What's /b drinking tonight?

What's /b drinking tonight?

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my own piss on twitch thypnotics

Turkey 101 and Dr Pepper is my fuck up the world drink

hot dog water

Never tried it with Dr. Pepper

and Peroni.

Why does italian beer taste so good?

UKs most drank larger, Carling piss water... Oh I am ashamed of you UK

Well, have shotted two vodkashots but that was a while ago. Jeltzin vodka, which actually tastes kinda okay despite being a polish shitvodka.

Started with a nice 43% abv bourbon. Now onto a California red wine blend. Shit's good.

Cheers, bout to take some Lone Star Vodka shots.

I find vodka to be consistently unenjoyable no matter the brand.

PBR. I'm poor, young, stupid, hipster and pissed. Tastes like failure and when I look in the mirror, looks like failure too.

Only the best

An interesting combination. Would you recommend?

Yeah, I too feel as though vodka is absolute trash, but meh, got it cheap from a friend. Smirnoff is actually okay aswell, since they filter it like 10 times so there's no flavor at all. Never heard of Lone star. Is it okay? (despite being vodka)

Sober 8 days.
I can make it.
Believe in me b.

It's some local brand, tastes and works like vodka so I'd say it's not bad, especially compared to shit like nikolai.

As for Smirnoff, I've only tried the fruit flavors, all of which make me want to vomit.

KRAKEN black spiced rum



Do you burp angry blurry bubbles?

Ahh, fuck man. The original smirnoff is actually okay. Usually hate when liquors add extra flavoring.

What is your opinion on Tequila? All my friends love it but i just find that it's absolute dogshit.

Medically inadvisable for me to drink.

At most I can safely nurse a beer or something.

I prefer weed anyway.

You got this user

Bro. Let me change your mind about vodka. If you want to experience what it is all about, buy some Chopin or Ketel One. It will be a bit pricy. You get what you pay for.

Put the vodka, and a shot glass, in the freezer. Not the fridge, the freezer. Once it's cold, take it out. Pour a shot. Feel the cold silkiness for a second. Then down it.

Pro mode: Pair it with quality meats (capicola, prosciutto) and cheeses. The world holds few better experiences.

I smashed a big hole in my wall a week ago so Im taking a break this weekend. How are you curing the boredom?

good old fashioned lewis and clark

Tequila to me tastes too awful to drink in shots. I've never been drunk off tequila, but I know all kinds of wive's tales about more chaotic drunk emotions and worse hangovers.

That's pretty upscale. I guess my first problem is drinking vodka room temperature, Ima start refrigerating it.


dead nazis

diet pepsi


Super pissed because I accidentally bought a fifth of Jim Beam, instead of a liter, so I'm going to be jonesing later tonight.

good on you.

for boredom, dust off an old game you liked but didn't love and master it.

Idk. Mostly chainsmoking. Isn't much better. Masturbation. And trying to distract myself with Netflix and fallout. So far so good.
But it's been to the point where I can't function without a drink. Been showing up to work drunk for the last year or so and drinking in my car on my breaks. Getting out of hand. Trying unsuccessfully to hide it from my family and girlfriend.

>drinking liquor for the flavor
Why would anyone do this? I'm drinking vodka because it gives the best bang for the buck

In that case you want everclear

Yay, you actually agree with me!!! have tried tequila two times in my life, both times i nearly threw up. You should try smirnoff original some time, cheap and does the job swell.

If you actually were to go "tryhard" with drinking alcohol, I myself would much rather go for Whiskey or gin, not vodka. Think that experience would change me?

My own jizz

Stay strong man. Hope things work out.

Boy I got the deal for you, Three-litre bag in box jeltzin vodka!!

What's your favorite alcohol? If I could have champagne every night I would for sure.


I can't speak to gin beside's Hendrick's, that is some fine stuff. Whisk(e)y though, shit, don't get me started. I can talk about it for hours. My personal preference is bourbon. ryes in particular, and peaty scotches (Laphroiag, Ardbeg, Lagavulin.)

Honestly tryhard mode is rewarding. I drink three nights a week, no more, and keep it balanced. Those nights are supremely enjoyable, and anyone with a bit of curiosity can avail themselves of amazing stuff.

This and....

... that

Budweiser, normal.

Quit before it gets worse. You will lose your GF. It happened to me a month and half ago. And then it even got worse after that. Ive been good 2 weeks though. Super positive. Just having a beer or two here and there. Tried to tell my Ex I quit but shes not down anymore. Drinking killed the relationship. Try man it sucks but it's worth it

Whatever i feel like drinking. Im not an alcoholic i swear. And all the anons saying vodka is better chilled you are right but when you find vodka that is enjoyable room temperature thats when you know you found a good one. Im drinking grey goose vx right now and even though i think its not worth the $80 price tag its definitely some good vodka

Well, If I were to talk about all kinds of drinks etc. my favorite would probably be Gin and tonic, but that's mostly beacause I strangely like bitter things.

If it's just about one type of liquor i'd go for high quality whiskey. How about you? :)

Hard liquors, probably just vodka shots. I don't get very creative often, but if I could I'd practice makin all kinds of mixed drinks I Guess.

