What do you think his political leanings are?

What do you think his political leanings are?

I heard there's a scene in Voyage of Time of a Palestinian concentration camp in Israel.

So we can gather that Malick is anti-Zionist, but does that then mean that he's a Muslim apologist, or would he find more of a home in the Trump-right?

Other urls found in this thread:



Reminder that he was a student of Heidegger

Being opposed to human suffering is political now?

The scene (allegedly) shows Israelis as "oppressors" and Palestinians as "victims"; there's a shot of a boy with dirt and flies on his face and then a shot of a menacing Israeli guard. It is absolutely a political statement.

based tezza

There are 2 other current Malick threads. The catalog is a thing.

Can you expand on this? I don't know much of Heidegger's philosophy, but I do know that he was a nominal Nazi sympathizer.

>two Malick threads up
>neither of them discuss this scene or are concerned with his politics

really makes you think

Would you rather there be three capeshit or bane threads up at once?

You're right, you special snowflake, I rescind my comment.

hola reddito!

everything's political, user


ever thought about, idk, bringing it up in those threads?
you're literally using Sup Forums as if it's reddit, you're cancer

this thread is superior, let the others die.

I didn't check the catalog, ok, happy? now shut the fuck up

Heidegger died before the nazis existed friend.

Are you retarded?

I think you're confusing things here. Heidegger died in 1976

Nope. Heidegger died in the 70s. He joined the Nazi Party in the 30s, then disaffiliated but still went to meetings and rallies. He was initiailly barred from teaching after the war due to his alleged Nazism. He never disavowed national socialism, even after he was allowed to teach again the 50s.

Why the fuck do posts like this even get made? I'm fucking triggered, I don't care. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Why would you even bother? If you really wanted to post you could even look it up and find out in two seconds that Heidegger died in 1976. What the fuck is wrong with you?

never underestimate the stupidity of someone who thinks shitposting on Sup Forums is a good use of his time

>"Kit doesn't see himself as anything sad or pitiable, but as a subject of incredible interest, to himself and to future generations. Like Holly, like a child, he can only really believe in what's going on inside him. Death, other people's feelings, the consequences of his actions-they're all sort of abstract for him. He thinks of himself as a successor to James Dean-a Rebel without a Cause-when in reality he's more like an Eisenhower conservative. 'Consider the minority opinion,' he says into the rich man's tape recorder, 'but try to get along with the majority opinion once it's accepted.' He doesn't really believe any of this, but he envies the people who do, who can. He wants to be like them, like the rich man he locks in the closet, the only man he doesn't kill, the only man he sympathises with, and the one least in need of sympathy. It's not infrequently the people at the bottom who most vigorously defend the very rules that put and keep them there.

He strikes me as a typical rich white liberal who thinks he understands the interest of poor people better than poor people do. I can pretty much guarantee you he hates Trump and will be voting Hillary.

It's going to be interesting to see how you try to dig yourself out of this one.

>it was bait yew guize

...and yet he chooses a white, suburban Texan family in the 50s as his microcosm for the cycle of life in the universe. How can he look so fondly and lovingly on that period, after even living it himself, and agree with Hillary's politics of multiculturalism, division, and globalism?


Malick is more likely apoltical. He understands that politicians are just actors.

You're probably right.

But we at least know he has an opinion on Israel, and it's a critical one.

Man thats an unflattering painting. He sat there for hours while his shit got justed in.

I think he's just a humanist. He understands that power and ideology can be used to oppress others.

I'm not opposed to humans who are members of Islamic State suffering, because of their politics.

>But we at least know he has an opinion on Israel, and it's a critical one.
Israel is funny because it's shat on by both left and right wing groups

I know, that's why I started the thread.

I wanted to know if anyone had any insight into his personal politics, because the only modern political commentary in any of his movies is this scene in Voyage of Time, and it doesn't reveal much.

I don't think it's meant to be a direct political statement, considering that it's likely to be a shot lasting a few seconds and so it's pretty insignificant not only in the context of the running time but also in the vast scope of the film itself. It's probably just shown as a general example of humanity's bad side. More than likely (assuming it's not some stock footage) Malick and Co. were in Israel filming some plants on a kibbutz or the Dead Sea or some Malick shit like that and they shot some extra footage of Palestinians to work into the movie. Consider that the film has allegedly been in production for several years with tons of footage shot in many different parts of the world.

I hear you, but I heard that everyone was talking about the Palestine scene after the screening. Even if he didn't intend it to be political, it's already being perceived as such and will likely be mentioned in most reviews when it's wide-released in iMAX next month, if that scene made it into the shorter version.

>but I heard that everyone was talking about the Palestine scene after the screening

I know somebody who saw it at Venice.

Believe me or not, it's true.

Did he get close enough to Emma Stone to smell her feet?

I'd literally forfeit my right arm to smell her feet desu

Being opposed to Israel doesn't mean you're automatically all for Palestinians and Islam.

Malick is Assyrian, he only cares about Palestinian Christians

>t. someone who didn't finish reading the OP

Your OP is retarded.

>implying I'm OP

>double implying


sup OP

He's not white though, he's Assyrian.

He's half Assyrian
Also Assyrians are the ancient white people of the Levant