If he was going to retire, he would have announced it last night. With five rings and now the undisputable GOAT quarterback of NFL history, what else is there for him to do?
Will he focus on turning little Jimmy and Jacoby into future GOATs? Stat pad and erase all of Peyton's records? Play longer than Brett Favre? Get the coveted sixth ring, that no other player will obtain for the next two centuries?
What is Tom going to do?
Nicholas Hughes
>pregame interview last night >Terry Bradshaw (I think) : "say you win this one, do you ride off into the sunset?" >Tom: "HELL NO!"
Look it up. Was on fox before the game
Ryder Scott
Tommy will probably go until he's 45 or gets his seventh ring, which ever comes first.
He's still good and healthy, plus Bill and Tom have too much to teach their protégé in order to solidify the Dynasty.
Angel Lee
4 more years.
James Young
He's too good to retire. As long as he's healthy and playing at this level then why would he stop.
Thomas Cooper
Why would he retire? WHY?
I keep seeing people asking about this but it doesn't make any sense. He's playing better than he did in his late-twenties, he just set the all time NFL record for TD:Int ratio, his team, which is pretty fucking young, just won another Super Bowl and, by far and away, they look like the best team in the NFL going in to next season too.
Nathan Wilson
Brady isn't going anywhere. He's going to win #6 and #7, then decide whether or not he sucks bad enough to quit yet.
Colton James
he has to beat eli in the owl
Michael Morales
19-0 and beat the giants in a bowl game
Adrian Rivera
Part of me wishes he did, if only to see the Garoppolo era begin instead of seeing him wasted on some sad ass franchise like the Browns/Bears/9ers