28/m/CT here


How's life out in CT op?

fucking blows out here tbh...I've always dreamed of being out in CA...either up in Silicon Valley or down in LA..

Id love to be down in LA but expensive as fuck, actually moving to Austin TX at the end of the year...THATS where it's at


I have a few friends down there actually lol, they love it...younger crowd, insane night life and good IT field (what I work in)...so definitely a possibility. Really for me it'd be either LA, Austin, NYC or Boston...when I finally make the decision to leave this cunt of a state

cheers user...how's life across the lake?

Well we had a close call with nearly electing a socialist as PM. Apart from that it constantly rains and everyone in London is Chinese... pretty standard tbh...

well are you tasting their spicy rolls at least?

Weird, I swear I clicked on Sup Forums and not /soc/



good luck on your quest for tranny porn and YLYL threads then faggot.

18/f/OH ;)



OP here and ur close to my age lol
should Kik me: metalhead

are you REALLY a 18/f tho....

22/m/Orange County California

Traps 'n cucks need their own board, preferably called /fag/

Also inb4 someone pretends to be a 18 yr old girl and everyone demands tits or gtfo or takes the bait

Oh shit too late

fuck la, too much traffic, to hot, disgusting hobos.
much better places to live


awwww shit nigga.

20/M/NC here. How's everyone doing tonight?


24 m Ireland

OP here, not bad man home from work and wandering the chan depths. wutchu up to


HAY worth a shot...see what I did there?
Also anyone got a good Kik group chat going?

Off from work the whole week. Not sure why, we were just told we were. Shit, nothing really. Might cook myself something to eat.


You think I would just lie on the internet user?


would be cool to connect but i don't really fuck with social apps...4 chan is as far as it goes

whaddup north cack

Finally! A vagina. Show tits!


all good! figured i'd give it a shot

To all the females out there. Would you be willing to meet me in a park after midnight in my van with no lights on?

stawp that

only if you promise to kill me slowly...

You're a thirsty mothafucka aincha?

na u can kik me too!


On the coast bby

Op here....NICE, on the shoreline up here too

Where about in NC are you at?

I'm ready for that eclipse coming up


same gonna be the tits!
