Are there any legitimate objections to Christianity...

are there any legitimate objections to Christianity? Even if you don't believe in God living like jesus is without a doubt the best way to be a human

Depends on what you're going to qualify as "legitimate" or "not-legitimate".

Christianity was created by Jews to control the goyim

It wasn't. Christianity is too simplified and retarded to be created by Jews. Once you compare Judaism and Christianity, you have no options but convert.

give me a good reason besides da joos or selfishness

Not surprising. You have Muslims in Moscow.

What are the differences besides other stories and etc. in the new testement?

jesus did not fight to protect hismself, people who really exist don't come back to life by being really nice

Except christians don't live like jesus. Not a single one of them. And the very action of trying to "live like jesus" is what prevents them from doing so.

And you're not even white.
New testament is basically good thoughts stolen from Talmud mixed with Pagan bullshit. Jesus was so self-loving, he couldn't even formulate basic rules of morality for goyim without getting himself praised. It is too obvious once you learning about Judaism somewhere besides Sup Forums and stormfront.

What do you qualify as 'good"?

The message is the same.
But, the Messiah opened the reliogion to non-jews too.
And thats about it. God came to save humanity. The Father is the same of the Old Covenant but He made changes in some rules.


I personally find the problem of evil and suffering convincing. Not something I can prove.

I can't prove that a loving God would disallow the evil and suffering we see in the world. In fact, I'm not sure how you could prove what God would or would not do.

A neutral, even indifferent God seems to resonate with what I've experienced though.

Thats such a bad b8

It's a Jew slave religion

>are there any legitimate objections to Christianity?

Yes, it cucks up everything.

>are there any legitimate objections to Christianity?

Yes. Its immoral.

Underrated post.

I believe the healthiest is to live ones own personal life IN Christ, not AS Christ.

first of all, jesus was a degenerate stoner.

second, he was a terrorist who terrorised temples and attacked people.

the only thing that saved his ass was his father, highly situated person of power with "godlike" power. and when the "sins" of little bastard jesus weren't tolerable, the plan was hatched to nail him on a cross, take him down asap, nurse him back to health in a cave and them proclaim his a saint a bring him to the castle...

so, I don't know what is a better representation of a "best way to be a human": him being a jew, him being a bastard son of a whore who cucked a hard working carpenter, him being a socialist sjw or him being a degenerate stoner...

>Being this brainwashed by memes

ikke så verdsatt fjert

Well, the old testament contradicts the new testament and essentially declares Jesus a pretender as he declared parts of the old testament obsolete.. even though the old testament was supposedly given by god.

Well, only a minority of christians /actually/ strive to live like jesus.

Jesus was a fucking proto-SJW.
>There's nothing wrong with women being adulters or whores, guys!
>If you so much as look at a woman with lust in your heart, you've sinned!
>If someone attacks or robs you, never defend yourself. You wouldn't want them to get hurt, right?
He's pathetic, and anyone who worships him is even more pathetic.

All Christians necessarily do. Else they're not Christians in the first place.

I guess Buddhism and millions of other religions preaching for peace are sjw
pol is so autistic

Only objection I have, is that it is heavily under control of Zionism and edited right now.

Ever since Martin Luther was funded by the Rosicrucians. More and more people believe in the rapture. They want a get out of trouble without earning it.

I think it's possible to reconnect with the King James bible and just let intuition and the holy spirit lead you.

If it's leading you to protect the false state of Israel and and live like a hypocrite, watch tv all day and judge everyone, or be a total Cuck. Maybe change something.

If it's leading you to think like Jesus and live like him and as a Judean. Maybe you are on the right track.

>Let someone else define you
Be my slave then. Turn both cheeks if you want to.

>Even if you don't believe in God living like jesus
no fucking American, including a fuckhead like you "lives like Jesus".

Get the fuck out.

and don't get me started on degenerate lore...

A. there is god. who is just...
2. then this god gives his bad attributes to lucifel and bananas him out of heaven.
3. god who forgot evil becomes cruel and murderous faggot. since egyptians are niggers and not human, serves them right.
4. god splits into insane god and sane holy ghost.
5. god becomes satan as is proved through the lore - davids story.
6. holy ghost finds lucifel and takes his soul
7. holy ghosts fucks the brains out of mary and implants lucifels soul
8. jesus is born and he's just a weed smoking vigilate kike.
9. jesus gets nailed by some nine inch nails
X. jesus goes to hell, nukes dat shit out of it and comes back.
J. he respawns in the cave
Q. he ascendes to heaven and becomes one with god and holy spirit.
K. god is whole again, and as a being that knows both good and evil, god becomes just...

so, why would anyone sane proclaim satans spawns spawn with lucifels soul be "best way to be a human"? are you a complete moron?

