>Be me, network manager pro hacker 3 (now with less Tony Hawk!).
>Designing intranet for a small company.
>Boss's wife comes in to take him to lunch.
>"who are you?" - she asks me with a poorly disguised brazilian accent.
>She's hot.
>"he's the new IT guy" - says boss without hesitating.
>Major spoiler: i'm not, i'm there just to design the network and i'm out.
>She tells e her laptop is super slow and it's my job to fix it.
>Minor spoiler: it's not. but boss nods at me like it is my responsibility.
>Smile and say "hey ok!".
>Fix and deploy trojan on her computer.
>Have full access to her laptop, including webcam.
>Get drunk and watch her webcam live feed every once in a while.
>She gets naked in front of the webcam... a lot.
>Black mail her with an anonymous email account.
>I now have 3 bitcoin. I don't even need the money.
It's almost 10,000$.
So what fun stuff should I do with it?
help me out Sup Forums