Met cute af girl from tinder last night. Profile said she was 19.. in person she looked like she was way younger...

Met cute af girl from tinder last night. Profile said she was 19.. in person she looked like she was way younger. I took her back to my place and we started watching The Babadook... started making out around 15-20mins into the movie and one thing led to another and I end up eating her out. She literally has the best looking pussy I have ever seen and it looked as though she never had a single hair in the first place. So smooth and tight looking.

I honestly ate her out in different positions for almost an hour... she almost tasted like nothing at all, but had this faint tangy sweetness. Fuck it was so good.

I ended up jacking my self off and blowing my load while tongue deep in her hole... probably could have fucked but I did not even care at this point. I think I'm seeing her again, but I have this feeling she is not 19 and is quite possibly a lot younger .. I'm thinking of going through her bag next time and see if she has a drivers license and check what her age is, cuz as much as it was fucking amazing.... I'm kinda freaking out.

pic very related

used front facing camera, shit tier quality... she also doesn't know this was taken.

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niBBa, if she is underage, then Its not your fault, Because she leid and said she was 19. Hope that she wasnt under. Btw nice filename

If she says she's 19, then for all intensive purposes she's 19. For any more pics?

Bumping for research purposes

thanks bro

i know this isn't my fault... but if she is under then even the chance of her telling someone or talking about it is fucking risky and that's even if i never see her again.

btw, im 24

i only took this pic... if i do see her again i will take more and if she is not under, then i will take a fucking shit load.

show the tinder profile pic.. hide the name and stuff if need be

A minor cannot consent to sex (THIS IS WHY THEY ARE CONSIDERED MINORS), regardless if she lied or not.

That you are 24, your sentence will be in accordance to the state that you perpetrated this act:

If you do get more pics, sure you start the thread with something recognisable OP. I don't wanna miss it.

What state are you in?