Cringe thread

Cringe thread



This is just sad not cringe, fuck off.


hahahahaha YES!

That's just mean you cunt. And the bitch is laughing

>someone will never love you so much that you go out with dinner with them even if they die

>no one will ever love you enough to do that either

Go take a look at this:


And this


OP is a fool

What a fucking faggot

That's not cringe, that's just sad.

>Tfw I do the same with my gf
>Tfw can't be a faggot
Good life tbqh




>romantic hood banter
Yes it may be cringe-inducing but it's perfectly reasonable for it to be that way.

>there's nothing wrong with this at-



It's not cringe, but it is not necessarily sad. Maybe he has started to get Alzheimers and wants to keep pictures of his family around so he does not forget them. Ok, maybe it's sad. But he wont care someday.

What a fag

Toilet paper dispenser's not in an optimal position.

I think the cringe is the woman laughing at him. Fuck that cunt

this isnt cringe you autistic retard. you just lack the ability to relate to anything other than your furries and mommys chicken tendies.

eh this is probably OP but I really hope it isnt. dat burn

That's the solution I've been looking for!!!

Fuck you op

It's in the worst possible position
Normal human arms cant reach it without getting up. Besides, what if someone wanted to take a shower?

He isn't vaping, he ate Thomas the Tank Engine...

So you like soggy toilet paper?



