Whats wrong with my dick Sup Forums

whats wrong with my dick Sup Forums

did you let an animal lick your dick ?

It's exactly my penis

You haven't retracted your foreskin.

You have Forsyth disease, oily dick.

Nothing it's fine

kek u got old man cock.

Do you bust a nut twice

It's attached to someone that will never show it a vagina


You dont shower much eh?

You need to shower more often, pull your foreskin and wash everywhere like your momma was supposed to teach you.

Also ease on the fapping, I can tell its red because thats all you do all day.


Eat a mushroom and grow bigger

I wouldnt suck that, but original cock.

maybe some molluscum contagiosum?
Or small lipid accumulations under epidermis?

Literally nothing. Lots of men have that, most of the time it's just glands that oil your skin to keep the skin stretchy and soft. Sometimes it goes away sometimes it doesn't. You can't do anything about it.You're fine.

whats wrong with my dick Sup Forums


It's not circumcised???

underrated post

>don't know if that was intentional or just a normal post, but its better than i've seen in a hundred ylyl threads.

this is from touching it too much. A small bug that hides underneath your fingernails burrows inside the skin, so your skin knots up in order to trap the bug. You never should have touched your dick OP.