Why aren't you a organ donor yet, user?

Why aren't you a organ donor yet, user?

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Getting cryogenically frozen

Because I'm not dead.

Let's think about this for a second. You died. Your organs failed you. What better way to help others than to implant your degenerate pieces of shit into them? Why can't people understand this?

Oh I am
I donate my organ into your mom every night OP

Proof asshole

Because I don't want to be left to die by some doctor just because I'm an organ donor


What the fuck?

Wait till i fucking die you mong, THEN attempt to take away my last belongings

I didn't check the appropriate box at the DMV.

Silly me.

So my organs end up in a nigger or sandnigger?


>body still warm
>well lets rip his eyeballs out and harvest any worth while parts
>throw scraps in trash

Sounds dignified as fuck

I don't want my organs to be part of price gouged operations that are sold to the highest bidder

I don't want no sick people touching my stuff.

I heard that emergency first responders are trained not to put much effort into saving you if you're an organ donor. Anyone know if this is true?

No, it's a meme. They would be sued into poverty.

When my body rests in the burial mounds, all my belongings must stay by my side so that my descendants can be reincarnated through me.

Only then can my Honor and Blood live on.

This, no way would I let more bullshit like that nigger that got a heart transplant and then went on to shoot some old lady happen with my giblets. Fucking cremate me

Former medic here: sort of. If we know you're gonna be brain dead, we do less effort but mostly to save our energy.

"All for show" for the family.


>Giving away your organs to someone

What are you a cuck? Give them your wife as well why don't you.
Germanfags BTFO

This. Fucking hell no way

>getting cucked out of your literal organs
I have to keep all the pieces of myself together so that I can reassemble later

That's it, I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.

>Was an organ donor for 6 years, because I was going and ignorant
>Rescinded my election when I last updated my license.

Feels fucking good man

Funeral Director here. Organ donation is a common topic in my industry and we are often contacted by organ havesters about enouraging those who pre-arrange with us to consider organ donation

Your liver may have failed but your heart, kidneys, cornea might still be good for donation.

this is a little true. In Canada if you are an organ donor and you go into an "irreversible coma" organ harvesters try to go after your organs despite medical proof that people still show immense brain activity in this "brain death".

pretty much

not too sure about this one, i doubt they would put less effort into helping you if they knew this. However if you go into a coma you better hope you got family to keep the organ harvesters back with lawyers.

But I am because i'm not primitive

>Using my organs to save some Tyrone who gets shot in a drug deal.
I would rather you just rape my dead body.

Unless you're a nigger your organs are probably not a good fit. The bodily is more likely to reject organs from different ethnicities.

who the fuck would knowingly allow themselves to be added to such a registry? that's some next level virtue signaling faggotry

Because i don't want my organs to be thrown into a jew that was on the verge of death.

because I fear some turk might get my organs

>have O positive blood
>never donated

My innards are mine.

i love how you get to be a "donor" but the organ harvesting firms then sell the hearts and shit for $50grand

why would you love that
thats awful user
you're awful
I think you owe the thread an apology

LA County EMS. Contrary to the myth, we actually put indirectly more effort with doing CPR for people we know are organ donors: it helps keep the organs stay fresher and consequently we keep doing CPR until a higher-up tells us to stop. Assuming no CPR is done in a room temperature area, brain and heart tissue only lasts about 4-6 minutes without oxygen before infarction starts to kick in. Smooth muscle and skeletal muscle tissue lasts for hours without oxygen. The only time we let someone actually die is if we're provided with a valid DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form stating not to do CPR; only people with DNRs anyways are hospice pts with cachexia or horribly disfigured meaningless lives of constant UTIs, pressure ulcers, MRSA, diaper rashes, and dis-attached CNAs/LVNs/RNs/etc where only the sweet embrace of death is their salvation.

O negative is the universal donor. Unless we're talkin' plasma donations, then it's the universal taker. Fuck yo fool's gold blood, nigger.


Emergency numbers of truth.

because im an alcoholic chain smoker.

Because the shady doctors of my country are known to failing surgeries on purpose to strip you of your organs if you happen to be compatible with some rich bastard sick son.

I am NOT going down that road, fuck humanity!

I am. Idk if they'll be any good I did a lot of partying in my youth, but they can them if they want them idgaf