One of my coworkers keeps telling us that the earth is flat. How can I shut him up for good

One of my coworkers keeps telling us that the earth is flat. How can I shut him up for good.

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Kill him.

Ask why you can't see china with a telescope from the top of a mountain in California


tell him to shut up, you dont want to hear about it anymore.

I would just start spouting even crazier shit just to mock him. Hes got his mind made up. No point arguing with him.

I don't know, we've been trying to shut up flat-earthers, "reptilians are controlling the NWO" conspiracy nerds, republicans and religious folks for years but they keep making up new reasons to be dumb on purpose.

Throw him over the edge

lol I like that idea

Superglue mouth shut

if the earth was flat then cats would have knocked everything off the edge already

playing devil's advocate, but how would you defend the traditional view of round-earth?

southern cross

I honestly smiled at that.

Thanks user.

Tell the earth is a square and until he proves otherwise, it will be a square.

Just gather your non-retarded coworkers and agree that every time he brings it up to act really uncomfortable, like he's talking about diddling kids or something.

If you can get everyone to do that, he'll stop just to end the awkwardness.

And with everyone "feeling threatened", if he doesn't stop, HR will have cause to fire him.

OP here.
Last time we argued, he told me that if you were on the centre of an frisbee, then you would still see the roundness of the edge.Everybody had a little kek.

ask him to propose a theory of gravity that results in a rectangular prism world naturally. He will of course refuse, but the fact that he can't and we already have one that supports the idea of spherical/semi-spherical accretion means you win.

Don't get drawn into the stupid arguments based on pictures. You will never beat them because they'll always have another "but what about this one" up their ass to pull out.

The earth is flat you faggot. and btw gtfo of here.

He should be...corrected...

I have no knowledge of gravity but do this and tell him to stfu and work.

You dont go there to socialize you go there to make money.

if you have to resort to citing youtube videos, you are in the wrong. Science requires more than just the ability to upload a video. If you really want to prove your points, let your work be subjected to peer review.

You won't though, because you lack both the intelligence to form a convincing argument at that level, and also the intelligence to realize how retarded what you are suggesting is.

Nice one and agreed on the arguments based on pictures. He has loads of those.The retard came prepared.

It's simple, just prove the earth is round.

protip: you can't

Just agree with him. He'll stop talking because he doesn't need to convince you anymore and you can move on with your life since it doesn't matter either way.

next time he starts in with this crap just say "ok mike thanks you very much," then change the subject. he'll feel disrespected, as he should.

If he wants to believe it, he won't be convinced by any argument whatsoever. I mean you could stick an idiot in a rocket and send him into space, he will be arguing that the windows are just television or something.
Or maybe he's just trolling you?


He convinced one guy and pretty much all he does with him, is talking about the most retarded conspiracy theories. I don't want that man.

Let remote justice work. Encourage him/her indirectly and discreetly and offer equally insane theories. Some day, some where, the person shall meet an equally rabid warrior who believed otherwise.

Oh one of those. Well in that case just punch him in the nads.

Nah, he ain't a troll. It takes a lot to be a troll face to face and he is a typical stereotype nerd without balls.

tell him to put it on his CV / resume

it's sure to land him some top jobs

>this is what happens when you replace science class time with self-esteem boosting and after lunch ADD meds

nice lack of arguments you got there user

nice lack of peer reviewed publications you've got there retard

Ask him what's on the bottom of it.

kill him

a giant turtle carrying us on his back

Oh, thanks for clearing that up

That was not me, the OP btw. He has told us all kinds of stuff about that.Once he said it's "the other side", then he told us it might be endless magma field coming from a wormhole and whatever....

But you didn't post any peer reviewed publications neither

there are so many out there that support it i wouldn't even know where to start. You aren't going to read them anyway. All I'm asking you is for ONE peer reviewed publication in a reputable journal that supports a flat earth.

this is your only option

satan quints compel you

oh shet check em

ultrasatan is a nerd

push him off the edge of the world, that'll shut him up


I like the turtle idea better, more plausibleq


there are actually people who believe in the world turtle model. When asked what's under the turtle, the famous response is "it's turtles all the way down"

By watching a boat descend over the horizon, the same way they did over 2000 years ago.

Tell him the truth about Discworld !

You stole my quints bitch. here

Push him off of the edge

play this song for him and roll a pizza into a ball

actually istole them from the guy ahead of you faggot


The earth IS flat. But that flat-ness wraps around a sphere. Gravity and quantum physics makes the planar dimension that earth exists on curl onto itself to APPEAR non-flat in physical space. If you draw a straight line, the line is straight, but it will eventually run into itself, implying that the plane wraps.

Earth is flat, but the physical space it occupies makes it mathematically and visually round.

That's only slightly incorrect and might be the "bone" they want to both be right AND not have their worldview be "wrong."

this is the perfect example of someone who knows some science words but has absolutely no fucking clue what they mean. What you said makes absolutely no sense. I have a PhD and 5 years of postdoctoral research experience in physics and one of the first year undergraduates I teach could tear this arguments to shreds.

I would never advise him to do so though because it's a waste of time. You are mentally ill, or a troll. You are literally incapable of listening to reason. Go see a therapist.

Tell him about cats: was the earth flat, those fuckers would have already thrown everything off the borders

Yeah you do. You're a doctor!

Of assmunching. Eat on, Dr. Butt. Eat on.