that were true so we can witness T-34s and makeshift armored trucks getting absolutely wrecked by Israeli Merkavas


It's usually airforce that gets the job done.

live in malmö and visited brussels in february, wondered in the city, all of the sudden i am surrounded by mudslimes, later realised i had walked into molenbeek.
it's definitley worse than malmö, but Emporia mall in malmö is fuckin infected. Feels like iraq when u walk around there. Newly arrived rapefugees there too and also 14 year old degenerate girls lookin like prostitutes. Already been one rape in a bathroom there.
Many more to come.

Let's start a crowdfunding project to get every ISIS fighter his own GoPro helmet cam so that we can watch the action post mortem!

>ISIS is going to attack Israel
>Palestinian settlements still count as "Israel"

Watch as they 'accidentally' blow up yet another hospital/school/market

Which girls? From middle east?

Awesome lol

>> Carbonized
>> Implying all life on earth isnt organic

>swedish girls in malmö

My twin

14 year old swedish girls looking like prostitutes? Damn I want to fuck em.

Spotted the sucker

>implying black burning isn't the ultimate form of human distruction
just coal my body up, senpai