What if their moms had the same name ?
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Cap Cucked iron mans dad and is actually iron mans real father
it would be still a shit bland movie
isn't captain american ironmans dads friend??
If Winter Solider went back in time to kill Tony's Parents why is Tony still alive in the present???
Why did Hydra need to activate the Winter Soldier to cause a simple car crash? They could use any other agent for that task.
>winter solider
>its autumn
remember, Stark was one of the founders of shield
he was a Nick Fury level target
How come a human and a robot can fight on equal grounds?
An enhanced human
He's a shield agent, focusing on this is retarded when it seems like obvious common sense that they probably just wouldn't trust anyone else as much and he is incredibly reliable. You have to be stupid to not realize that and accept it, you're trying too hard to complain or are actually retarded.
if this was real life iron man would kill captain in 0,00001 seconds
Iron-Man is still like 100x stronger than him.
why was tony holding such a childish vendetta towards a brainwashed puppet?
>need something done
>have a man who is under complete control of your authority with a near perfect success rate
Gee wonder why
His character is immature and hot headed. That should be so fucking obvious to anyone who has seen an Iron Man movie or the Avengers.
so basically it's a case of a genius being written by an idiot?
No, how you got that from what I said is ridiculous. You're either retarded or ignoring what im saying because you already believed this and weren't just honestly asking. His character is emotionally flawed and childish, so he acts that way over things like seeing his mom killed. It makes basic sense. You're being so try hard and edgy focusing on this small thing and trying so desperately to dislike it. I choose to believe that because I dont understand how someone could take such great issue with it as people, only on Sup Forums, do. The movie is fine. It being popular doesn't take away from that.
>want to take out one of shields founders
>"well we could send our super elite mind controlled super assassin, but nah lets just send Bill hes cheaper"
That's a lot of words to still be saying nothing.
Face it, the writing is really inconsistent and stupid, the movies are written for children and not much thought is put into them
>hey guys I have a question about the movie!
>alright here's an answer
Why do Sup Forums users get off on doing this?
Is that what happened in your mind? why are you so defensive?
better yet, what if they actualy had motivation for fighting,
The thing is we see him slowly lose his mind over the years.
It's not like Lex where a magic spaceship makes him insane for no reason other than to make a bad cgi monster to fight.
>dude wants to kill your best friend
>not motivation for fighting
>The thing is we see him slowly lose his mind over the years.
no we don't, he's basically the same character as in IM1 except a bit depressed for a while.
it would've been more emotional and gut wrenching than "muh friend!"
Help me with child support, Tony
>that guy knows what having a friend is like
>this is the man who leads a team of ubermensch
The events of Iron Man alone would be enough to fuck someone up mentally for life.
His introductory scene shows you how obsessed with his parents he is.
I'd say they did an okay job of setting it up.
Marvel at it's best
>The events of Iron Man alone would be enough to fuck someone up mentally for life.
But they don't because marvel writers cannot into consistency or believable characters.
this was the most mediocre movie I've ever seen in my life
If this was real life iron man wouldn't exist
Peak human
Is Martha capable of stopping their fight ?
>The thing is we see him slowly lose his mind over the years
>doesn't want his best friend locked up
>freezes him at the end Anyway
it wouldn't matter because neither of them have mommy and daddy issues
He's not Iron Man, nor is he a trained agent. Any schlub with a handgun could have taken him out.
Did you watch Iron Man 1,2,3 ?
>it wouldn't matter because neither of them have mommy and daddy issues
did you even see civil war?
It's the Sherlock thing of idiots writing clever characters. They think intelligence is a superpower they pull out of their ass at select moments, as opposed to a fundamental aspect of character.
There is no way Tony could have engineered, designed and built all the shit he did if he were the manchild he is in Civil War.
Ironpoint when?
What if Iron Man remembered he could shoot rockets which would easily circumnavigate a fucking shield?
Why doesn't Captain America just use the secret Winter Solider code to turn his best friend normal?
Why doesn't iron mandingo give captain america, the captain of the superhero team, a suit of iron man armour?
If you're too stupid for a fucking children's movie, I hope you watch your family die a slow painful death.
why do marvel fans get so upset when they are faced with the truth?
Have you ever met someone diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome?
>dat slomo hershlag boob shot
I only watched the first 30 seconds tbH but it looked pretty good to me
You're the one getting worked up over that child's movie fag.
>I-It's not inconsistent writing! It's just that all this time Robert Downey Jr was portraying a man with Asperger's Syndrome
They have nothing better to do sadly :(
What if capeshit wasn't shit?
Howard Stark is a highly trained professional.
The Winter Soldier made it look like a car crash by using a sticky bomb like the one he used on Nick Fury's car and then used blunt force trauma to kill the Starks.
t. manchild defending comic book movies on Sup Forums
I was using Asperger's as an example, Tony has become increasingly unstable since we saw him in Iron Man 1.
He's had to face the fact that was dying from shrapnel in his heart before he was able to figure a way to remove it, had night terrors from carrying a nuke through a wormhole and nearly died again, his house got blown up, tried to separate himself from his "job" by creating a machine to protect the world which only made things worse, caused his girlfriend of 8 years to leave him, all while trying to keep an increasingly large group of friends from fracturing.
Now not only have his actions caused thousands of deaths, government restrictions, and the breaking up of his relationship, but also, seeing the life he created for jhimself that was starting to get better come crashing down after, the feelings from the event in his life that caused him to lose control comes back to haunt him in the fact that his parents didn't die by accident and were murdered by your best friend's lost childhood friend that is standing right next to him.
How would anybody not snap at that point?
>putting this much thought into scripts that get written in a drunken stupor over a weekend
it would all be well and good if any of that actually had any impact on the character