Sup Forums what is the best Final Fantasy game?

Sup Forums what is the best Final Fantasy game?

the one you posted


These and lV are my favorites


Amen to that, brother.


Oh you xxx

Honestly if it weren't for the horrible junctioning system, FF8 would be my favourite. I loved the characters, the music and the story the most.

I'm going to have to say FFX since it has the best gameplay IMO.

6 or 9


No one ever seems to agree with me, but I enjoyed 10-2

pic related

Convince me as to why VIII is best, I want to play an FF game but cant decide which, I've completed IX and X

should i bother with X?
only played 7 and 8


I personally love X

XIV when you get past the ARR main quest. The story really picks up from there and the world is just amazing. It's got everything that makes Final Fantasy great.

X has a great story, I'd get the international edition that came out for ps3/ps4. added a new way to 'level up' your party and a new post-end game boss

kek ouch

Everything else in invalid

It has a lot more bosses than the original NTSC copy, like 4 or 5 dark aeon superbosses


oh yeah, you're right , lol. I havent played it since the release, sort of forgot about that.

The one that you enjoyed the most.

This guy knows what's up.

What are the best features of 6?

thank you

currently playing this, and i get so burned out trying to get everyone to learn all their abilities along the way

X has the worst story and characters out of all of them, but its game play is good. Probably not worth 40+ hours of your life.

Those trips

>opera scene
>villain actually achieves goal
>fucking ultros

No XI lovers here?


any ff12 lovers?


Unicorn server representing bro. Started in 03 went on off until probably 2014, I've spent probably close to a year of life on that game

Get out

Damn that was fucking fast. Good job user

Decent side quest content and summons to collect?

XI was better than XIV, exploration was the best and I loved going on ships and airships, each class could use a melee and ranged weapon and the classes were more fun

The downsides is PlayOnline sucked and combat was a bit clunky
Macroing was fun but a bit meh

XIV is a bit simplified, however naturally it is more beautiful


VIII, X and VI are my upmost favourites though

I even play Triple Triad on my phone

Final Fantasy VII....i really enjoyed VIII though too


I liked it, but i ended up soloing so much cuz it was too hard to find a group as a DPS... i got bored playing solo and eventually quit


There's Triple Triad in XIV. Even weekly tournaments and everything.

IX and Tactics are my top two.

Triple Triad in XIV is fucking garbage.

It's nothing like it was in FF8. I spent a good chunk of time playing TT in FF8, it was fun as hell.

In XIV, I typically just throw away cards. Don't even play the NPCs because it's boring as fuck.


I've never played it in XIV
I know its in IX, too

Are the rules the same?

10 is kinda gay, but others seem to like it.

Crisis core

Get out

It wasnt that bad

I got everyone to learn the majority of useful abilities before I was even prepared to last more than a turn against Ozma lel

How come no ones talking about how 13 onwards is pure dogshit?

Because everyone already knows that.

Though XV didn't look bad playing a few mins at my friend's place

Were you a 5-year old girl at the time?

Gameplay was great, story and voice acting fucking awful, one of my favourite games

I played the extended japanese demo, decided there wasnt any actual gameplay...again, didnt bother.

Yes, 6 is the best.

-Characters were still in classes
-Darker story than previous FF games, no 4 magic crystal nonsense
-Fighting system was as simple or complex as you wanted it to be. You could brute-force your way through late game, but it was rewarding to try and figure out enemy patterns and weaknesses
-So many interesting scenes, like the opening, the opera, escape from the floating island, history of the Espers, etc.
-You can Suplex a train.

Peak Final Fantasy, right here

VI is my favorite, easily. Followed by IV, then IX.

If you could get past the gay shit the game and darker bits of the story was alright if you liked 10. But i agree there was alot of gay shit.

FF6 (That with Terra and Espers)
and of course FF7 that was quite like 6.
FF5 was good indeed.
FF8 was just ok.
FF9 was meh...
FF10 was disappointing. Not to mention it is a FF game with a SEQUEL. FFS....

2. X
3. V
Shit overrated tier: VII

trollfag identified

>you can suplex a train
If anyone had doubts 6 is the best, you just gave an unobjectional (and hilarious) confirmation.

You fags play FFRK?

The sequel was kind of a standalone thing though

Whomst else plays Brave Exvius?

Chrono Trigger

My personal favorites. I don't really have an order, just ones I tend to recommend more.
>Bravely Default (on a technicality.)
Any of the Dissidia

4 is the best

Legend of the Dragoon


I was pleasantly surprised by Type 0
My first ever JRPG. Love that game.

FF9 by far for me, kinda underrated I believe.

Crystal Chronicles, the one on the Gamecube.


My nigga, I remember playing that as a kid, no idea what the fuck was going on but I always had a blast with it

CC: Ring of Fates was gold tier

mystic quest

>PlayOnline sucked

That's giving it credit. Kek

Ive spent more time on this than almost any other game

VIII closely followed by VII....
That shit made my childhood
>you will never again pop in the next CD eagerly waiting to continue the story of VII/VIII


Some of the most dumbest bullshit I've ever seen.

FFXII is the best one

Other than Brave Exvius tho, my favorite is probably VIII.

It used to be X but when I came back to it I was disappointed with the End-game. Every character was basically the same so all that mattered was how many hits you could throw out.

VII. Why even ask?

>Legend of the dragoon

Nice try ISIS.

For being a mobage and the story just being a series homage it's actually pretty decent

best non-atb one is probably 10
intimate story telling, discernible character development in most characters. Great and diverse scenery. Does a good job of balancing the interpersonal stories with main story. Doles out new information in handle-able segments so you have time to appreciate and understand. Absolutely no grinding required to progress through the main events.

for best atb one I'd probably say IX for similar reasons. It would normally go with VII but it focuses so much on the over-world map it loses a lot of sense of intimacy. You're bombarded with new information before you even understand what you were just told both mechanically and story wise. Otherwise I think it's exceptional.


7 is waaaay over rated

I wouldnt be playing it still if the story wasnt so good. Since its a gatcha, Im sure it will never end and probably ruin itself somewhere along the line, but god damn I love the characters and where the story is going right now. The main characters specifically.

Plus, for a Free to Play game, its very forgiving. I dont feel like I NEED a specific character to stay relevant like every other mobile game ever.

they all are in a sense a sort of anime melodrama writing in jrpg format. But it's what they did with that formula that mattered.

Pus that Soundtrack tho

Well hope you're gonna like the next Grande meal event coming soon

All the Bravest