Is 2016 a shit year for film?

Is 2016 a shit year for film?

last few years have been shocking
just wall to wall cartoon comic book sequels

Not as shit as that list

>posting that shit of a tier list

amerifat detected

>prophet tier
>melted candles

>not drinking melted candles for your daily wax intake

american education everyone

Goddamn Independance day 2 was so horrendous

Take away soy and rice milk and you've got yourself a great list.

The subtle Pesi > Coke troll.

2016 has been kinda forgettable. Not the worst of the worst, but nothing that spectacular. Zootopia was fine. Deadpool was fine.
Was Room the best movie this year? Or did that come out 2015? Meh.

>pepsi blue in mid tier
>not in high tier at the very least
What the fuck

i don't know if your the same user who posts this on Sup Forums - though, if you are, it's good to see progress in moving coke up to god tier and dr pepper down - but this list will never be right until pepsi is moved to god tier and dr pepper and cherry coke moved to shit tier where they very clearly belong




>cherry coke
>anything but god tier
Well, you are from Sup Forums so it goes without saying that you lack any concept of taste.

>soy milk

enjoy your tits numale friend

>living in some third world country where tap water isn't A+

I used to drink soda all the time, then I quit cold turkey and lost 20lbs in a few weeks. I just drink water and milk now. It's probably the best thing someone can do for themselves if they want to lose some pounds without trying.

I was in the market today and this very fat lady has about 5 bottles of coke cashing. I kinda felt sorry for her and wanted to tell her that she wont regret it if she stops, but I'm not a faggot.



I live in southern california and the tap water is horrible

>not including Cherry Vanilla Coke
It's like you want to be a pleb.


that's what I said, third world country

How did he put pepsi greater than coke? Because he put it first from left to right?

Most educated people read from right to left.

Check em.

what's wrong with vitamin water? i gather they're probably not as good for you as they make out, but the dragonfruit one tastes better than most things on this chart

>tfw you get your water from a well
tap water just can't compare

its made by coke and its full of sugar.

defeats the point of drinking water, just drink a soda.

My bad, I didn't make out that coke was even in the same tier.
My problem is mostly that Pepsi should be at the very bottom of the chart. Nowhere near coke.


mmmm cholera.

This pic is pretty accurate but what's wrong with orange crush? It's my preferred orange soda

i actually only found out it was made by coke the other week, but it's not that bad for you is it? i mean it says that it will give me vitamin c or something?

Looks at this fucking pleb.
(It's a crispy/chewy bacon argument, don't bother)



>Drinking soda, literally some of the worst thing to drink both for your health and your appearance

You can do better Sup Forums

meh, just take a multivitamin and drink some regular/sparkling water.

If you're gonna drink sugary drinks, might aswell go for tastier drinks, dragonfruit is pretty god-tier though.

what was it

A little girl showing her cunny