Cuck buzzfeed
Should this be read sarcastically?


Yeah, pretty much.

nothing hotter than a fat white cottage cheese ass


This depresses me, she has a really cute face, I bet she was beautiful, how could she do that to herself?

top fucking kek

Why is Sup Forums perma-triggered by trivial shit like this?


Thats not healthy

Liberal attempts at normalizing these failures of life.
Everyone is like this
Everyone is like that
Everyone is fat
Everyone is gay
Everyone is from Africa
Everyone is a billionaire inside
Everyone is beautiful
Everyone is a genius

Making shit suckers believe this undermines effort.

This is why gay guys should be the only ones allowed to design clothes, women don't know what looks good


Don't appropriate cultures big nig that's bad

Every time I see one of these landwhales I try to imagine them climbing a flight of stairs. Being /fit/ feels so fucking good!


Photo of black landwhale
>red-headed sea queen embodiment of radiance
>incarnation of Aphrodite
Photo of three normal, fit woman
>these women, who are ready to jump in the bluest water in the world.


Damn, Under the Sea to OVer 260lb

I really hate how people act like being fat is okay and get offended when you tell them to better themselves with exercise and taking care of their body holy fuck.

Are you gonna take me home tonight?
Ahhhh, down beside that red fire-light?
Are you gonna give it all you got?
Fat bottom girls you make the rockin' world go 'round


If you write for buzzfeed your career is over

This triggers the autist

>thin "mean" girl is 10/10 waifu material
>fatsit is dumpy and cringey
>fat cunt even fails at making her comics reflect her distorted idea of reality

because personal responsibility is important and one of the foundations for making a country what it is
the government might be content to have a population of complacent blobs dying before retirement, hence why they've never actually DONE anything to keep the herd in shape
but you should be very distressed to have someone proud of having a first world pampered fat ass

You know Sup Forums if you got fat enough you wouldn't even need girls! This guy just got fat enough to fuck his fat pad, now he doesn't need women!

Why did I look at the comments, why did I look at the comments?


I was just about to screencap that myself.

Stop being a shitlord UK, being body positive makes you run faster! That's why fat girls always win olympic running events!


Indeed, also good taste.

>Fat girls in bikinis are hot
>Men must be ripped and have a 6 pack to be sexy

Where's the Buzzfeed "17 Guys Can Rock Trunks" with a bunch of fat guys?