Does anyone else think its fucking hilarious when cops find weed and describe what it is to the other cops? Example: cops pull guy over, they search car, find a bag of joints, zigzags, roaches, a jar of weed, and a bubbler "What we got here is a sandwich baggie with some pre rolled marijuana cigarettes. Uhhh some freshly burnt marijuana cigarette roaches. What appears to be some marijuana smoking papers. *sets on hood of cop car* And what we have here is a mason jar with some high grade marijuana. Be careful with the lid, it could be bomb. *carefully sets on hood* This appears to be a marijuana smoking water pipe uhh which appears to have freshly burnt Black residue. Could be crack cocaine or heroin we'll test it at the lab Brrrr Copy that have suspect in custody, go ahead and charge him with 5 counts of Felony Marijuana possession and distribution Brrrr *cop looks at guy* Do you realize what you have done? You could have put those *points at nothing* little kids in danger with your marijuana smoking. All it takes is a drive by second hand marijuana smoke and those poor kids would drop outta highschool!
Basically every cop thats caught me smoking weed or any cop I see on TV
my house is make of qweed every time i cook dinner we get high wanna come over :
Jaxson Ramirez
Uhhh we got a massive 10-4 Whole house made out of marijuana buds Bring out the flamethrower Dont wake the home owners We'll make it look like an accident
Hunter Cox
Except its never like that. They snatch your shit up and write as many fines to meet the qouta and leave. Theyre assholes but they give that much of a fuck about your precious little plant, you pretentious teenager.
Henry Evans
Dont give a fuck* Ironically, im high as shit.
Charles Ramirez
Guy walking his dog Cop approaches Sir, where is the marijuana? Where are you hiding it? Uhh..what? What, what the fuck man? Leave me alone >sniiiiiiiiiif Sir, I smell freshly burnt marijuana on your breathe and in the air around you! I dont smoke weed man. Im just walking my dog. Jesus >doge wags tail and borks Sir!!! *grabs gun* Control your animal!! Control!! I will fire!!! >doge wimpers sadly Hey man, take it easy! this is your final warning! Drop the knife!!!!! Drop it and control your animal!!! Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop!!! Reload Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop!!! Shots fired shots fired!!! *puts a bag of weed and a knife next to the man and doge corpse* >Gets promoted >story in paper " crazed marijuana smoker with knife and rabbid dog attack police officer. Officer defends himself. Saves whole town"