Roast of Rob Lowe (The Ann Coulter Hour)

Did Sup Forums get a chance to A) watch this, B) leak outside their hugbox (and come here) and talk about it yet? Does Sup Forums hate this or what?

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ann coulter is a hack unfunny skeletor looking bitch

just because she shits on SJW's and supports trump doesn't make me like her

As someone that spends too much time on Sup Forums I seem to remember she's not liked there because she fucks black dudes

>goes to a room full of liberals and makes fun of them

She knew they wouldn't laugh, this woman is great.

>this woman is great.

kek, I'd go as far as to hate fuck her. That's it.

>swn dress up in an SS uniform and bully you

what the hell is a "swn"?

Sup Forums are just as triggered by women as they are by liberals so they're no big fan.

It's code for Reddit is thattaway kid

Hate Coulter all you want, the liberals "jokes" were all just
>Go kill yourself
It wasn't remotely funny. You could smell the butthurt coming off them.

>pulled sulky faces at some of the roasts against her
Yea na

Jimmy Carr was the best one.

You're thinking of Sup Forums

Her segment wasn't that bad but watching everyone else rip into her was a little uneasy to watch. Normally when they roast eachother the *jokes are coming from a place of love but everyone going after her was like pure hatred and not really clever, just straight up mean

Sup Forums is just diet Sup Forums or Sup Forumss anonymous

Liberals aren't aware enough of her arguments to be butthurt by them, they just have this vague idea of her as a malnourished witch on the political lunatic fringe and an easy target.

are there any funny non-liberal comedians?
pic not related, obviously

>wahhh they were mean

I'm not sure you have followed Ann's "career" over the past decade or so...the woman is fucking filth. She decided to go, nobody forced her.

>straight up mean
Have you read Coulter's stuff?

>Ann Coulter has "arguments"


jewel was the best

Non-liberal yes, are moderate ones but not conservative in a Sup Forums sense.

In other words your punk ass can't take what you dish out.

Oh I understand completely, I just don't know why she'd even voluntarily go there and watching her get picked into wasn't really funny (I think roasts are supposed to be funny?)

some of it, she's a bitch, I get it. I was just trying to respond to OP saying I didn't like watching it


This, the logic is astounding

>I'll shit on liberals (or my cartoonish caricature of what I think liberals are) everything is PC

Doug Stanhope, Norm Macdonald, and Adam Carolla are the first that come to mind.

apparently she threw out a lot of jokes written for her and decided to say other shit instead.

Had she read the original jokes prepared for her I'm sure they would've been pretty good

>Still pushing this meme that Doug Stanhope is a conservative in 2016


Ron White

Jewel was good, Robb Riggle was best

He never said conservative, only non-liberal.

It was no better than any of the other political """"humor""""" shits do in popular media

Daily reminder modern day liberals are horrible people and anne was the only one with balls in that entire room. Jeff Ross can stay tho.

He's an open borders far left cuck who thinks Bernie Sanders was a revolutionary

>anne ("Ann") was the only one with balls in that entire room.
>just flat out say stupid fucking bullshit and that equates to "having balls"

I guess you think all lunatics are just brave then.

He supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, he's very much a libertarian.

She probably gets told to kill her self all the time because of how she is. But this wasn't the regular news type setting where that happens , it was a roast.

The SNL guy that heckled her seemed like a big baby. The only one at the roast that really got upset by a joke.

is this the lady who thinks hispanic is a race?

That shows you he's a memer when it comes to politics, GJ has literally nothing in common with RP

What Coulter did certainly was brave, I'll give her that, but she was openly sulking toward a lot of it, and liberal journalists/comedians/etc put themselves into similar situations amongst conservatives too.

The only reason they aren't is to make white crime rates look worse

>She gets told to kill herself, conservicucks are in an uproar.
>Their candidate calls most of the Mexican population rapists and murderers, thinks American Muslims should be on a registry, mocks a disabled reporter just to name a few.
>conservacucks not only don't care, they (some of them) even agree
>liberals get beat up at rallies, Trump supporters who are fans of Ann are okay with that.