Jesus’ real mission to come to earth

Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has “come not to send peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

Jesus says, “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather a sword lf you love your father, mother, sister, brother, more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. “The real beauty of this verse is that Jesus demands people truly love him more then they love their own family. I ask you how can we love someone that we can not see or interact with? Love is an emotion pertaining to physical existence not to faithful ideologies, yet God threatens you with death just because your love for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him. (Matthew 10:34)

Families will be torn apart because of Jesus. “Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.” (Matthew 10:21)

Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn’t the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. (Matthew 5:17)

Jesus advocates murder and death

Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn’t care for his preaching. (Matthew 11:20)

Jesus, whose clothes are dipped in blood, has a sharp sword sticking out of his mouth. Thus attired, he treads the winepress of the wrath of God. (The winepress is the actual press that humans shall be put into so that we may be ground up.) (Revelations 19:13-15)

The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into a lake of fire. The rest of us, the unchosen, will be killed with the sword of Jesus. “An all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” Revelations (19:20-21)

fuck you satanic kike! Jesus died for YOURS AND MINE sins! He's the son of God, and He should be praised!

I cannot understand how you won't love somebody who died for you, you ungrateful heretic!

Praise Jesus!

Jesus says he is the only way to salvation yet he purposely disillusions us so that we will go to hell

Jesus explains that the reason he speaks in parables is so that no one will understand him, lest . . . they . . . should understand . . . and should be converted, and I should heal them. (Matthew 13:10-15)

Jesus explains why he speaks in parables to confuse people so they will go to hell. (Mark 4:11-12)

Jesus advocates child abuse

Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. (Matthew 15:4-7)

Abandon your wife and children for Jesus and he’ll give your a big reward. Jesus asks that his followers abandon their children to follow him. To leave your child is abuse, it’s called neglect, pure and simple. (Matthew 19:29)

Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children according to Old Testament law. (Mark 7:9)

A few other things about Jesus

Jesus says that those who have been less fortunate in this life will have it even worse in the life to come. (Mark 4:25)

Jesus sends the devils into 2000 pigs, causing them to jump off a cliff and be drowned in the sea. Clearly Jesus could have simply sent the devils out, yet he chose instead to place them into pigs and kill them. This is called animal abuse. (Mark 5:12-13)

Jesus kills a fig tree for not bearing figs, even though it was out of season. Jesus must not be as smart as Christians would have us believe, for he was dumb enough to do something this silly. You’d think the son of god (god incarnate) would know that trees don’t bear fruit in dry season. (Mark 11:13)

Jesus okays beating slaves. (Luke 12:47)

>jesus is without a doubt the best way to be a human

I doubt that.

Brainwashed Polacks call Jesus a cuck yet he will come in the end of times and KILL the anti Christ

Jesus will come down and lick refugee feet

But most "Christians" aren't like that. Jesus knew some shit was bad and you shouldn't do it, but if you did he didn't give a fuck. Just quietly acknowledged that yea this guy/girl is going to hell/prison but they're still pretty cool.

Today's Christians go completely off their rocker apeshit when people wanna live their own lives.

"he that is without sin cast the first stone" just doesn't mean shit anymore.

Do you have a cuckold fetish?

>muslim detected

But he didn't according to Matthew 16: 27, 28 - which makes the whole faith redundant and me wonder why they'd include that bit in the bible when it's been written hundreds of years after the fact.

Except even Muslims are cucked to Jesus, they call him Isa (pronounced Eesa)

>“come not to send peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

Judaism is STEM. What goes on behind the scenes is that complex.

You have taken a few quotes out of context, strawmanned a bit, cherrypicked the rest.
The core message was to put societal love above one's selfish interests, including familiar ones, so every human could live in a society where everyone is part of a family. Such an Earth would be a paradise

Regardless of the applicability, it's a very noble concept that was never even mentioned before. And you clearly misunderstood his critique to the pharisees by calling them hypocrites for not following their own law to the fullest. He clearly didn't advocate killing kids.
You are just pulling things out of your ass like a spoiled kid who wants to be edgy to spite his grandma.

>t. atheist

That explains why Jews make full time jobs out of attacking Christianity.

Thats why jewish media shits on Christianity everyday.

Thats why Jewish Supreme court justices always rule against Christians.

Yeah dude sounds like you have this figured out.

