Hey guys, I found this little guy just a moment ago while taking out my garbage to the curb

Hey guys, I found this little guy just a moment ago while taking out my garbage to the curb.
I was going to ask what I should do to help him, because he started to bleed out from the nose, and then he quietly died in this box I had.

I thought id share him/her to you so he won't be forgotten.

give him a name

im going to name him tiny. he was the smallest of the three i found, but he survived the longest.
im outside right now and i found two more but they already died

Here are the other two I found, a little bit bigger than the first guy.

Build him a proper funeral pyre and send him to the halls of valhalla in style.

Build one for all 3. Post pics

pencil up it's ass

Strap a get well soon balloon to him and let him float to the heavens.

Be careful handling them. Put on some gloves. Could carry disease

Give him a small sunflower as a gift from me.

Yea do this

Yes, you have to do this

I found there little home nearby. It isn't much, but it was theirs.

I didn't get a chance because it started to rain monsoons all of a sudden.

oh good the anthrax I released into the area seems to be working

how fucking sad is your life? honestly

Maybe do the pyre idea tomorrow.

R.I.P anons mouse may he never be forgotten

RIP Squeaker

I just quickly buried them before the rain started to worsen into that monsoon I mentioned. It isn't much. I left a stick as an indicator if I decide to go back and reform their funeral.

I'm a little sad, the guy that survived freaked out in my hand when he gained consciousness, then started bleeding slowly, and eventually died in the box.

pic is where I put them, right above their home.

Put him in a box and burn it

Your dubs say you have to microwave for 5 minutes then eat it