>tfw your team won the greatest superbowl of all time but Sup Forums proves to be the biggest buzzkill of all time by making you feel like a disgusting racist
Tfw your team won the greatest superbowl of all time but Sup Forums proves to be the biggest buzzkill of all time by...
Other urls found in this thread:
>greatest of all time
>nfl's babby overtime rules
no thanks
greatest chokejob of all time for sure though
>letting normiecucks from Sup Forums who don't even watch sports ruin your life
Sup Forums are useful idiots. It is their job in society to make "racism" equate to mindless violence. But racism doesn't have to be evil. There's nothing wrong with preferring diversity to stay diverse. It does t mea you have to hate other people. It's just a point of view and way of life
>letting Sup Forums influence you
Maybe reddit is more your speed kid.
Yeah, it was Sup Forums who started it, not Bill Maher and the liberal media
Kill yourself
>Sup Forums
>making you feel like a disgusting racist
pol should make you feel you can celebrate your racism my friend. MAGA.
I don't identify with any political party, I've always hated that uppity douche, I don't even see how anyone can say he's liberal when he acts like a Sup Forumstard
Sup Forums is always right
fuck off mate the donald is not a good president, just a funny meme guy