Everyone who thinks marijuana should be legalized is a stoner. No exceptions. I would bet my life on it

Everyone who thinks marijuana should be legalized is a stoner. No exceptions. I would bet my life on it.


Tax revenue would be huge. Also haven't smoked in years.


I've never smoked and I think it should be legal. Just because we can tax the hell out of it and make a ton off of hippies and stoners

I bet you have sooooooo many friends

You like these dubs, OP?

And I bet you have so many arrests on your record.

I don't smoke anything due do asthma and I think weed should be legalized like beer.

Make me, you degenerate cunt.

Haven't touched weed once, still think it should be legalized.

Uh oh. I think I struck a chord

So what, only fossils who hate freedom like Jeff Sessions think it should be illegal. Patriots believe in personal liberty.

tinctures, my friend. brownies. sodas. ice cream. jolly ranchers, gummies.

i love living in a legal state.

I guess your dead, because I wouldn't dare touch the stuff but want it legal because we need something to inject money into the economy.

i took seven marijuanas once, and boy was i hungry.

Not OP, but can you make this a fortune cookie thread please?

And let me guess, you ate 14 quesaritos at tacobell

Yes, that person should be a stoner but it is confirmed that weed has killed not even one person in the whole history since it's discovery

Only niggers are stoners

>spotted the Bernietard

Absolutely not you filthy degenerate

>it is confirmed that weed has killed not even one person in the whole history since it's discovery

So what?

>Not a stoner

Legalize it

op is a fag

The tax revenues would be huge but if they legalize marijuana they would regulate how much THC is in it so the black market would still be cheaper than the legal stuff

I think all recreational drugs should be and then the U.S. gov't treats an addiction to a drug as a health issue not a crime. It works in other countries why not here.

Old fag here, only smoked it four times in my life. Was such a non-event that I can't even believe how anyone would even consider this worth wasting time regulating. Legalize and decriminalize it, the same way that alchol and cigarettes are regulated.
