Does this infection look like it needs medical attention? Ive been snorting heroin for about 4 months...

Does this infection look like it needs medical attention? Ive been snorting heroin for about 4 months, and shooting into the top of my left hand and wrist for a little less than 2 weeks. I used alcohol wipes/clean needles/ very clean and have never missed a vein, yet its infected and im not trying to ask anyone in real life cus this was a temporary secret. My heartrate is approximately 90 bpm, but that might b influenced by my current anxiety lol. My wrist was swollen a few days ago and went down after a day but idk im worried this time.. all input appreciated!

You're going to die if you don't stop now. I'm in the process of being sober now from doing 60mg of methadone a day. Stop now before you die or else it will be inevitable.

Yes it needs. And it'll look worse if you keep snorting. My advice - search for a medical treatment to stop using heroin. Indeed it's very embarassing, but if you continue using it, people will notice in one way or other - by the hematomas and eventual punctures on your skin


premed fag here. from the pic it doesnt look like there's any inflammation/swelling/redness, besides the points of insertion. keep it clean, put some neosporin on it and stop injecting. drugs fuck with your immune system so your healing wont be as good. get help to get off the drugs, user.

how long has it looked like this? has it gotten worse? if it gets worse or if you start getting a fever etc then you're getting worse and get your ass checked out

Thank you, i am gonna stop now, but ive been using it for actual pain, and only recreationally the times ive injected. Its been like this for the past 8 hours, im not sure if its gotten worse but it definitely hasnt been getting better yet. Tho last time it got better after 24 hours..

OP, please, seek for help! And when you do it, let us know here in Sup Forums. I'm really worried about you

That really dosent look good :/ Good luck....

I dont feel psychologically addicted, i was going to stop once my painful injury is better but i dont think i can wait that long anymore. Since i have a history of heroin on my record, docs wont treat my pain so ive had no choice but to use heroin for the pain.

I'm a medic. Go to the hospital, OP. Patient confidentiality will protect you. Fucking mothers giving birth to babies they nursed while doing drugs even have this right so you really shouldn't worry.

same user here, it's definitely caused an inflammation response, same that would happen if you were to cut yourself but when you're dealing with drugs and needles it can go downhill very fast. you might not think you're hooked on it and before you know it you're broke and homeless. don't be that dude op.

I want to but Im getting xanax prescribed, will my psychiatrist find out and stop writing for it?

soon to be premed fag- has your experience been good so far? im starting to worry that its gonna be too much work and I won't be motivated since high school was so easy

What do u mean by downhill very fast? Can u please elaborate? Also i appreciate the advice but i have really strong will power, i have quit almost everything from alcohol to cigarettes to even heroin before

There are rules for accessing your medical documents. I'm pretty sure only you or a family member can access your medical documents. I'm pretty sure your psychiatrist will not have access to this but I'll have to read up on HIPAA. You should, too. it's good to know your rights.

Stop doing heroin now. If that gets worse wait till heroin is out of your system and then get it checked out.

At least thats my two cents im not a doctor.

I will look into that thank you

i'm an ausfag, not sure what it'll be like where you're from. workload is disgusting. dropped to 3 subjects a semester to help manage it better which has helped. only do it if you're sure you really want to because it will make you forget all the reasons why you wanted to do it in the first place. it's hard but rewarding.

opioids are highly addictive no matter how easily you think you'll be able to drop them. it's physical and mentally addictive. adding needles into the mix is asking for HIV. the pull can be so strong that you'll rationalise using a dirty syringe. the longer you use it the worse it is. because you have used it before and quit it before it gives you confidence that you can easily do it again. i don't know if i'm making sense i've always been shit at explaining but it's the best way i can. just get onto getting clean ASAP.

what's the pain from?

I get what youre saying thank you. The past few months while snorting i havent even used enough to get high tho, just enough to help the pain. The pain is from an injury i got 2 years ago when i was taken advantage of, since then ive had pelvic pain and muscle spasms that got worse when i tried having sex for 1st time since wat happened 2 years ago. Im not gonna try that again for a while. This was about 4 months ago when i started using.

OP im sure there are a lot of places that can help you. not sure if you guys have this in america, but at a lot of universities they have training students for physio chiro etc train on people usually supervised to make sure they aren't fucking up for a fraction of the price, like $15-20 an hour. might be worth looking into that. and if you need help with the drugs, im sure there are plenty of free/cheap counselling programs or rehab places. also, there's an app called betterhealth that's becoming popular for therapy. they have licensed people you get to match with for i think $30 a week or something. might be a way to save up some cash to go to a GP if you're forking out for the therapist. good luck user.

Thank you. I dont even want to inject again so the drugs arent a problem. I have no choice but to snort small amounts tho for the pain :/ I just wanted to be sure my hand wont turn gangrenous or my body wont go into septic shock.