The Neon Demon

What did you guys think?
Pretentious garbage or an arthouse masterpiece?

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Worst flick of the worst year for films

Abbey Lee Kershaw is a goddess


Split the difference you bipolar bitch

I wish they had more screen time on the necrophiliac, she's the best actress on set

Was the movie shallow on purpose?
Also that i that line that says : "I don't write, i make money off pretty" is Refn being meta and making a commentary on his own movies


GOTY of the MOTY

>tfw my gf wanted to see this cause she loved Drive and Only God Forgives (and so did I)
>tfw I'm a big baby bitch and anything involving necrophilia or cannibalism makes me gag
>tfw she ended up watching it with her girl friends


glib facsimile

Sorry to break it to you but you were cucked my brother.

That's fine, at least her son played some mean Mario Kart with me.

Like every film from Nicolas Winding.
Its eye-porn with a medicore story. I hoped for a bit more explanation in the symbolism, like whats up with the moon watching, but overall it was pretty good.
The movie would have been a lot better if someone else wrote the script. If you wanna go "2deep4me" then you should go all the way.

I'm torn between this and 2001 as to which is the best looking film ever.

>Its eye-porn with a medicore story. I hoped for a bit more explanation in the symbolism, like whats up with the moon watching, but overall it was pretty good.
The original script is so much better. There isn't symbolism, no demon dance scene (which was great but still), no moon periods.
There was a solid, story wrapping ending and all of the girls had their own clear destinies.

...but Refn had to go and fuck everythang up.

>If you wanna go "2deep4me" then you should go all the way.
This. I hate having to scrape around trying to find meaning where there is none.
Also wtf was this scene about?


BtBR relies too much on digital effects

Its shit stop posting about it you plebs


No idea, maybe that she wants to show the moon the she ate the main character.

>Also wtf was this scene about?
Nothing. Refn improvising a teenage horror flick.
He should make up his mind about whether making a normal movie or some pseudo script pseudo symbolist shit.

He did this with OGF too. It had a great script, I don't get why Refn decided to go with the 'less is more' route

>He did this with OGF too

I havent' seen that unfortunately. Oh fuck that guy seriously. That's what I call pretentious.
It's like a painter painting a great fucking painting, then throwing a bucket of color on it claiming that it's art and better that way.

Whenver I say good things about OGF, Sup Forums calls me a pleb. Say what you want about the story (and there were some pretty eye-rolling moments), it's fucking beautiful to look at.

Lets be real here, he will never make a movie as good as drive right?
The story was just easy and entertaining enough, so he couldnt fuck it up and still add great imagery.

I think there's more to it
You can see some occult imagery in her tattoos.
This is what i dislike about Refn, he just hints at these more subtle elements in his movies. It's like he's teasing us about it, like there's some hidden meaning in his symbolysm but he never goes full surrealism enoguh for us to see. it makes me mad

That's old Refn.

Should he make a new Drive, there wouldn't be a final confrontation. After the bad guy calls Driver that he wants to meet in a restauraunt, the Driver goes to a nearby lake and turns it red with his period blood. The end. So good symbolism, bravo Refn.




how far do yall think Refn got with the actresses?

Its pretty uninteresting there are parts of it that are good the reincorporation of various aspects in the first half was pretty good the whole
>First thing some pretty girl walks in is look you up and down and think who is she fucking and in a couple of scenes afterwards this is shown and the food/sex dichotomy should have been developed more it got abandoned pretty quickly she till the end.
>letting someone that is colour blind paint

Refn should dedicate his life to be the visual guy. Let someone else do the writing.

Bronson is better you pleb


That's a funny way to spell hideous freak.

Well the movie made a negative commentary on casting couches so it'd be pretty hyprocritical of him to do it with Elle

that's what makes it the perfect crime :)



no torrent yet?

confirmed for smeg who eats SCHLANGER

Did Keanu kill the Lolita at room 214?


I think he's at his best when he's working under some kind of constraints. Pusher is good, because he was trying to make something on a low budget that could be sold. Pusher 2 & 3 are good, he made them because he was desperate for money. Bronson was good because he was telling the story of a real person, apparently he fought a lot with Tom Hardy about how the role should be played, and Refn could focus on making it look stylish & interesting on a low budget. Drive was good, because he got a bigger budget but he was working with someone else's script.

Bleeder, Fear X, Valhalla Rising, Only God Forgives, and The Neon Demon are all shit. Because he basically just raised a certain amount of money to do whatever the fuck he wanted. Some artists do their best work under these conditions, but Refn second-guesses himself and disappears up his own ass and comes up with a boring mess.

I think he could make genuinely great films someday (I kinda think Bronson is), but he's a stylist, not a storyteller. He needs to do a project with someone else's script, or a true story, or something to keep him anchored.

where can i download a 1080p when torrents are no option?


He did.