The hypocrisy is not astounding to me.


this kek

what does that have to do with the SNL guy not being able to keep his cool?

Theyre their own race, or should be Asians at the least. They are counted as Caucasian for some reason

because you are bitching about how many times Ann possibly gets threatened for her blatantly retarded statements, yet how do you not see the irony in what some ragecucks have said in her defense?

Illegal immigrants not Mexicans. Does your reading about politics go past reading headlines on the Huffington Post

wtf I hate conservative viewpoints now

liberals don't ever subject their ideas to criticism in the media. it's all a big circlejerk. it's not hip to be conservative and it doesn't get views.

Anyone who supports Gary Johnson unironically is voting solely based on who will legalize weed or pure high school-tier contrarianism. The man is a liberal who calls himself a libertarian.

I've seen the entire speech. He does not make any literal distinction. Would you like a direct quote? Or is your cognitive dissonance too hard to hear his actual direct quote? Did CNN animate his mouth with computer effects?

He says Mexico is sending MEXICANS who are rapists and murderers, but some (Mexicans) he assumes are good people. He's not making a distinction between "illegals" and "citizens". He says "Mexico is sending rapists". He does not make a verbal distinction between whether they are illegal or not.

I'm sorry you have bad comprehension skills and hear only what you fucking want. Autism effects millions of families every year.

I said thats normal for her. When you add cuck to everything it loses meaning. I have no idea what a ragecuck is.

>y-you read h-huffington post!
>checkmate liberals!

>I have no idea what a ragecuck is.

lurk more, faggot

Nice stale meme

The picture itself was first posted like a day ago you dumb faggot.

Also, not an argument. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you told me. Now I know.

Mexico is sending Central Americans in general as well. You see Mexico itself has an illegal immigration problem, and one of the ways they deal with it is sending the worst ones to the US instead of back to Guatamala

are you unable to make a point without made up words?

That other user literally memed about the huffington post. That's what is stale.

It actually made me feel uncomfortable, they were just insulting her without even trying to be funny. The crowd was hostile as fuck towards her and cheered anything against her and booed her set just to virtue signal.

Except for Manning's kentucky derby joke, that was gold

That's not the point, the point was what Trump has been recorded saying. I don't care any further than that, sorry.

Unlike your green text fedora "argument"? Drive into a river, ASAP

>these are made up words I've never heard

You can't actually be that much of a newfag.

No he didn't, you're wrong

>kill yourself!
>nailed it!
>got em again!

Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue

>liberals get beat up at rallies
How can anyone actually believe this

Not only do mobs of "antifa" beat on all kinds of Trump supporters, but they think it's 100% justified.

her delivery was shit, and she wouldn't stay on topic. she had one funny joke about mike pence though.
also she did come right out and admit that she was just there to plug her book, which i can respect

>nuh uh, you wrong

I can link you the transcript of his speech you stupid illiterate whore

Why the fuck would a liberal even be at a Trump rally anyway? You don't see republicans surrounding the entrance at Hillary rallies and heckling and spitting on people who try to go inside

You realize that there have been more documented incidences of in-rally violence between Trump supporters than by this less than a single handful (maybe 4 or 5) where protesters attacked Trump supporters?

Do numbers only work one way for you?

>I don't understand greentext

>documented incidences of in-rally violence between Trump supporters
Never heard of it, but I'd love to read about this. You got links or are you just talking out your ass?

And there are protesters at basically every single Trump rally, don't give me this "single handful" crap

>I won't pull up any of the reported incidences where Trump supporters beat up minorities, despite there being actual legal charges I can look up and cite. But I won't, look at these few times! See! This is my only point. It only works one way apparently.

>Never heard of it
Bullfuckingshit you haven't. Don't be a complete fucking retard. Yes you fucking have. Don't pretend that Trump rallies don't have a level of actual violence in them.

Trump supporters are more likely to be assaulted than vice versa. Doesn't matter, he's leading now and Hillary is dying and you can't stop it

Yes from anarchists, "anti"fascists, niggers and spics assaulting Trump supporters.

