>football is now over
Football is now over
>Apehoop and furpuck until April
If this amerisport season has taught me something, is that every sport can be awesome. One year ago I would have laughed at the prospect of watching boreball or a fatcrash game other than the SB, and now I can't wait for them to start again. Once you start liking other sports, you'll always find something to watch and be entertained:
baseball is the shit. I really like how every thread for teams has their own shitposting culture.
>what is the premier league and chapioms league
> implying anyone cares about those faggot leagues
>what is the majority of Sup Forums
You're in the minority, cletus
I shitpost about soccer all the time just to piss off insecure yuropoors but watch at least a couple matches a week
>people pretending to like American football
Just stop. Is pathetic. Even more when you aren't even American
football is better than any shitty sport youre going to be playing behind the wall, paco
are you using a proxy
Don't you have weeb things to do? Just think of all the weeb things.
It's a shame that the Premier League title race isn't great this season.
Champions League knockout rounds should be excellent though.
My Sundays are finally free
Just in time for /hoc/
More like baseball is shit
I can finally take back control of my life for few months.
WBC next month fampai