Should I play World of Warcraft or Runescape?
Should I play World of Warcraft or Runescape?
Is this a joke?
both are shells of what they used to be
Well that answers that then.
choose the one that isnt complete garbage
Runescape, as it's easier to pick up and play. Problem is, once you start, you can never 'quit;' you'll just take "long breaks."
I don't know I like it when it was a browser game now I don't know anymore
wow is at least an actual game, get in a good guild and raid
rs is kind of like pushing numbers around in a spreadsheet
both get very repetitive and boring
What is the point in playing wow now?
I'm pretty sure the devs do a soft reset every time they release a new patch, so there's really no point in playing this game as an MMO anymore, since the slow and gradually incremental progress is the whole point of playing this genre at all.
Unless you want to play what's little more than dance-dance revolution with spells, I don't think paying god knows how much to play an excessively bloated "game", filled with microtransactions disguised as "optional" or "cosmetics" that resets your entire progress every six months is really worth your money and time.
This is coming from a PC fag, and I say you'd be better off investing in a fucking Nintendo Switch, if you're really thinking about wasting your money on wow.
Still, you make your own decisions, so don't take my word for it. I just think wow is way past its best days, and investing money on something that is so past its prime doesn't really sound too smart, at least for me.
runescape either damn get back on your old rs3 account or start playing oldschool
fuck wow im wow at your question bitch
Rs3 is basically wow except even more broken
I love both of these games. Constantly watch people like afriend on YouTube. However, that being said, I think wow is personally more enjoyable of the two. As a previous poster said, find a guild and be social and do raiding. It's tons of fun and challenging to learn the mechanics
This fam
Play Elysium or Old School Runescape. otherwise you're a faggot. I'll kill you to save you the trouble.
This is the truest statement I've ever read in my life. I'm currently on a long break now. Will be making a come back this winter. Reached lvl 90 ..or what ever it is now.. old school is only way to go.
Fucking casuals, play Wurm
you gonna play old school runescape on mobile?
if so whats gonna be ur name and can we be freinds?
>long breaks
This is strange and true. I started playing in 2004. I have gone back to it repeatedly for more than 10 years now. However after 2015 I couldn't go back to the regular version any longer, it is shit kind of like WoW retail at this point. Now I only play OSRS.
Is there a fucking mobile version?
9/10 would fuck
probably in December
I would play RS over WoW if it had healers. That's literally the only reason I pick WoW first.
Would you prefer openly shitty or openly mediocre? wow is the better option.
The only logical choice.
I'm just here for this
Allods > RoM
Good until you reach cap. then boring as fuck. I enjoyed leveling thoroughly though.