What is a superbowl worth outside the US?


nothing. people don't care about a sport when their country is not involved

>people don't care
>literal king of the slavs Putin stole one of robert crafts superbowl rings

pick one slav boy

Well the NFL is more popular here than our own league. So theres that.

Worth something in Leafland, that's for sure

This man speaks truth

>super bowl winners are world champions
>somehow not worth anything outside the US

stop being so salty that your shitty island will never win muhammad

Bout tree'fiddy

Honestly though not much. Plenty of people watch and enjoy the game but the day after no fucks are given.

tell that to the sold out london games the nfl does every year, bongs love real football just as much as soccer

>competition which only involves domestic teams
>world champions
are you stupid?

for good fucking reason, you guys cant even play hockey.