Let's talk about high school Sup Forums. Going into freshman later this month...

Let's talk about high school Sup Forums. Going into freshman later this month. What should I be expecting and how do I survive all of the normies?
Or we could talk about hentai. Either one. Pic unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Going into freshman later this month

Underage or VERY late bloomer.

what's your point

Show us your bum is the point

>how to survive
Start squatting and wearing lots of sissy clothing and makeup, and practice sucking cock and making cute faces, cause that's the only way you're surviving bud, sorry champ, we all had to do it at one point in our life, it's just part of the great journey.

Wait like, slav squat? Can I kneel? Is kneeling acceptable in trap culture?

Like, you have to get on your hands and knees regularly to make your body used to the position. It also releases various pheremones when you spread your cheeks, and all the alphas will come for you and you'll be granted success.

just dont be a faggot and socialize

>is kneeling acceptable
>like Slav squat?
No nigga, like squatting as in the excercise. I get you just finished 8th grade but I knew what squatting was in like 1st. Step up little nigga.

futa thread, then

Wow can someone ban this faggot for being retarded

High school is a David Attenborough documentary, got it.

I want to lick your tight boipucci, can you post some pics? :3

With the normies? Hell no.

>implying you arent a normie

fucking 13 y/o's these days think they have a personality lmao

quick lesson: you are not better for being "different" and no one cares that you are a self-inflicted outcast. enjoy your fucking time instead of convincing yourself everything and everyone sucks. also stay off the internet kiddo

Fuck, got me there.

No boipussi but this should be good enough

wait a minute wouldn't you be about 14-15?
Cheese Pizza?

They 404d the Alice thread but not this cp shit.

bless up

Mmmm so cute :3

Moar pls

No moar pls. That's all you get.

underage b&?

Sharpie in pooper, now.

Aww, I wanna see your cock too :(


underage b&

I've done that b4, no pics tho.

post dick or i'll report you

Well shit... that got aggressive real fast.

global rule 2, boy

God I wish I could cum inside that tight whole

10/10 would rape

gosh i'm flattered

You're definitely a cute shota

Then post more

um thx?

10/10 would breed

Why no 404 yet?

If this thread doesn't get 404d in the next hour, sure

What about within the next 10 minutes?

Lil boyslut, you better spread that boipucci for daddy

no, hour. I need my PUBG time.

Pubg is life

I've never had a chicken dinner ever but this shit is addictive.

Uhm... Mods?

I've had chicken dinner once

fucking lucky. My 8 year old brother got chicken 4 FUCKING TIMES


You're gonna get banned from Sup Forums for not being 18 or sum shit.

thats like being banned for not reading the terms and conditions for any online game. Who the fuck listens to that

Is this guy banned yet?
If you want advice mate then don't talk about fucking normies or your power level.
Pretend you hate anime, because really you should, and try to ease memes onto others. Step by step, bring them to speed.
You'll sperg it up anyway though so fuck you.

twibz? is that you

wait... what?

While we wait this this is now a hat thread.
what is the best hat hat?
my vote the Plinth Pelmet

Yo twibbz your underage. I suggest ya get off Sup Forums

Hell no, octagugbal police cap wins.



Yo, Mods. Get in here!

I'm pretty sure its octagugbal

I've always enjoyed Napoleons Bicorned hat,
fun hat fact, they didn't start calling them Tricorne hats till the mid 1800, many years after they want out of style.

Yeah, not bad

I've got about 12. Mostly in duo

I wonder is there such thing as a quadricorne?

45% of are hour long wait is done.

Stay off Sup Forums for your entirety of high school life alphas can smell the beta in you.

And people say faggots aren't all pedos....

Question: Are you a nerd?


You're still here?

Graduation cap

im not the freshman, im just a no life nerd.

does that count?



Looked it up, definitely octagugbal.

Fucking savage? This whole thread needs cleansing

why'd you spend time on doing this?


He's making fun of me


yes, yes i am.