Why the fuck are people so obsessed with making everything about politics? It's a fucking sport. It's supposed to distract you from shit like politics and the current events. Just watch the fucking game and enjoy it for what it is. Stop trying to apply meaning to things that don't have meaning. If you're literally so obsessed with being anti-Trump or pro-Trump you can't watch television without thinking about him you need to consider rethinking your outlook on life.
Why the fuck are people so obsessed with making everything about politics? It's a fucking sport...
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Wrong place to make this argument, we're laughing at people making it about politics.
Because faggot analysts were wrong in their prediction of a multicultural and "hip" team winning an super bowl based on the idea that Atlanta is multicultural and "good" with demographical maps and knowledge vs actual knowledge of what a football team does to win and predicted their knowledge on outcomes they have no control over for ratings and the ability to say they were right instead of admitting they were wrong and that a better team one.
That is one coherent statement.
The patriots were 3 point favourites you fucking idiot
Except the patriots were favored by most analysts
>No, you see, when WE make it about politics, it's good, but when THEY make it about politics, it's laughable
Welcome to post-Trump Sup Forums. Everyone is either a Liberal or an alt-Right, Trump is God, and being conservative is in right now because Liberalism and Libertarianism is too mainstream now.
Everything and everyone has a political agenda now, be it whether talking about sports or fucking ponies.
It goes to show how schadenfreude is the basest of all emotions.
Because a meme won the election and basement dwelling autistist now believe that they'll all get laid and get six figure jobs because they think that some fictional authority figure that has been holding them down has been removed from their lives. It's actually the liberal agenda in reverse, except rather than special snowflake status the Trump crowd seeks "please validate me as a person" status because they're wondering why the privilege the liberal crowd bitches about that they apparently have by default hasn't bought them pussy or a ticket out of living at home.
It's all kind of pathetic but it goes along with posting on an image board that's dominated by underage kids and disaffected 20-somethings who feel like the world owes them something and it must be a vast globalist conspiracy that had made them depressed losers.
Everything is political right now. 50 years of globalist, neoliberal orthodoxy just got overturned in the span of six months following the Brexit vote and Trump's victory. People don't know how to handle the return of nationalism and they're lashing out at absolutely everything because of it.
>that post
youre just as bad as sjws
also patriots were favorites you dumb kike