No he just fucked the shit out of her

Wish the creep level increased slowly over the film instead of: Blood drinking when she cut her hand and then the last ten minutes

Would have worked better if the film slowly became creepier as it went on

it's a meme movie favored by reddit

i agree - it managed to be both, and it will affect dozens of feature films for 20 years

buy it poorfag

>Blood drinking
Wasn't even creepy. Don't think it was meant to be. If it was, well that is shitty execution.

it's not even out here asshat

But it's a good start to increased creepiness.
I don't mind the slowness but it didn't feel like it was building up to anything and then we get the last ten minutes


A bit of both.

The cinematography and the musical score was 10/10

Plot, dialogue and acting were garbage

she must spend a lot of money on sunscreen


this really was the worst year for films and I haven't seen Hell or High Water or The Wailing yet

People who call this movie pretentious garbage should be euthanized.

There was literally not a single scene in this film that wasn't great except for maybe one exception (the one where the old man fashion guru likes Elle more than the other model)

I don't know, it kind of felt to me really static even with the blood scene. Then suddenly the end happens. There's a huge gap of nonexistent suspension.


>Lets be real here, he will never make a movie as good as drive right?

Not for me, no, and that's not to diss him as a one-time wonder or to say I don't like his work since that film. The thing is that 'Drive' was a 10/10 for me and I wouldn't ask or expect a director hit bullseye twice.

Valhalla Rising is like one of my favourite films though.

>Lets be real here, he will never make a movie as good as drive right?

OGF is better, Neon Demon too, maybe a couple others. Drive's good, but no offense, most lauded by people that have only seen that out of his oeuvre.

The first 30-40 minutes were the best part of the film. I don't get how people concentrate on the ending of the film. That was easily the least interesting and aesthetically pleasing part.


How the fuck is Drive the best? I watched Drive, OGF and TND in succession with just days apart and it seemed to me every film was better than the last.

Thanks for this post, you really showed me what's what.

stop typing you cunt

Maybe I should give that one another chance. I just got bored, it was like an hour of absolutely nothing capped off with a single lame dialogue that tried to make it about Christianity vs. paganism. It was a pretty short movie but it felt like forever

Ogf was the most pretentious garbage i have ever seen. It looked really good, more so than drive, but it was just a mess in terms of anything else. Acting was horrible, endless nonsensical daydream/trance sequences and just not much of a story to put together. It was just a bunch of half finished ideas thrown together

The music, the casting, the acting (or lack of it), the plot, the look. Everything works for me at every step of that movie for me.

If we were to poll Sup Forums, I wouldn't be surprised if Drive came out on top as the most frequently named as "favorite movie". At least, it would score very high up there among some beloved 80s gem.

I assume you call it "pretentious" because you think Refn was attempting some great philosophical messages with the imagery he was presenting. But that is not at all what he was trying to do.

Frankly, in films like his I don't give much of a shit about the story, and he doesn't either on many levels. Drive had the most sensible story. OGF story was pretty simple and not interesting. Story in The Neon Demon was even more simple. None of that matters though because that's not why the films are good, the films live on how aesthetically pleasing they are. That's not to say that TND is vacuous, you can interpret a lot of things in that films in regards to women in general and the modelling world, but none of that is even required. The primary interest of Refn is aesthetics.

Drive is great. When it came out it was praised the shit out of here.
Now people just want to be contrarian. I wouldn't be surprised if in 5 years films like The Interview would be considered classic.

Hopefully I have better things in my life by then than to browse this r9ktier shithole.

Garbage visuals. Garbage acting. And a garbage story that was barely there.

>Garbage visuals

How can you honestly even type this? I don't know what kind of psychosis you have to under to actually believe that. I assume you just hate Refn.!NVMkGBbR

Key: !MKZ0zm0Y3b48UZ-4sVp_Gg

>Garbage visuals
say what now
The visuals and sountrack are the only thing that Refn always gets right

TND had a lot of garbage visuals. Every outside scene during the daytime had a shit glare, and every Elle scene looked awkward because she's too tall and lanky, but he had her doing things more suited for a shorter girl.

So you're actually hating the actress not the visuals.

The Neon Demon in a nutshell:
>amazing visuals
>great music
>mediocre acting
>godawful screenplay
worth watching for visuals alone.

It's pretty much crap, but it gave us a lot of fap material of a pure white goddess

pretentious would be kind. it's just trash. refn iq is probably like an embarrassing 125.

>disgusting slavic dime-a-dozen blonde
Yeah. ok.

>the interview
That's the piece of shit with seth rogen and a fake interview of eminem a the beginning right?
I think that's the only thing I had to stop right at the beginning due to how annoying the characters were

I want to watch it, I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to believe anyone thinks Elle Fanning is that good looking.

You say that as if he isn't

>dime a dozen


Keep telling yourself that.

Look at her.
You just KNOW that she is pure

>slavic af
Sure showed me

No, I'm hating on the visuals. Elle was badly directed though.

>nose ring


Christina Hendricks' one scene was the best part of the movie.
She's actually a really good actress, not just titties, really deserves more roles.

Are illuminati made rebranding?

>"You. You can go."

Story of my life, Teddy Bear.