God-tier games

God-tier games

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If you've never gotten to play arma I feel bad for you.

Beat me




Obviously the exclusive Nintendo series, the elusive Trauma Center
(I actually really enjoy this game)





Tux racer





This shit was The Shit.
Game's called Axelay and it's from SNES

You think you have enough photon cannons? You never have enough photon cannons mother fucker.




Even if 343 have kind of fucked up the series and made the new games not feel at all like Halo games I will always love everything about this series right up until Bungie gave it up. Only thing 343 is good at now is publishing books and even then I havent read the newer ones.

A great PS2 game

under appreciated god tier game

unreal of course





Get on my lel

Great way to kill some time back then, super addicting and very in depth for a card battling game on a game console at the time.

That game is goty tier

Wasted childhood on this game



mah nigga

Toxin tractors and bomb trucks

Zero Hour took my life

This, still the best game


I hated arma. Too many buttons.

secura best ura

casual gamer


Fucking this! My god it's good.


Is dat serious sam?


Best. Game. Ever.

It's objectively a good game but the culture around it is cringey as FUCK.

this is the GOAT



I fully agree




Arma 4 will legit be GOAT if they just put in realistic player damage. They're in the process of doing that for vehicles, but players still just have a standard health bar.


Never get on Sup Forums you worthless faggot.


It's always the same. You get a trilogy of a game that were WAY ahead of their time, but they're then milked into the next decade by various studios.

Perfect examples being CoD and Halo




How to make a great Free to Play Game.
Next Update going to be a Blast, have been able to play 3.0 Beta

also my contribution

Shit game user

I'm on my 7th or 8th playthrough of this one. My personal favorite game



still waiting for the sequel to this.

KKND2 - Krossfire

great game



Dark souls series.

Maybe before the community turned into shit and Mojang started throwing shit update after another, now it's aids



How is CoD ahead of it's time? Are you even talking about the vanilla series or MW?



My favorite series of all time. Not 4 though.


name pls

4, 5, and 6 still the best CoD games.




Alright ill bite, what game is this?

Best one, don't think I ever beat it though, and I had the strategy guide


Bruh MW - MW2. The first time I watched the cutscene for the Heli crash followed by a nuke, I came for days

Heroes 3, you millenial pleb.

Endless Legend

> inb4 banned in Google