Hmm, Acutally never tried Hendrick's, but my go to Gins are either Bombay Sapphire or The botanist.

Ever tasted Nikka coffee grain whisky? My favorite whisky at this time, not that I really have the resourses to finance it that often. :)

The last straw for me was when I was late paying my car payment because I had to stop before work for another bottle and overdrew my account for the rest of the week.
Always knew it was a problem but I thought I had it under control. Evidently i was wrong.

Not actually drinking anything at the moment

Maybe I'll pick up some beers later

what's so hard about not drinking every day? I like beer and drinking rum but I couldn't be going into work drunk and shit- that's crazy. Just smoke some weed

Been having gin tonics whiskeys and caipirinhas all day. Would've had some IPA's but I'm in Mexico and they have no clue what that is...

Bitter drinks are the best btw!

Haha, go the manly way! Almost always shot vodka, but never do it with other alcohols.

Never really fancied Champange or regular wine for that matter... :((

Can't drink for a few weeks. Having esophageal spasms from reflux. On valium and milk of magnesia mixed with lidocaine. Hurts to swallow. Now I'm going to get DT shakes too.

I think they're easier and more enjoyable to drink not just to get drunk, but I enjoy the culture and variety of it all.

this is how my room would be, if my brother wasnt an alcoholic lol

Some cheap whisky


Ha, now that is interesting to me. Both of those gins have piqued my curiosity. I do rather like the bitter note that the spirit has. It makes me feel like I am a British soldier in Raj India or something warding off malaria.

As for Japanese whiskys, I have not tried any. I know the Yamazaki single malt is highly regarded, but beyond that, no experience. I'll take the recommendation for Nikka next time I am at the liquor store.

better take some fire up the brown chute

8 days lol try 5 years

34 and I've never drank in my life, always seemed like it was for normies

gin and ginger beer.

i'd add lime juice but sadly dont have any atm

Kraken and Cherry Dr.Pepper

four roses single barrel right now, may switch to some wild turkey later though

Yay!! Bitter drinks are so good, love feeling the acidic-ecs flavouring.

yup idk why but lemon makes things better and sugar if the stuff is bitter

Yeah, can completely agree with you on that one. Mostly I drink to get drunk, but I love just sometimes sitting at the computer, listening to jazz and drinking slowly.

I like your style.

Addiction lol. You get used to it and then when you're drinking a 6 pack of 8% beer everynight or a mickey whatever and you try to quit after years of it solid you go withdrawals even if they are minor. Nightmares, cant sleep. Etc. So you keep drinking to avoid that. I can curb it. Im functioning I don't drink at work ever but booze is so unhealthy for your body when you drink everynight or often. Worse than drugs.

My job is really lame. One of the guys suggested it and said he does it sometimes. Makes it easier to deal with customer interaction and I function way better mentally while intoxicated, don't really have to think as much. Tried weed. Doesn't really do the same thing. Makes me tired.
I'm sure I'll get there eventually. Longest I ever ever been sober since I was a teenager was 3 months.
One step at a time.

Yay, Sounds good. Bombay sapphire is the one I usually drink with gin and tonics, since it has a strong base flavour that doesnt get taken away with the tonic.

Almost only drink Japanese whiskys, but have also drank some Ardbegs with my dad on special occations, since he is kind of a whisky-collector. You should really try Nikka sometime, Flavorful but not extreme!

I did 6 months a few years ago. Felt awesome, was a much better person. But it caught up slowly again and then its the same cycle. And I bet if your like I am/was/still am haha every morning you're like okay im going sober. But nope. Good times but shitty. The only reason I feel like im all good is because I know about hardcore alchs who drink a 26 everynight. Im rarely hungover, eat healthy and run a company with my dad. But I can still admit im an alcoholic and know my life would be 1000x more productive socially/ emotionally and physically if I could kick it for good

premieres cotes de bordeux

its a fruity white. i prefer my sweets to me drys you fucking plebs

if you cant control yourself

> (OP) (You)
>four roses single barrel right now, may switch to some wild turkey later though
How is four roses? Never tried it.

Nothing man. Been sober for a week.


Good for you man. You got it

Yeah chopin is dangerously smooth once its chilled in the freezer for a bit. I kind of like the burn tbh

i personally love it their single barrel. their other ones are decent too

Regular is kinda shit. It's just cheap bourbon. It's fine I guess, but buffalo trace is better at similar price. Single barrel is good stuff tho.

I'm drinking bud light lime even though I literally have over $1000 of scotch, rye, and bourbon in the cabinet. Just in a shit beer mood. It's hot as balls here.

toke up brother

Jameson, bought it for someone who ended up letting me down.

If they let you down then drink it up

Georgian brandy

Just take one drink it's nbd

Dude, I totally made athred about being broke and only wanting a 4 loko, well got piad. Bought 2: four lokos (already drank them), then I bought a bottle of 92 proof black heart rum... getting drunk as fuck

I know how you feel man.
One drink or one bottle?

Tom Collins - gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, club soda

what's the difference ;^)