Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn...

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Other urls found in this thread:

shill or bait


Just as soon as the last big one died.

Same. Reluctantly voted for him bracing for the worst, but this shitshow I was not prepared for. I honestly thought the party would whip him in line and it'd be a traditional conservative ho-hum 4 years with the same obstructionist congress accomplishing little, awaiting the passing of this fluke presidency until the next election when the party's don't fuck everything up with candidates no one actually wants.

I did not foresee this level of chaos in the White House, and destruction to the country's place in the world. Hands down the worst president I'm familiar with, and I'm at least familiar with most of them.

The guy had established a reputation as a borderline con artist for half a century in the city in which he lived and did business. How the fuck did you think you were getting something other than that?

Grand jury! Subpoenas! It's happening!

I actually voted for Hillary

I'm not a dumbass

I'm actually surprised so many of you guys are clear headed now, a lot of his former supporters have managed to somehow explain all this embarassing retardation taking place in the white house

I voted Ron Paul. I only vote Ron Paul.

There comes a time in your life when you have to realize, IF YOUR AVERAGE


I voted for him, and will likely do it again if the dems don't clean their house. He's awful, but the system needs awful right now. Last election proved conclusively that the two parties believe they can run literally anyone and succeed, and they were right. Unless the democrats run somebody worse I'm looking for two terms of trump. We were dumb enough to vote mainstream, we should reap what we've sown.





anyone have that song?

"Crash and burn" what are you referring to exactly?
Sounds about right

Yes you are. Your ideology has rendered you blind to the fact that she is just as terrible as he is. 2016 will be remembered as the worst election in American history, but history won't be kind to your side either.

hate to break it to you, he's had the codes since Jan 21 bro. so thank yourself if he starts world war 3 and all your friends and family burn in the retaliatory strikes from china and russia

You do know that the POTUS always has the 'nuclear football' nearby which can give launch orders within minutes right?


Ok, faggots. Neil Gorsuch on the SCOTUS, end of TPP, withdrawl from the PCAccords, 2nd Amendment assured, hypermasculinity is back (unless you waste it like a little bitch) feminism on the decline, nationalism rising, stupid Hilldog not POTUS, shitlibs bitching constantly, tranny degenerates not to be normalised... We are 6 months in and we are already gettinv our money's worth.


I voted for ted cruz. He has the charm of trump, and the fact that he killed people like hillary.

Said The White House is a dump! Most disrespectful son of a bitch alive.

it's a pasta now fuck off, this is now officially a ron paul thread

Except he has then idiot

It ain't Mar A Lago

If its a pasta its awful

so many cucks ITT, he does ONE thing you disagree with and all of a sudden you're off the trump train, go jerk off to PJW vids you fucking faggots, he's probably more on your level

WRONG! Congress has NOT authorized him to carry them yet. They still sit with the REAL president mr obama. Learn some history you fucking moron

Bow before the god Emperor, shill!

He already has the codes, AKA the football. He's a narcissist, hypocrite, egomaniac and genuinely dumb and so far out of his depth it's akin to a 3 year old trying to hit a 102 MPH fastball. Anyone that says anything to contrary is ignorant and stupid enough to the point their right to vote should be revoked or is simply trolling for responses or to stir the pot.


Your a dumb ass

Seriously, your a fucking dumb ass

If I could get a computer to tell us what would be the next, logical step for humanity it would tell me " get rid of this dumb ass... And Kelly ann connway"

Seriously, hole
Hillary would have been Obama 2.0

How the fuck would Obama 2.0 be worse then this ?

Seriously, go pick up a rifle and protest faggot.

Castrate yourself

>He's a narcissist, hypocrite, egomaniac and genuinely dumb
Gunna need a source that isn't MSM for that

I want someone to point to something specific he has done or not done through executive order or bh proclamation you disagree with, actual ACTION. Not, hurr durr, his attitude, who he fired, or muh Russia shit.

>, he does ONE thing you disagree with


Anyone who voted for this president seriously needs to join a couple of studies.

Oh my bad i 4got

King nigger was the worst president in US history. Decimated economy, and set the world on fire.

Fuck you

literally any time he opens his mouth lol

like say a transcript aloud sometime fr lol

the smarts skipped a generation why do you think his kids are backing away slowly

Hillary was not an ideal candidate, but she was qualified and actually knows how the government works. Trump banned transsexuals from the army via Twitter before the pentagon even knew what was going on. Fucking think about that. That's so profoundly stupid I can't even comprehend it.

Anything you have to say should and will be immediately disregarded as you have clearly demonstrated that you know nothing of the situation or politics in general and you're just projecting your misguided opinion as fact. Just leave and take your retarded rhetoric with you.

