How to I stop having nightmares Sup Forums I end up having a nightmare almost every night

How to I stop having nightmares Sup Forums I end up having a nightmare almost every night

you only get them because you expect them

i dream with my ex every day

decrease your intake of violence

wait wat

Don't sleep.

Sleep is for the weak

I wouldn't say I take in a lot of violence

think of ways to defeat the stuff that happens in your nightmares, idk man for example if it's a fucking skeleton then disassemble the motherfucker, it's your head, you're bawse in there, stand the fuck up

Dude you might be narcoleptic. I was having some crazy ass dreams but its cause you stay in REM too long. I started smoking pot and it helps tremendously.

we are all force fed violence. also ilcould be anxiety dreams. chased or searching? lost or persued. what types of nightmares?

I'm not very tired during the day

Most common I have is running away from something and not being able to, people attempting to break into my house and the locks not working, crazy mishmash dreams where I jump from nightmare to nightmare, there's not really a common theme in these

learn to reality check (look at your hand and count your fingers, etc) if you become lucid in a dream you could make them less scary. move your toes when you are in a dream, for some reason I wake up when I do (you might want to condition yourself when you are in a bad situation to move your toes so that you do it in a nightmare too)

Stop drinking alcohol

I've never drank or done drugs

Ill try that, I've always wanted to lucid dream. Thanks user

some thc might help prolong the rem sleep. tincture though. those sound like anxiety dreams. also your consious may not feel safe at home or home life may be stressed. be glad your dreaming. you have to be very aware to lucid dream. only had a few and one was a nightmare. ive grown to except them like movies. i dont miss the violent dreams i had when the ex was cheating. we see the past and the future. but in clips. ultimatley you have no control.

Thc prolongs deep sleep. And in chronic patients dreaming can stop almost all together.

dreams are funny things. ive been plagued with sleepwalking and night terrors since i was a teen. not an expert just familiar.

What you think of before you sleep can have an impact. Try meditating on a happy thought and then clear your head while you are falling asleep.

Hope that help! :)

Nightmares may be triggered through a high pulse in your sleeping phase. This can appear for a variety of reasons, namely: Mental stress, too much heavy workout (=over training) /workout right before sleep, too much caffeine, bad room temperature, large blanket what you pull over your head and have trouble getting air, sounds/ light disturbing your sleep phase - stuff like that.
I can't tell you what exactly it is, if you have an idea we can try to find a solution.

Well my room is quite hot, so I sleep with a fan. Also I sleep with my head covered