No Christian would say that Jesus will not kill the anti Christ. It's part of the basic Christian belief.
fuck off shill

How many fights are there in the NT? I can think of one instance where a sword was about to be used and Jesus interrupted it like a wimp.

They also say that he was just a prophet and not the son of god and didn't die on the cross, kinda shitting all over the central tenants of Christianity. I don't see how that means that they're "cucked to Jesus".

He never said anything about whoring around being good.
The situation was a trap: They wanted to catch him.
If you analyze the situation closely you can see it: They catch a supposed adulteress in the act, yet her partner was not brought to him, why not?
So most likely there was no adultery involved and it is possible that the whole situation was later added as a fake as it is not in the earliest manuscripts of the Gospels.

>If someone attacks or robs you, never defend yourself. You wouldn't want them to get hurt, right?
This was a hyperbole, he tried to counteract the whole excessive revenge thing that was and still is going on.

you need to start taking your meds again, none of what you write is making any sense whatsoever.

No, he was predicting that sometimes being a true christian will not be tolerated even by ones own family members, thus creating divisions in the family.
Nonetheless it is also said in the Bible: "As long as it depends on you, try to make peace with everyone" thus the division should not come from the christian.

Have you ever noticed that Muslims never call Jesus anything bad when you make fun of Muhammad?

this x10, fucking heretics quoting Jesus out of context, I was going to debunk all of his copy paste from Reddit, with my Holy Book by my hands one by one, but this user was quicker than me, also I'm not that good with english, nevertheless, this.

Did you not understand my post?

The time he said he would come back has long passed. Either he's incapable of coming back, which makes him weak and not worthy of worship, or he was making it up, which makes him a liar and not worthy of worship. Your pick, but it seems like a waste to me.

>Regardless of the applicability, it's a very noble concept that was never even mentioned before.


"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."
Luke 19:27

>Hur dur therefore weak and not worthy of worship
hell is waiting for you my friend

"No one knows the time and the hour, neither the Son, nor the Angels but only the father".

He never gave an exact time, on the contrary, he advised everyone to keep on the watch as he would come when we least expected it.

>living like jesus is without a doubt the best way to be a human


If I was to threaten you with some made up horrible afterlife you'd care just as much as I do right now.

Your greentext kinda misses the point. I personally think that he was just a fucking liar, of course.

>They also say that he was just a prophet and not the son of god and didn't die on the cross, kinda shitting all over the central tenants of Christianity. I don't see how that means that they're "cucked to Jesus".
The Bible also says that, shame even mudshits know the Bible better than cuckstians.

>“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

Where's this immortal? You'd think he'd be around, spreading the word of Jesus, being a cornerstone of the religion, living proof that it's the truth.

He was talking about the pharisees (aka jews)

that happened a couple of days later when he took John, Peter and James with him on the mountain and was transformed before their eyes and spoke with Moses and Elisha (?).

People have been trying to live like Jesus for 2000 years now. It obviously hasn't worked out so any rational person would realize it's time to move on and try something else.

>living like jesus is without a doubt the best way to be a human
No, being a shiftless monk-errant is objectively the worst way to live. How you could idolize such a lifestyle instead of scorning it I can't understand.

>any rational person would realize it's time to move on and try something else.
Such as Islam and Feminism in your country. :^)

Like trying to be a Mohammed?

>live like jesus
>can't get job because of bum hair

>thinks Jews invented Christianity to deceive goyim
>The whole premise is, 'we killed your God.'

kek ok

>Because Jesus used the KJV, right?
The most devote Christian Zionists I've met were all KJV-only fundamentalists.

Ah right, so its ok to slay Jews so he can witness the bloodshed?!
What a wonderful character, I have enemies yet I do not wish them to be dragged in front of me and slaughtered in a blood bath.

Not to mention all the slaying of men, women and children he ordered. even animals and plants, then when the men returned he said "wait a minute lads, you left the women alive?" "well yeah" "Go back and slaughter them too like I ordered!"
Such kindness and love.

What an egregious misquote. He was not referring to himself: he was quoting someone (a royal) in one of his parables.

Christianity can only create a world utopia if the entire planet was Christian.

Christianity would have gotten slaughtered and trampled a long time ago if there weren't for the "war on terror", which is anti-Christian and contradictory to the Christian principle of "loving your enemies".

Nope, literally Jesus' words and orders.
Read Luke 19 yourself instead of having it read to you by lying preachers.

How can this be true when all the sjws and "progressive" liberals in the West are anti-Christian atheists?