>look at these few times!
Actually I just googled "liberals attack Trump supporters" and those links were all from the first page of 8 million results. I then looked up "Trump supporters attack liberals" and almost every first page result were the same results as the first search, same links about liberals attacking Trump supporters again. I pulled that shit up for you guys, so do link me the stories of Trump supporters beating on innocent minorities.
Bro, I legitimately have not heard of violence BETWEEN Trump supporters, just liberal vs. conservative stuff. Why are you so angry?

>Trump supporters are more likely to be assaulted than vice versa.
There have statistically been more violent physical confrontations BY Trump supporters since his campaign started. But keep living in your fantasy world.

I'm still waiting for a source on that

>There have statistically been more violent physical confrontations BY Trump supporters since his campaign started

This is a straight up lie and you know it.

lurk is real word you retard

This is why Sup Forums is actually just a reincarnation of

>I'm still waiting
>Trump supporters are more likely to be assaulted
>This is a straight up lie and you know it.

^six reported incidents

^"There have been at least 58 citations connected to Trump events since Feb. 29"

Show me more than 60 citations for protesters ...

When you ask liberals to source what they're talking about, they either get mad at you or go mysteriously silent. Really makes you think

I sourced info that explains in detail over 50 citations for Trump supporters concerning violence you dumb faggots. There is a statistically higher number of reported violent acts DONE BY SUPPORTERS. Why can't any of you math?

you don't know what statistics means

Do you? Would you like more? Can you produce more than 50 reports or citations of violence concerning only protesters at Trump rallies?

I'll wait...for a higher number.

All those sources are lying liberals, please bring real sources and stats or just go back to rebbit. Not even counting that Trump supporters don't run to the cops because they got shoved and other pussy left wing behaviour

>All those sources are lying liberals
>I don't like where the sources are coming from, even if they source actual police records
>so it's obviously not a real source

Holy fuck, you have to go back.

You've obviously never watched any of the hundreds of videos of protests at trump rallies. It was the screaming insane bernie supporters causing 90% of the problems.

>hundreds of videos of protests at trump rallies

Show me sources where there is a statistically HIGHER trend of citations, police reports and lawsuits being filed BY Trump supporters and AGAINST protesters that are at a HIGHER FREQUENCY than violence committed BY Trump supporters.

As it stands, given that math is a thing non-autistic people apt to use, there are higher numbers of citations being written for Trump supporters, for in-rally violence.

cognitive dissonance sure is beautiful.

Macdonald, and Adam Carolla are the same person.

>WAHHHHH even though they cite math and actual records, they are all lying because I don't like it

Nobody is more triggered than you fucking sperg filled lot.

I'll just ignore the lack of video evidence in these links, unlike the ones I posted, and the fact that you actually linked to huffingtonpost as a legitimate source.
>slate article
>A running list of violent incidents involving Donald Trump supporters, protesters, members of the media, and campaign/security staff
>the FIRST THING ON THE LIST is about a liberal who tried to steal a cops gun to kill Trump
>the next thing is about someone getting hit in the head with a rock and nobody is sure who did it
>the next three things are Trump supoorters attacked by liberals
>the next thing is a fight between both sides and doesn't say who started it
>everything else involves a "protester" who dindu nuffin
Did you even read your own link dude?

>the huffpo link with 60 citations, click the highlighted link only to get another huffpo article where they are listed in chart form
>the citations do not say whether the cited people were pro or anti Trump, but it does say 47 of the 61 citations were for protesting, therefore the 47 were probably anti-Trump protesters
Ok it's clear to me now you didn't actually read this shit, because even though it's a liberal website, it doesn'teven support the point they themselves are trying to make. Oh wait, it sort of does, because huffpo believes violence against Trump supporters is 100% justified so anyone arrested for protesting can be blamed on Trump

Cursing is an excellent way to broadcast your immaturity to the world. First election cycle pal?

Besides how blatantly autistic some of these points are, would you like more sources?

fuck you. I watched those videos I'm not gonna dig them up all up for you. Also your link here had police escorting protesters out counted as violence. pathetic

>huffington post is not a legitimate source (even when their info is third party)

please provide evidence as to why?

I can't believe Bill Maher fucked it.