How come no one is talking about these?

how come no one is talking about these?

Other urls found in this thread:

whats special about it

because while her tits are superb... there are no good ass/asshole shots and like two shots with no panties where you can just barley make out her vag.

that's it...all the waiting is we have to go live our lives and know that she won't ever get nude for you personally

so just some random tits?
you must be new here

I saw a thread on it, but it 404'd before i saved any. You have the rest?

Everybody is talking about those, there is like 5 threads up right now with her tits in them

That's Alison brie you fucktard

>only tits, nothing else

must be your first time seeing boobs

Hasbara jidf think they control what's on these boards so they dictate what's hot and what's not by spa mming us with whatever their little Jew rat brains decide... Allison Brae is a jewess and perhaps they don't want to sell the mystery away since she always plays a whorish or loose woman

Will some one just post all her nudes already?

I remember before I had sex for the first time I could get off just by seeing tits

B/c we all saw them 12 hours or more ago.... She is hot though tbqh fam

Because we don't sexualize annie.


No one cares anymore. People spoke about it alot before because we didnt have it and we wanted it but we have it now and its over. What are we supposed to talk about? How firm they are? What the circumfrance her aeriolas are? Theres nothing to said. She has nice breasts and shes a woman who happens to be famous. Thats it. Get over it.


>implying i know or care who the fuck alison brie is

what is this, a fucking girls celebrity gossip magazine?


Bc I dont know who that is

>theres nothing to said

>theres nothing to said

My point still stands, you filthy niggers.


Who's Alison Brie?
Some kind be of soft cheese?

I mean, I could google it, but fuck that, that means opening a new tab and entering the search term " Alison Brie" , which sounds like way more hassle than it's worth, so fuck that

This. There were multiple threads when they dropped last night

yessss moar

Her Twitter post is relevant now


she got topless on Glow, this image lost its value, so now it's everywhere

her twitter post??? her post!??
Jesus man, that's her PROFILE. NOT her post lol at you

You are a god among men, keep them coming.

thats all i saved

i did save this though

for all the time it took you to type that you could have opened another tab and google searched Alison Brie. It owuld have been so easy to do and with such little timey time

Newfag detected

Newfag detected (You)

Did I hear something about new Sarah Hyland leaks?

no nothing

Fuck it. I'll act like a dick and admit it - I love the fappening. She's sending some mother fucker these pics, and now we know .0001% what that's like. And it's pretty good.

Where is the bayley leak?


she is not a top celebrity that's why.

Can someone tell me anything I might recognise her from? Only even heard her name from Sup Forums

Somebody know the vola it came from?


she's c list, clinging to the last vestiges of her celebrity

still hotter than most A-listers. so who cares.

mad men

I don't think we get that here, uk

Community or that gif

The only nudes I care about are Massie Williams'

then u can fuk off m8

All i want is the bayley nude from earlier

god damn, so these are real? The OP pic left me skeptical but that's definitely her

They are real. Her 61 pictures set leaked.

is all of them? i saved all the ones with her face

Wasn't there already a photo shoot she did where you saw her tits before?

I mean hey, nudes are great, but it's not really that big of a deal

she shows her tits in glow too, I don't think she's that shy of them, apparently she ran around nude in college.

whered your hear about that?

Yes all of them are her.


>still no good puss pics
This is how you know it was a publicity stunt

There was one leaked in a vola but I don't know which one

saw about it on a celeb discord thread, anybody have that link?

well dang, thatd be nice.

If you really think this is a good publicity stunt, kill yourself retard.


That's my favorite picture out of the whole set


>new show has barely made a mark
>had no good roles besides in mad men and community
>release shitty nudes to hop on the "hurr hacking" bandwagon
>buzz this controversy generates attracts viewers to her work
>somehow not a "good" publicity stunt
kys reddit

Now all we need is the Kate Beckinsale set.
The Kristen Bell set
andJennifer Aniston set/Salma Hayek set/rumoured


Buzz? Google Alison Brie News

Who the fuck is Alison Brie

Some meme waifu from the shows Community and Mad Men

>Alison Brie News
There's nothing in the news about it at all...I guarantee you that she really doesn't give a fuck that they are out there.

Sarah Hyland's pics were far hotter

then post em

true esp with the lesbo pix

More explicit: yes.
Hotter: no.


Because nobody cares?

Google it

>More explicit: yes.
>Hotter: maybe.
ftfy. Hyland hasn't ruined her looks yet, brie has. Her in glow is the biggest boner killer.

what is this?


unzip your dicks cause pussy is a comin could just fucking post them.

imagine being so unhappy in your life that you come into this thread to post about how you can't enjoy a nice pair of tits.

Except everyone that does.

imagine being so unhappy in your life that you come into this thread to circlejerk over some slags tits when the entire net is filled with them

I for one appreciate the tits.

In return I give you a log.

but not these tits. still not sure why you're posting?

Some pictures of Alison are 9 years old.

Same reason you posted champ. To look like an intellectual smartass

>this means something
The chick from GoT that plays Olenna Tyrell was a hottie once, her nudes prove it, but does that mean she's still hot?

lol if that's your idea of intellectualism. i'm posting because i genuinely enjoy looking at tits. crazy, i know.

I kinda think so too