Preaching and pimping are 2 of the biggest cons in the world Why would anybody believe in an I invisible man in the sky, and why wouldn't a man take advantage of a stupid bitch?

Every religion claims and teaches peace but they also teach to fight back and to be harsh

>I can think of one instance where a sword was about to be used and Jesus interrupted it like a wimp.
Do you mean whrn they came to arrest him and his buddy stepped in to protect him? He actually cut the guy's ear off but Jesus said "naw bro, don't defend me" and put the guy's ear back on.

I keked

as are Muslims in the Quran (not counting the vile Hadiths) but Christians sure love cherry picking quotes out of context against them.
Not that Muslims need it because they follow the Hadiths which do a better job of turning them into sadistic murderous vile scum than any Christian could ever do.

>He actually cut the guy's ear off but Jesus said "naw bro, don't defend me" and put the guy's ear back on.

There you go. His faggot of a follower didn't even get the neck - that's the kind of warriors Christianity promotes.

You can't win battles when you immediately stop and heal the enemy.

You can only try your best and repent when you sin. All have fallen short of the Glory. Better to try than to just give up cuz "I'll never be perfect"

Christians have some really stupid views.

1. Hell eternally
Dumbest concept ever infinite punishment for finite crimes

2. Suicide illegal
I never understood the point of this besides "muh God doesnt want you to die"

3. No sex unless it's to have a baby

4. Gluttony
So you can't enjoy or crave food?

5. Pride
Pride is what causes accomplishments.

I've read the entire Matthew 16 now. It doesn't say that anywhere.

Isn't bearing false witness a no-no?

>Nope, literally Jesus' words and orders.
Are you sure that's not a later scribal addition? New Testament historians bobble over all kinds of quotes and passages.

>living like jesus is without a doubt the best way to be a cuck

moral relativists gtfo

>Are you sure that's not a later scribal addition?
I don't know, who wrote Luke?

>asking people to define their terms is relativistic
I'm a moral absolutist senpai.

chapter 17:1, seriously its like 3 verses later.

Yeah, it's shit like that shows Jesus was a gaywad and no kind of leader any honorable man would follow.
How could anyone follow someone who shuns honest work, never took a wife or fathered a son, never took up shield and spear and actively discourages defending him and yourself?

How do the two contradict? The New Testament is riddled with promises (made in the OT) being fulfilled, most of which through Jesus.

The Bible is full of heinous crazy garbage.

As Voltaire said, Christianity was 1000x better under the pre-Gutenberg Catholics when they refused to let anyone read the Bible and had based philosopher priests like Aquinas who used the church to actually improve people.

One thing that astonishes me is that there aren't more popular secular arguments for religious traditions.


the whole point is that it's not easy to forgive but it is holy. Jesus had hoardes of followers before he died who watched him preform actual miracles. He could have led an uprising against rome itself and rule the world as a king. But just like the final temptation in the desert jesus he denied it and healed his enemy even when being led to death. That's why he's the messiah and the other religious leaders (Muhammad) were just glorified violent kings.

>1. Hell eternally
Hell is eternal because people in hell continue to blaspheme God (which is sin).

>2. Suicide illegal
If He created you, He owns you. Who are you to decide when your purpose in this world is over?

>3. No sex unless it's to have a baby.
Only Catholics teach that lie. Don't listen to them. Sex is between husband and wife though.

>4. Gluttony
God isn't a killjoy. Do you think obesity in our two countries would be a problem if people obeyed just this one thing?

>5. Pride
"Whatever you do, do with all your heart, as to the Lord..." Colossians 3:3

Doing things for the glory of God is a much better motivation senpai (see Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, etc.)

leave troll.

I don't think sharia bloody allows it.

I believe in god, but jesus seems like a massive pussy. If he comes back seeking vengeance against the jews then i'll believe.

you are mixing up kindness and weakness. that's prision nigger tier mentality that you should always oppose.

>How do the two contradict?
The whole thing the LORD used to say Israel would always be his people and they had to keep to his commands but now anybody can be his people and most of those commands no longer matter.
>temptation in the desert
That story was stupid too. He's god, he can do whatever he wants. How can he be tempted when he can just have do anything because he's god?
>That's why he's the messiah
He's the messiah because he let himself be killed? I don't think that's any kind of messiah I want.

I was only asking if you were familiar with the critical, historical study of that passage. I'm not a historian, and I wouldn't claim that Jesus 'literally' spoke a thing without being familiar with the current critical, historical study.

As I've said, scholars don't always agree that what's written in the gospels is actually a quote from Jesus.

Oh, and I don't know who wrote Luke.