What other movies did you realize after repeated viewings were shit?
What other movies did you realize after repeated viewings were shit?
The entire Star Wars saga
The good the bad and the ugly
Apocalypse now
The avengers
I realized 10 minutes in it was terrible
All of them!
I almost passed out the second time watching tfa it sucks balls how can anyone past the age of 15 enjoy it
muh prequels
>needing repeated viewings to realize ep 7 was shit
>The good the bad and the ugly
I'm curious it was quite the opposite for me, care to explain ?
>implying anyone ITT likes video game cutscenes the trilogy
Fury road
avatar on second viewing at a shitty theater. it really was all a gimmick
Not exactly same for me but very similar. I very rarely rewatch, had no plans for this this one as well, but after it ended I was kinda, ok that was quite nice, and then the next day I thought about the story, and said to myself, shit they just copy paste SW1 with really dumb cameos.
watching in at the cinema was awesome, rewatched it a couple of times at home and it was meh
District 9 for me
You know TFA and prequels can both be shit, right?
Star Wars is a fun watch. Why do people hate it so much? What were you expecting?
TFA was good. Maybe you should watch it a few more times.
A good movie
2nd and 4th Indiana Jones movie
it's the Sup Forums contrarians
pay no mind to them
Star Wars is amazing, The Force Awakens was not.
Temple of Doom is the best Indy film, though.
>character growth for Indy
>best romantic arc despite having worst girl
>best musical score
>best exotic locales
Temple of Doom is my favorite because it felt the most pulpy.
the last crusade was the best one
but i respect your opinion
>star wars was amazing
no. 1977 star wars is a cheap laughable mess that has aged poorly, despite what fanboys will have you believe. It's painfully obvious and silly how all the aliens have rubber cheap masks on and fanboys want to believe that it holds up. Han shooting first and that odd head movement completely kills that entire scene, the character of Luke is annoying, hammy and whiny, and them being in the Death Star is boring and slow.
Now Empire? Yes, Empire is an all around good film because it feels like a completely different movie. And Jedi has like 3 good segments and everything else is shit.
Force Awakens is without the doubt the second best Star Wars movie by a mile.
All movies
Face Off
A good movie
Perhaps even, something orginal
>inb4 muh prequels
Nah, those are generally worse for different reasons. It had it's moments but was just bland. Doenst hold even a candle to any of the ot, no contest
>Force Awakens is without the doubt the second best Star Wars movie by a mile.
Nah, this post is almost as shit as the prequel copypasta
>Viewing TFA repeatedly
I don't need a repeat viewing of this thread to know you're a pleb.