>former Trump voter here
>in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

are amerifats really that retarded?

He lied about a phone call from the head of the boy scouts and the president of Mexico

He is a lier

And you voted for him, lmao. Gotta suck to be played like a 3 year old little bitch

Wow, okay

People keep saying that Hillary would be worse than Trump but how can you be worse than an adult who lies more than a 3 year old and openly praises dictatorships while giving civilized nations the cold shoulder. If he were trying to be the next literal Nazi, he'd be doing a great job right now.

Did you guys see the transcript with Mexicos's President today?

Trump said: “The fact is we are both in a little bit of a political bind, because I have to have Mexico pay for the wall – I have to.”

Referring to the Mexican president’s insistence that he would not pay, Trump said: “You cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that. You cannot say that to the press because I cannot negotiate under those circumstances.”

Translation- I'm not gonna build shit, I just need you to play along until my retard constituents forget my promises

It isn't. Mar A Lago doesn't even compare to The White House. All that gold doesn't compare to the red, white and blue. How unpatriotic to even think that it does.

Trump still holds campaign rallies......let that sink in.... He's such a massive fame whore that instead of working on the MANY problems he said he'd fix in the first 100 days and hasn't, go goes out every few weeks so that his mindless minions can lick his ass and worship him as the second coming of jesus.

What a broken shell of a man. He's more vapid and banal than I could have ever imagined. He's basically just a old man version of Kim Kardashian.

BUT HE DUM!!! You guys are some faggots. Who the fuck cares what the rest of the bumfuck world cares? Western Europe is bent over muslim cock, MidEast, Africa, SouthAm, and India-Southeast Asia, who gives a fuck about them. We are rich and have guns, bend the fuck over world we are going straight Teddy Roosevelt on your resource stink.

sure is summer

King nigger wasn't a lier... And if he was, he was smart enough to not get caught

Tsar Trump is seriously a lier. Like, not even a good one... And he has control of our military but has no more idea wtf he's doing then you do

Ain't that fucking crazy??!?

Reminder that if you don't agree with what Trump is doing it's because you're not intelligent enough.

Holds rallies even after he's president. Why else would he do that, other than to snort hero worship. He wants the rock star rush but he has no skills so he just says ignorant shit and ignorant idiots blow him.

The irony of this all. There is a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Tijuana, Mexico.

Name a Prez that hasn't lied. YOU'VE never lied, I'll wait.

Being in the White House symbolizes your appreciation for the position and the massive responsibility that comes with it, it's not there for your fucking personal preference of lifestyle. It's an honor and should be treated with the utmost respect. Something Trump is incapable of comprehending.

>teddy roosevelt

lol if you think donnie could ever compare to teddy

That's what we want.

Bullshit. I want to see him take an IQ test with my own eyes.

Reminder that trump, a man known for compulsive lying, is the one that said hi IQ is 156, which would make him smarter than most physicists.

There's absolutely zero evidence to support his claim.

But of course, idiots don't understand how evidence works, so he won't lose a single supporter saying bullshit like this.

Do research.

Have you seen Mar A Lago?

The fact that you even posted this conjecture is evidence enough that you're not intelligent enough to even debate politics. Are you dense or just so blinded by idiocy you think you are making a valid point?

he's never even released records of himself scoring that high. His claims are completely unfounded.

He's now played more golf in his first 6 months than any president in history.

After complaining about all the golf Obama played.

He isn't doing shit. No wall. No healthcare repeal. No muslim ban.No infrastructure. He will leave office in 3.5 years as the most unpopular president in history.

He is moron with early Alzheimers, and y'all retards got what you deserve.

Honestly do you really believe that?

this was a rumor published by a UFO news site

except he already has them?

Jesus fucking fuck.

The left made it ok to come out of the closet, but when you guys wanna suck each other off with these threads, please go back into the closet.

Your faggotry ends where my feelings begin....

you really think shills come here? youre a fucking moron. people here that are against or make fun of trump are people that can see through his stupid bullshit or theyre just fucking with you cuz youre a weak minded faggot

He wants to get his message directly to his constituents and he wants to win re-election?

le test

Given the insane amount of bullshit he spits, we would need some serious proof that he's even above 70, cause you know, he talks, acts and behaves like a braindead retard

Because my life is not affected by mean trump twitters.

However my life is a ffected by King Nigger's obamacare laws that inhibit my employment prospects (not to mention I can't work more than 30hrs/week unless I have a stem degree).

>King nigger wasn't a liar.

Yes he was, but even if he weren't I don't care. I care a lot more what people do rather than what they say.

Ok fag

holy shit, i never realized Lincoln was huge!

