I want to make an aquarium like this, but I can't find the tank or anything similar anywhere...

I want to make an aquarium like this, but I can't find the tank or anything similar anywhere... Can you help me Sup Forums ?

Looks like glass bakeware with sand and rocks in it. Won't support any fish.

Hobby Lobby has a bowl exactly like that in floral.

I wanted to put some little shrimps or snails in it

I'll check this out thank you

Bro now I want an aquarium like this

If you put sand in it like that, it'll be a pain in the ass to clean...

I know right

100% worth the pain

Shrimps can jump so you'll need a cover of you do

get something that eats algae

sand will be a pain to clean especially white sand
no place for filtration other than plants and plants as little as that wont do shit
and shrimp and snails will crawl out and escape without a lid

need a fish tank, not a fish saucer

maybe get a terrarium instead, they're way easier to manage

You want a wide, open aquarium? You don't understand how aquaria work, do you?

I does look pretty awesome...

That might be nice for some aquatic plants or something, but anything you put in a shallow ass bowl like that will die.

check out the green machine, its an online store and resource for aquascaping m8

fucking supporting life/aquarium--I want one of these things to just sit in my house man!
>chill as fuck!

Water would literally go green in days, sand would get completely screwed over by algae, plants would almost certainly die, evaporation would be very high, no worthwhile organism could survive in there for any extended period.

Literally a pool of stagnant water in a bowl.

...that looks cool as hell as is, soooooo...

Water would probably not go green in with such low bioload as shrimp and snails. Plants would take up the low amount of nutrients in the water column. Especially the duckweed.

This was made by someone with a good background in aquascaping. Cherry shrimp will not jump out or ramshorns snails. Yes high evaporation. Use about half the sand the guy is using in the container. Use low lighting plants and put in some duckweed to uptake bad stuff like ammonia and nitrites and what not. Shrimp and snails have extremely low bioloads. Feed them 3 times a week maybe.

It's a resin casting you douchenozzle...

resin isnt that clear dicknigg

I tried that, ended up with cyanobacteria completely covering my ~2 gallon tank. Have fun.

Fish tanks are a pain in the ass.

I house sat for some people that have a pretty elaborate salt water tank with starfish, coral, anemones, shrimp and fish of course. The tank/fish itself had to be in the neighborhood of $5k-$10k, and they get it serviced once a week, which can't be cheap.

To have one that looks as pretty as a desktop background, you need to spend the kind of money that would buy a car.

That is NOT an aquarium.

If you put any kind of fish in something like that, it'll look like shit within a week. That's just a fancy potted plant, basically.

no, it certainly isn't. Oh wait, it is.