Stop fucking around people with this Cheeto...

Stop fucking around people with this Cheeto. Arrest this pedophile and get him to Gitmo as soon as humanly possible! It's torture time for Jew fucking criminals like this cuck.


I thought you said he was hitler?

you should wait a few minutes before agreeing with yourself.
it makes it look more believable.

Hitler was 1/4 Jewish.

And trump's grandmother was an illegal immigrant.


sure kid

You're giving Cheetos a bad name.


because clinton wasn't a jew.


Would Pence be any better?

He's a jewmonkey too.

As a Canadian living in an igloo, I've gotten pretty tired of hearing about this guy. Can we just go back to memes rather than all this boring shit?



I can't stop laughing every day at you retards. Loud, ignorant, arrogant, incompetent, too much of a buffoon to cover his tracks, hypocritical, on top of being the laziest leader of this century thus far, taking another three weeks vacation with all of the Mar-a-Lago golfing trips at a time when North Korea is amping up its military arsenal and the situation in the Middle East could not be more pressing, and projecting all of his own insecurities on everyone else.

Trump is the exact president America deserves.

the Trump show is hilarious, demolishing what's left of the USA's tarnished reputation, with a wave of his pudgy paws.





I don't see why everyone is so upset with Trump.
On top of that, if there were any real connection with Trump and the Russians, wouldn't they have tried to push that info out in the open ASAP and get rid of him as fast as possible?

It is sad. Sadder still he's going on vacation now for like 3 weeks.

Very low energy president.

so, lemme get this straight, you only tolerate pedophiles (pedosta) and jews (feinstein, lieberman) if they're on your little team? otherwise, they should be tortured?
thank fuck you're not in charge of anything, hypocrite.



hahaha what the fuck you cuck are you starting the trumps is jew narrative

>if there were any real connection with Trump and the Russians, wouldn't they have tried to push that info out in the open ASAP and get rid of him as fast as possible?
>Not understanding blackmail
This actually explains the naivety of your world view.

you got it.

As much as I loathe him, I was pleased when he won. Hilary woulda been so much worse, and much less entertaining.



>pizza memes
>unironic Judenhass
Back 2 pol

Could you fags go post your gay shit on tumblr please.



I wonder where he'll serve his time?

Also, I wonder if he'll pardon everyone. He's an asshole, so I bet there are a couple or a few people he won't pardon....


>This doesn't prove how little power the POTUS has, but instead shows Trump is a failure

Someone remind me how democracy isn't the most flawed system there is.



there's no fucking around, Murrican'ts are really this stupid


awe it's the sad widdle sad poster :(
2 grand juries and 33% would make me sad too

your opinion.

they're dumber, they'll vote for him in 2020. watch, I guarantee it.

no one thinks it's possible, but it'll happen. GW won after he started the Iraq war and killed thousands of Americans soldiers.

still better than the nigger.


why are we arguing, why can't we come together as murkans? do you hate me so much? a fellow American? I'd fight beside you. die for you. cry for you.


which one

also.. you realize that trump meets the textbook definition of the term 'nigger', correct?

not sad. GLORIOUS. cheer up man



Except he doesn't because he isn't black.

>"There's a difference between black people and niggers actually XD"

End yourself.

>t. shabbos goy

Darth Cheeto is only 1/8 joosh.

So was is current wife.

Emma approves of this post.


when trump goes to prison,

we really get to assblast Russia

putin's going to a mad, filthy little slav




sure kid

Because MuriKKKans have to pick sides to show how macho they are. Since they can no longer pick sides against the Redcoats, they have to pick sides against one another. MAGA!


Oh, look, our Nigerian friend is back!
Kaabo, ọkunrin ti o iranlọwọ fun awọn Aare!