>No mentally retarded presidents

um??? america needs to stop being so bigoted


>17 intelligence agencies agree our election was HACKED.

>Vladimir Putin on record personally ordering the hack.

>Numerous Trump cabinet members and his own son met with Russian officials and their proxies for damaging info on Hillary - a serious Federal crime.

>Disgraced campaign advisor Manafort facing pound-me-in-the-ass jail time for PROVEN Russian bribery and promises.

>Trump said there was no contact with Russians.

>Then it was some some.

>Then it was, Oh God, Russian operatives in his campaign everyfuckingwhere.

>Swing state data in at least four states did not align with any previous voting trends or the polls.

>Extremely mathematically probable votes were changes.

Conclusion and REAL conspiracy: HRC is the legitimate President of the United States, and she was robbed blind by Russian saboteurs and the braindead American right helping them.

So, are any of you tinfoil fucktards actually going to care now that I've laid it out for you?

Or will you just move onto the next Pizzahoax theory that targets the only sane political party left?

Choose wisely if you call yourself a patriot.

Shoot. Give me a genuine thing that you dislike about Donald Trump. I'm a supporter of Donald Trump, one of the things I dislike about him is the way that he refers to members of the press as "Fake News" the reason I dislike this, is because it shines journalism in a negative light and is quite disrespectul to those of opposite opinions. That's an actual thing that I think Trump is wrong for doing. Give me any point that you dislike, and debate me on it, or just say "UR SO STUPID UR AN IDIOT U CANT EVUN MAKE A VALID POINT!!!"

We got what we all wanted. The exact opposite of what a faggot like you wanted... and time.

low IQ, low T, Bernie voting cucks detected

So twitter doesn't get his message directly out? Then why does he use it more than a teenage girl?

got a fake news fan over here.

lemme tell you about the time kim jong un scored a 10 on 18 holes of golf

Did you see the transcripts that just dropped of the calls between him and pres of mex & aus? The phone conversations he stood up and declared were positive, amicable, friendly talks the MSM was making up fake news about?

He spends the entire time shitting out his mouth about how fucking miserable and shitty the call is going and how bad he's going to look in the press when the plebs find out he can't deliver on his shit, and gets all pissed off because they won't cave in and lie for him in the media, and refuse to cover for his lying ass in the press... and then afterwards he stands up there and has the balls to claim the opposite of it all and call otters fake news fir reporting the facts as they came in from the other side of the phone.

If he were smarter, he might make a great propagandist, but he's just a really shitty liar and manipulator.


27 days of vacation in his first 6 months, now not only the dumbest man to occupy the office, but the laziest one, too.


I voted for him as well and he is a total fucktard. I lost my job at Carrier just after he paraded us around as a win. I hope the democrats can get their shit together.

>Low reading comprehension
Trump or supporter detected

What is this a Turkish post? Who puts the % before a number? That isn't American.

how about that boyscouts call that never happened?

He can't even write his own books, just spouts bull shit to ghost writers for hours then makes sure every word of it praises him and his "accolades" Dude is in debt up to his eyeballs and owes so much money to the Kremlin and Russian affiliates it's sickening. Let me list the massive failed business adventures of his that I can list off the top of my head:

Trump University (wow)
Trump Steaks
Trump Vodka
Trump Airlines
Trump Mortgage
Trump Magazine
Trump Ice (water)

No bank in the US in their right MIND would give this guy a loan, so he colluded with Russians billionaires and essentially gangsters for money. You guys are all fucking retarded.

They could be that...

Or they could be autofagging brony circlejerkers who believe all this shit and need to gobble it down over and over again off each other's fag sticks.

How exactly is trump going to fall?
he's been doing fine so far

I voted for Gary Johnson because both candidates were unacceptable

Wasn't it 3-4 agencies and not 17? Maybe you should that little tidbit near the bottom so people have to go through more effort to disprove your posts.


The media are all biased shills that want the (((status quo))) to be maintained. Don't believe me, believe ANYTHING you want, conservative or liberal, left or right, and say Israel shouldn't exist. See how long that lasts.

the democrats shit was together. they're too busy working on actual policy to know how to deal with a baboon throwing shit at them, and an angry, ignorant, uneducated populace voting for said shit throwing baboon.

"The person who made this prefers to put their percentage before the number, therefore meaning that you're incorrect and this information is invalid. Aha got you there!!!!"

Is this really all you have to go on?

if you think drowning in a sea of your own shit is doing fine.

I'm going to need a citation about his debt

How about this you ignorant fuck. On top of that he is a serial liar and only looks out for his own best interests and how people view him. Yea, I want a president that cares about himself more than the millions of people he represents. Don't waste my time, you're not old enough to vote, if you are, I genuinely feel sorry for you.