Has Sup Forums ever been so absolutely humiliated?
Has Sup Forums ever been so absolutely humiliated?
everyone one on spee wanted the pats to win
I fucking hope not.
I wasn't able to shitpost on Sup Forums during the game (due to the fact I'm not a NEET friendless loser), but I wish I could experience the gamethreads in their entirety. I imaging it went something like this:
>AHAHA Falcons FTW
>Creatriots BTFO
>>Brady >GOAT xDDDDD
>too little too late
>n-not gonna happen guys :^)
>b-but muh cointoss
>[pic related]
Big Sup Forums crossover here desu - humiliation levels would be low.
Thousands upon thousands of game thread posts and shitpost threads suggest otherwise.
If you'd ever come here before yesterday, you would know Tom and all other unpopular overdogs are /OurGuys/
Exactly like that.
fuck, this place is so predictable, isn't it?
I've been here years, it's a den of Rodgers fags and cucks denying Brady is GOAT.
They're defeated now, at long last.
No it was more like
>flood of posts supporting whichever team is doing better at the moment
with lots of anime and braps, as usual